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The days following Jake's attack pass in a blur of intense training and heightened security. Dwayne rarely leaves my side, and when he does, I'm surrounded by guards. The palace feels like a fortress, and I'm not sure if I'm being protected or imprisoned. One afternoon, as I'm struggling to maintain a shield of energy during training, Dwayne calls for a break. "You're distracted," he says, handing me a bottle of water. "What's on your mind?" I take a long drink before answering. "Everything? I can't stop thinking about Jake, about what he said. Are other packs really going to come for me?" Dwayne's expression is grim. "It's likely. Your power, combined with our mate bond, makes us a significant threat in their eyes." I slump against the wall, suddenly exhausted. "I never asked for any of this. I don't want to be a threat or a weapon." Dwayne sits beside me, his shoulder brushing mine. "I know. And I'm sorry you've been thrust into this situation. But we can't change what's happened. We can only prepare for what's coming." I turn to look at him, really look at him. Despite everything, I find myself trusting him more and more each day. "Dwayne, be honest with me. What are our chances if it comes to a fight?" He's quiet for a moment, considering. "With you by my side? Better than they've ever been. But it won't be easy. We'll need every advantage we can get." His words send a shiver through me. "I'm scared," I admit quietly. "What if I'm not strong enough? What if I let everyone down?" To my surprise, Dwayne takes my hand in his. The touch sends a spark through our bond. "You won't," he says firmly. "I believe in you, Rebecca. And I'll be with you every step of the way." His confidence in me is both comforting and terrifying. I squeeze his hand, then stand up. "Okay. Let's try that shield again." We train for another hour, and by the end, I'm able to maintain a solid energy shield for several minutes. As we're cleaning up, Elena appears in the doorway. "Alpha," she says, bowing slightly to Dwayne. "The council has requested an urgent meeting." Dwayne frowns. "Now? What's happened?" Elena glances at me nervously. "There's been... an incident at the border. They say it's important." Dwayne nods. "Very well. I'll be there shortly." He turns to me. "Rebecca, why don't you go get cleaned up? I'll find you when the meeting's over." I shake my head. "No. I want to come to the meeting." Dwayne looks surprised. "Are you sure? These meetings can be... intense." "I'm sure," I say firmly. "If this involves me, which I'm guessing it does, then I have a right to be there. You promised to keep me informed, remember?" A small smile tugs at Dwayne's lips. "So I did. Very well, come along." As we walk to the council chamber, I feel a mix of nervousness and determination. It's time I started taking a more active role in what's happening. The council chamber is a large, circular room with a massive round table at its center. Around it sit about a dozen werewolves, all of whom fall silent as Dwayne and I enter. "Alpha," a stern-looking woman says, standing. "We didn't expect you to bring... her." "Rebecca is my mate and future queen," Dwayne says firmly. "She has every right to be here. Now, what's this incident I've heard about?" A man with graying hair clears his throat. "There's been an attack at our northern border. A group of rogues, we think. They killed two of our patrol guards." Gasps and murmurs erupt around the table. Dwayne's face hardens. "Rogues? Are we sure?" "No," another council member speaks up. "That's just it. These weren't ordinary rogues. They were... organized. And powerful." "How powerful?" I find myself asking. All eyes turn to me, and I fight the urge to shrink back. The man who spoke gives me an appraising look. "Powerful enough to take down two of our best guards without raising an alarm. We found... evidence of magic use." Dwayne's hand finds mine under the table. "You think they had a Conduit with them?" The council members exchange uneasy glances. "It's possible," the stern woman says. "Or something equally powerful. Alpha, we need to respond to this threat immediately." Dwayne nods. "Agreed. Double the border patrols. I want our best trackers out there trying to find where these rogues came from." "And what about her?" a young man at the far end of the table asks, nodding towards me. "If they're after the Conduit, shouldn't we move her somewhere safer?" I bristle at being talked about like I'm not here. "I'm not going anywhere," I say firmly. "This is my home now too. I'll fight to protect it if I have to." Silence falls over the room. Then, to my surprise, the stern woman smiles. "Well said, girl. Perhaps you'll make a fine queen after all." Dwayne squeezes my hand, and I feel a wave of pride through our bond. "Rebecca will stay here, where I can protect her," he says. "But she's right – this is her fight too. She'll continue her training, and when the time comes, she'll stand with us." The meeting continues for another hour, discussing strategies and security measures. By the end, my head is spinning with all the information, but I feel a sense of purpose I haven't had before. As we leave the council chamber, Dwayne pulls me aside. "You did well in there," he says softly. "I'm proud of you." I smile, feeling a warmth spread through me at his praise. "Thanks. I just... I want to help. I can't sit by while others fight for me." Dwayne's expression turns serious. "I understand. But Rebecca, you must promise me something. If things get too dangerous, if I tell you to run, you'll do it. No arguments. Your safety is paramount." I want to protest, but the intensity in his eyes stops me. "Okay," I say quietly. "I promise." He nods, seeming satisfied. "Good. Now, how about we get some dinner? You must be starving after all that training." As we walk to the dining room, I'm struck by how comfortable I've become in Dwayne's presence. The fear and resentment I felt when I first arrived have been replaced by... something else. Something I'm not quite ready to name. We're halfway through dinner when Teddy bursts into the room, his eyes wild with excitement. "Alpha! Rebecca! I've made a breakthrough!" he exclaims, waving a stack of papers. Dwayne sets down his fork, looking amused. "Calm down, Teddy. What breakthrough?"
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