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Finally, Elena pronounces me ready. I barely recognize the girl in the mirror – she looks like a princess from a fairy tale, not the small-town girl I've always been. "Remember your manners," Elena instructs as she leads me to the dining room. "Speak only when spoken to. And for moon's sake, try not to offend anyone." I want to snap back that I'm not the offensive one here, but I hold my tongue. As we approach the dining room, I hear voices and laughter. My heart races. What kind of reception awaits me? Elena pushes open the doors, and suddenly all eyes are on me. The room falls silent. Dwayne rises from his seat at the head of the table, his eyes raking over me approvingly. "Ah, there's my bride. Come, Rebecca. Meet your new family." I walk forward on trembling legs, acutely aware of the stares following my every move. Dwayne pulls out the chair to his right, and I sit, feeling like a lamb among wolves – which, I suppose, I am. "Everyone," Dwayne announces, "this is Rebecca. She will be my wife and the mother of my heir. I expect you all to treat her with the respect her position demands." There's a murmur of acknowledgment around the table. I recognize Brown, sitting at Dwayne's left, but the others are strangers. Their expressions range from curiosity to outright hostility. A beautiful woman with fiery red hair leans forward, her smile not reaching her eyes. "Welcome, Rebecca. I'm Scarlett, Dwayne's sister. We're all just dying to get to know you." Something in her tone makes me shiver. I manage a weak smile in return. The meal begins, and I pick at my food, too nervous to eat much. Conversation flows around me, but I feel like an outsider, unable to contribute. Suddenly, Scarlett's voice cuts through the chatter. "So, Rebecca, tell us – how does it feel to be bought and paid for?" A hush falls over the table. I feel the blood drain from my face. Dwayne's voice is sharp. "Scarlett..." But I find my voice. "Better than being in debt to loan sharks, I suppose," I reply, meeting her gaze steadily. "At least I have some self-respect left." Scarlett's eyes narrow, but before she can respond, laughter erupts from the other end of the table. A young man with kind eyes grins at me. "Oh, I like her," he chuckles. "She's got spirit." Dwayne's lips twitch in what might almost be a smile. "Indeed she does, Liam. Let's hope she learns to temper it with wisdom." The meal continues, tension thick in the air. I answer questions when asked, trying to navigate this treacherous new world I've been thrust into. As dessert is served, Dwayne stands, commanding everyone's attention. "Tomorrow," he announces, "we will hold a ceremony to officially welcome Rebecca into the pack. I expect everyone to attend." There's a chorus of agreement, though I notice some exchanging uneasy glances. What kind of ceremony could make werewolves nervous? As the dinner winds down, Dwayne turns to me. "Come, Rebecca. We have matters to discuss." Heart pounding, I follow him out of the dining room and through the winding corridors of the palace. We end up in what must be his private study – a dark, imposing room lined with books and weapons. Dwayne pours himself a drink and settles into a large leather chair. He gestures for me to sit opposite him. "You handled yourself well at dinner," he says. "Perhaps there's hope for you yet." I lift my chin defiantly. "I'm not here to impress your pack. I'm here because I had no choice." He leans forward, his eyes intense. "You always have a choice, Rebecca. It's just a matter of whether you're willing to face the consequences." "What consequences?" I ask, a tremor in my voice. "What happens if I refuse to go through with this... this farce of a marriage?" Dwayne's smile is chilling. "Then your stepfather pays his debt with his life. And you? You'd be surprised how many would pay handsomely for an untrained Conduit." The threat hangs heavy in the air. I clench my fists, fighting back tears of frustration. "You're a monster." "No," he says softly. "I'm a king. And kings do what is necessary for their people. You, Rebecca, are necessary." I stand abruptly, unable to bear his presence any longer. "Are we done here?" Dwayne nods. "For now. Elena will show you to your chambers. Rest well, little bride. Tomorrow, your new life truly begins." As I turn to leave, his voice stops me. "Oh, and Rebecca? Don't get any ideas about escaping. The consequences would be... most unpleasant." I don't respond, just hurry out of the room. Elena is waiting in the hallway. She leads me silently to a set of ornate doors. "These are your chambers," she says. "The King's rooms connect through that door." She points to a door on the far wall. "He won't use it yet, not until after the ceremony. But soon..." Her voice trails off, and I see a flicker of sympathy in her eyes. "Try to get some sleep, child. You'll need your strength." With that, she's gone, leaving me alone in this beautiful prison. I explore the rooms – a sitting area, a massive bedroom, a luxurious bathroom. Everything a girl could want, except freedom. As I prepare for bed, my mind races. There has to be a way out of this. I can't just accept this fate, can't let Dwayne use me for my power or as a broodmare for his heir. But as I climb into the softest bed I've ever felt, exhaustion overtakes me. My last thoughts before sleep claims me are of home, of the life I left behind. And as I drift off, I make a silent vow: I will find a way to escape. I will master this power inside me. And somehow, someway, I will make Dwayne pay for what he's done. Little do I know, fate – and my own hidden powers – have plans of their own. Plans that will shake the very foundations of the werewolf world, and change my life forever.
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