Chapter 33

582 Words
Athena “How do you know?” Eliza enquires as she begins to take photos on the iPad. “Because it’s say’s so on the wall.” I answer plainly, isn’t it obvious? “You mean you can read that?” Apollo asks, dumbfounded. I roll my eyes. “Of course, don’t you guys know how to read?” “But it’s not in English.” Emmet points out slowly. “What do you mean?” I whip my head around in the direction of the carvings and it looks like gibberish. I shake my head in confusion. “I don’t understand, I read it just a second ago.” Emmet moves closer to me and pulls me into his embrace. “I believe you. What does it say?” He whispers in my ear. “The chosen ones will lead the way into salvation.” I repeat the words I read moments ago. “Are you both the chosen ones?” Apollo questions, pointing between Emmet and I. “I guess there’s only one way to find out.” Emmet replies and walks up to the rock wall. He extends his arm and places his hand against the rock. Nothing happens. “Athena, come here.” I do as he says and he places my hand beside his against the rock. I feel a small vibration through my palm but it’s over quicker than it started. My palm crackles as if I just touched a lightning bolt. I flinch away in fright. “What’s wrong?” Emmet demands worriedly. “You didn’t feel that?” “No, what are you talking about?” Someone sighs behind us. “Try doing it in your wolf form.” We all whip around to see Oliver and Violet throwing their clothes back on. Violet attaches herself to Apollo like a magnet and he kisses her deeply. Oliver advances toward Eliza but stops short when she throws him a look. Emmet huffs in annoyance and we remove our clothes again to shift into our wolves. Zeus and Anika repeat our previous actions with their paws and nuzzle each other’s snouts. Zeus licks Anika and she snaps playfully at him. “Not now you two!” I scold her. In the next moment, the rock wall begins to vibrate again and a c***k forms between our wolves paws. Anika holds her paw still as the wall starts moving on its own, splitting itself down the middle. “What … the f**k … is going on?” I hear Apollo mutter from behind us. Emmet and I quickly shift back into human form and dress ourselves again. Eliza turns on the torch on the iPad and hands it to me. Slowly, we venture inside the newly formed archway in the rock wall. With the torch illuminating our path, we descend the narrow staircase formed into the rock floor. This has to be one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen. When we finally reach the bottom, the iPad decides to run out of battery at the most inconvenient time. Surrounding us in complete darkness that even with our enhanced wolf senses, we are struggling to make out any shapes. A light suddenly flicks on and I shield my eyes from the brightness. “Sorry, found a light switch.” Oliver explains sheepishly. A light switch? What in the name of the Goddess? I uncover my eyes and step back in utter shock at the sight before me.
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