Chapter 32

733 Words
Apollo This is taking way longer than I anticipated. If Emmet would stop distracting me, things would progress a lot faster. The guy has a sick obsession with my cousin and all he wants to do is be near her. I guess in a way, I’m the same. Levi and I hate being away from Violet. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I never found her. She completed the other half of my soul and I’ll thank the Goddess for the rest of my life. “Athena told me to shut up.” Emmet whines. “Is that not what I’ve been saying to you for the last three hours?” I snap at him. Don’t get me wrong I love the guy but he can be annoying as hell when it comes to his mate. It’s quiet between us for around half an hour as we continue our search. “You guys need to head further north.” Athena advises in my mind. Eliza must be following our search closely because to me it feels like we have been running around in circles. I signal to Emmet and Zeus to follow me and we run for a while before slowing down to a jog. I don’t think I’ve ever been this far north of the pack house before. Usually on patrol, we follow the outskirts of the boundary walls, not travel through the thickest part of the forest. “Hey Apollo.” Emmets voice is in my mind again. So much for peace and quiet. “What?!” I roar angrily. This guy really doesn’t get it, does he? “I think we may have found something.” Levi’s ears perk up at Emmet’s words and he bounds over to where Zeus is standing. We look in the direction he’s facing and stare dumbfounded. We shift back into human form and Emmet moves closer with his hand outstretched. “Don’t touch it you i***t. We need to get Athena here right now.” I advise my future Alpha. “Alright I’ll tell Athena and you tell Violet.” He suggests and I’m not about to argue with him. “We found something. Can you follow our scent to meet at our location? Head north towards the boundary walls. We passed over the blood river.” I mind link to Oliver instead of Violet. He knows these lands better than she does. “Sure, we’ll catch up to you soon.” Oliver links back. “The girls are on their way.” Emmet advises me in a giddy voice. I roll my eyes at him. “I can’t believe this has been here this entire time and I never knew about it.” I voice my internal thoughts aloud. “Have you ever been near here before?” Emmet asks. “Maybe, I can’t say for sure. It’s not familiar to me.” I sigh. “Is it possible that the story of the blood river is a myth to avoid wolves trying to cross it?” I look at him with my eyebrows raised. “You want to touch it and find out?” “Not exactly.” He laughs. “You know for a smart guy, you say some stupid things sometimes.” Anika appears through the trees with Eliza on her back. It’s comical, almost like a giant horse ride. Giddy up. Eliza hops down like an expert and throws the bag on the floor between us. “Put some clothes on.” She blanches, mostly towards Emmet I presume. I mean, who wouldn’t want to see me in all my naked glory? Anika shifts back into Athena and she begins dressing before Emmet moves closer to shield her body. As if any of us were looking in the first place. Damn overprotective bastard. “So what did you guys find?” Athena questions us. Emmet points in the direction of the rock wall. Athena moves towards it for a better view and we all watch her in silence. There are strange symbols and writing carved into the rock, hidden behind the ivy vines and shrubs. Athena runs her finger tips along the carvings as if she can read it. She turns back towards us with a far away look in her eyes. “You found it. This is what we’ve been looking for.”
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