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I wake to sunlight streaming through the curtains, momentarily disoriented by the unfamiliar surroundings. Then yesterday's events come rushing back - the ceremony, the mate bond, my conversation with Dwayne. It wasn't a dream after all. A soft knock at the door breaks me from my reverie. "Come in," I call, sitting up in bed. Elena enters, carrying a tray laden with breakfast. "Good morning, Miss Rebecca. I hope you slept well." I manage a small smile. "As well as can be expected, I guess. Thank you for breakfast." She sets the tray on a nearby table. "The Alpha asked me to inform you that your training will begin in an hour. He suggests you eat and dress comfortably." I nod, suddenly feeling nervous. "Elena, can I ask you something?" "Of course, Miss." I hesitate, then forge ahead. "What's it like, being part of this pack? Being... not human?" Elena's expression softens. "It's different for everyone, Miss. For me, it's been a blessing. The pack is family, a place to belong. But I won't lie to you - it can be dangerous too. Especially for someone in your position." Her words do little to calm my nerves, but I appreciate her honesty. "Thank you, Elena. I guess I'll find out for myself soon enough." After Elena leaves, I force myself to eat, even though my stomach is in knots. Then I dress in the most comfortable clothes I can find - a pair of leggings and a soft t-shirt. Just as I'm finishing braiding my hair, there's another knock at the door. This time, it's Dwayne. "Ready?" he asks, his eyes sweeping over me. I take a deep breath. "As I'll ever be." He leads me through the palace to a large, open room that looks like a cross between a gym and a meditation studio. Mats cover the floor, and various exercise equipment lines the walls. But there are also cushions scattered about, and the air smells faintly of incense. "This is where we'll begin your training," Dwayne explains. "Both physical and mental." I look around nervously. "What exactly am I going to be doing?" Dwayne moves to the center of the room, gesturing for me to join him. "We'll start with meditation. Learning to control your Conduit abilities begins with understanding your own energy." We sit cross-legged on cushions, facing each other. Dwayne's voice is calm and steady as he guides me through the process. "Close your eyes," he instructs. "Focus on your breathing. In and out. Feel the energy flowing through your body with each breath." I try to follow his instructions, but my mind keeps wandering. After a few minutes, I open my eyes in frustration. "This isn't working. I can't concentrate." Dwayne studies me for a moment. "What's distracting you?" I laugh humorlessly. "Everything? My whole life has been turned upside down. How am I supposed to just sit here and meditate?" To my surprise, Dwayne nods in understanding. "You're right. I apologize. Perhaps we should talk first. What's weighing on your mind the most?" I consider his question. "I guess... I'm scared. Of all of this. Of what I might become." Dwayne leans forward, his expression serious. "Fear is natural, Rebecca. But it doesn't have to control you. Your power is a part of you, not something separate to be feared." "But what if I can't control it?" I ask, voicing my deepest fear. "What if I hurt someone?" "That's why we're training," Dwayne assures me. "I won't let that happen. You're stronger than you realize, Rebecca." His confidence in me is oddly comforting. I take a deep breath, feeling some of the tension leave my body. "Okay. Let's try again." This time, when I close my eyes, it's easier to focus. I become aware of my own heartbeat, the rhythm of my breath. And then, gradually, I start to sense something else - a warm, tingling energy flowing through me. "I feel it," I whisper, amazed. "Good," Dwayne's voice is soft, encouraging. "Now, try to direct that energy. Imagine it gathering in your hands." I concentrate, picturing the energy pooling in my palms. To my shock, when I open my eyes, my hands are glowing with a soft blue light. "Oh!" I gasp, nearly losing my concentration. The light flickers but doesn't go out. Dwayne's eyes are wide with wonder. "Incredible. You're a quick learner, Rebecca." I stare at my glowing hands, a mix of fear and excitement coursing through me. "What... what can I do with this?" "That's what we're going to find out," Dwayne says. "But first, you need to learn to control it. Try to make the light brighter." I focus, willing the energy to intensify. The glow brightens, casting shadows around the room. "Now dim it," Dwayne instructs. I imagine the energy receding, and the light fades until it's barely visible. "Excellent," Dwayne praises. "Now, I want you to try something more challenging. Can you direct that energy outside of yourself?" I furrow my brow in concentration. Slowly, I extend my hand, imagining the energy flowing out from my palm. To my amazement, a small ball of blue light forms in the air in front of me. "Holy s**t," I breathe, losing focus. The ball dissipates immediately. Dwayne chuckles. "Indeed. You have a natural talent for this, Rebecca. With practice, you'll be able to do much more." I look at him, curiosity overcoming my initial fear. "Like what? What else can Conduits do?" Dwayne stands, offering me a hand up. "Many things. Enhance the abilities of others, influence the elements, even heal in some cases. But it all depends on the individual Conduit and their training." As I stand, a wave of dizziness hits me. Dwayne steadies me with a hand on my arm. "Easy. Using your abilities takes energy. You'll need to build up your stamina." I nod, feeling suddenly exhausted. "Is that enough for today?" Dwayne shakes his head. "Not quite. There's one more thing I want to show you." He steps back, his expression turning serious. "You asked to see my wolf. Are you sure you're ready for that?" My heart rate picks up, but I nod. "Yes. I need to understand all of this... all of you." Dwayne studies me for a moment, then nods. "Alright. Stand back." I move to the edge of the room, watching nervously as Dwayne removes his shirt. Then, before I can process what's happening, his body begins to change. It's both terrifying and fascinating to watch. His bones shift, his body elongates, and fur sprouts across his skin. In a matter of seconds, where Dwayne stood is now an enormous black wolf. I can't help the small gasp that escapes me. The wolf - Dwayne - is massive, easily coming up to my chest. His fur is pitch black and glossy, his eyes a striking gold. For a long moment, we just stare at each other. Then, slowly, I take a step forward. "Dwayne?" I whisper. The wolf's ears perk up at my voice. He takes a step towards me, then pauses, as if waiting for my reaction. Gathering my courage, I close the distance between us. I reach out a trembling hand, pausing just short of touching him. "Can I...?" Dwayne dips his head in what I take as permission. Gently, I run my fingers through the thick fur on his neck. It's softer than I expected. "Wow," I breathe. "You're... beautiful."
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