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A rumbling sound comes from Dwayne's chest - almost like a purr, if wolves could purr. I can't help but giggle at the unexpected sound. Suddenly, I feel a tugging sensation in my chest. It's the mate bond, I realize. I can feel Dwayne's emotions - a mix of pride, affection, and... nervousness? "You don't need to be nervous," I find myself saying. "This is... incredible." The wolf - Dwayne - nuzzles my hand, and I feel a wave of relief through the bond. Then, just as suddenly as it began, the transformation reverses. In moments, Dwayne is standing before me again, human once more. I hastily avert my eyes, my cheeks burning. Dwayne chuckles as he pulls his shirt back on. "You can look now." I peek up at him, still blushing. "That was... wow. Does it hurt? The change?" Dwayne shakes his head. "Not anymore. It did at first, but you get used to it." A thought occurs to me. "Wait, will I... I mean, can I do that too now?" "No," Dwayne says. "Conduits are still human, just with... extra abilities. You won't transform." I'm not sure if I'm relieved or disappointed by this news. "Oh. Okay." Dwayne steps closer, his expression serious. "How are you feeling? I know this is a lot to take in." I consider his question. "Overwhelmed," I admit. "But also... excited? I never imagined I could do the things I did today. It's scary, but also kind of amazing." Dwayne smiles, a genuine smile that transforms his face. "I'm glad to hear that. You did very well today, Rebecca. I'm proud of you." His praise sends a warm feeling through me, which I quickly try to squash. I can't let myself get too comfortable here, I remind myself. No matter how amazing my new abilities are, I can't forget how I ended up in this situation. As if sensing my thoughts, Dwayne's expression turns more serious. "I know this isn't the life you chose, Rebecca. But I hope that in time, you'll come to see it as home." I'm not sure how to respond to that, so I change the subject. "What's next? More training?" Dwayne shakes his head. "No, you need rest. Using your abilities drains your energy. We'll continue tomorrow." He pauses, then adds, "But if you're feeling up to it, I thought perhaps you'd like a tour of the grounds? There's much of the palace you haven't seen yet." The offer surprises me. "Oh. Um, sure. That would be nice." As we leave the training room, I'm struck by how different Dwayne seems now compared to when we first met. He's still intimidating, still powerful, but there's a gentleness to him that I hadn't noticed before. We walk through ornate hallways and grand rooms, Dwayne explaining the history and significance of various artifacts and paintings. It's clear he takes pride in his home and his heritage. As we step outside into a beautiful garden, I can't help but ask, "Dwayne, can I ask you something?" He nods. "Of course." I take a deep breath. "Why did you really choose me? I mean, before you knew about the mate bond. Was it really just for my Conduit abilities?" Dwayne is quiet for a moment, considering his answer. "Partially," he admits. "Your power is rare and valuable. But..." he hesitates, then continues, "There was something else. Something about you that called to me, even before I knew why. I think, on some level, I sensed our connection." His words stir something in me that I'm not ready to examine too closely. Instead, I ask another question that's been bothering me. "What about the other packs? Are they really going to come after us?" Dwayne's expression turns grim. "It's likely. A Conduit true mate to an Alpha is unprecedented. It shifts the balance of power. We'll need to be prepared." "Prepared how?" I ask nervously. "We'll strengthen our defenses, train harder. And you'll need to continue developing your abilities. You could be our greatest asset in the coming conflict." The weight of his words settles heavily on my shoulders. "No pressure or anything," I mutter. Dwayne surprises me by laughing. "You'll rise to the challenge, Rebecca. I have faith in you." As we continue our walk, I find myself relaxing despite the seriousness of our conversation. The gardens are beautiful, filled with flowers I've never seen before and trees that seem to whisper in the breeze. "This is my favorite place in the palace," Dwayne says softly. "It's peaceful here." I nod in agreement. "It's beautiful. Thank you for showing me." We reach a small clearing with a bench overlooking a pond. Dwayne gestures for me to sit. As I do, I notice him tense slightly, his nostrils flaring. "What is it?" I ask, suddenly alert. Dwayne's eyes scan the treeline. "We're not alone," he growls. Before I can react, a figure bursts from the trees. It's Jake, the rival Alpha from the ceremony. He grins wickedly as he approaches, his eyes fixed on me. "Well, well," he drawls. "Isn't this cozy?" Dwayne moves in front of me, his body tense and ready for a fight. "You're trespassing, Jake. Leave now, or face the consequences." Jake laughs, the sound sending chills down my spine. "Oh, I don't think so. I came to see the famous Conduit for myself. Maybe even... test her abilities." I stand, my heart racing. "Stay away from me," I warn, trying to sound braver than I feel. Jake's grin widens. "Feisty. I like that." He takes a step closer, and I feel energy start to build in my palms. "Rebecca," Dwayne's voice is low, urgent. "Get back to the palace. Now." But before I can move, Jake lunges forward. Dwayne intercepts him, the two Alphas colliding with a force that shakes the ground. As they grapple, I know I should run. But I can't leave Dwayne. Without thinking, I thrust my hands forward, channeling the energy I feel building inside me. A blast of blue light erupts from my palms, hitting Jake squarely in the chest. He flies backwards, slamming into a tree with a sickening crack. For a moment, everything is silent. Then Jake struggles to his feet, his eyes wide with a mix of pain and amazement. "Incredible," he wheezes. "You really are something special, aren't you?" Dwayne moves to stand beside me, his hand finding mine. "Leave, Jake. This is your last warning." Jake holds up his hands in surrender, though his eyes still gleam with malice. "Alright, alright. I'm going. But this isn't over, Dwayne. A power like hers can't be hoarded. The other packs will come for her, and for you." With that ominous warning, he disappears back into the trees. As soon as he's gone, my legs give out. Dwayne catches me before I can fall, pulling me close. "Are you alright?" he asks urgently. I nod, though I'm shaking. "I think so. I just... I don't know how I did that." Dwayne cups my face in his hands, his eyes searching mine. "You acted on instinct. Your power responded to the threat." He pauses, then adds softly, "You saved us both." The realization of what I've done hits me. I used my power against another person. I hurt someone. "Oh god," I whisper. "What am I becoming?" Dwayne pulls me into a tight embrace. "You're becoming stronger," he murmurs into my hair. "You're becoming who you were always meant to be." As I cling to him, my emotions a swirling mess of fear, exhilaration, and confusion, one thing becomes crystal clear: My old life is truly over. There's no going back now. For better or worse, this world of werewolves and magic is my world now. And I'll have to learn to navigate it if I want to survive.
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