Chapter 9

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Athena I’m pacing my balcony waiting for Apollo to return with Emmet. It’s been hours since he left and I can’t help but worry about them both. He’s out of range for mind linking and the i***t never carries his phone. It was stupid of me not to obtain Emmet’s phone number. The gates finally open in the distance and my heart skips a beat. I sprint out of my room and head straight for my father’s office. I knock on the door prior to entering. I straighten my face so I don’t look too eager. “Father, our new pack member has arrived.” He looks up from his laptop. “Let’s go greet him then.” Apollo pulls the van to a stop at the base of the pack house staircase and I need to force myself to stand still. Anika is squirming in my mind, excited to be near Zeus again. These past two days have been hard for us both. The only comfort we had was sleeping in Emmet’s shirt. I’ve been avoiding Alice as much as I can, nervous about ending things between her and I. Emmet steps out of the van and I can hardly recognise him. He cut his hair just like I requested and I would love to run my fingers through the dark strands. He looks even more handsome than before, if that is even possible. My eyes are drawn to the girl who jumps out behind him. Jealousy instants fills me before I realise she looks exactly like him. The same dark hair falls to her waist and her icy blue eyes are identical to Emmet’s. His sister perhaps? I don’t remember meeting her at the ball, in my defence I was a little preoccupied. “Welcome!” Father says with his arms open. He descends down the stairs to greet our new members. “We weren’t expecting two new members today. You must be Emmet’s sister?” I question the girl. “I’m Eliza. I hope you don’t mind me crashing here too.” She seems bold and I like her already. “Nonsense, all are welcome here.” Father seems cheerful today, likely putting on a brave face. Usually he’s sulking in his office, moping around about mother. “Please come inside so we can perform the ceremony. Apollo, find two bedrooms beside each other on the first floor and ask the omegas to empty the van.” “Yes Alpha.” Apollo bows his head in respect. Eliza and Emmet follow father and I take my place at the rear. I inhale that comforting scent of rain and admire his perfect ass in his snug jeans. Elder Jonah greets us in father’s office when we return. “Shall we begin?” The Elder asks immediately. “Please repeat after me. I - state your full name - solemnly pledge my life and allegiance to Alpha King Cameron Monroe of the Blood River pack and its pack members. I will lay down my life in order to save others and I will obey all that is requested of me.” Eliza and Emmet repeat the words and father produces the ceremonial knife. He cuts into his palm before passing the knife to Emmet who also cuts his palm. They grip each other’s hands, sealing the blood oath. Eliza repeats the same actions with my father. “Welcome to the Blood River pack.” I mind link my mate. He makes eye contact with me but doesn’t say a word. He’s good at following instructions, not giving anything away. His poker face is on point. “Thank you for joining our pack and thank you Elder Jonah. Athena, would you mind showing our newest pack members around?” Father requests. “Yes Alpha.” I bow my head. “Thank you Alpha.” Emmet follows my lead, bowing his head in respect. Emmet “The ground floor of the pack house consists of the banquet hall, which the ball was held in the other night. The Alpha and Beta offices plus a conference room for meetings. An ample kitchen with a team of ten Omega’s who cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for anyone in the pack that wishes to attend. Meals are served in the dining hall, right over here.” Athena explains to Eliza and I. She points in the direction of each room. We follow her into the dining hall and it seems like a few stragglers from lunch are still hanging around. They look over at us curiously. Athena continues. “Meals are served buffet style along the back wall. You’re welcome to as much food as you desire. If there’s ever anything you need, please asks the Omega’s in the kitchen.” “How many wolves are in the pack?” Eliza asks. “Around one thousand. Although not everyone lives in the pack house or attends every meal.” Athena explains. She takes us up to level one via the grand staircase. “Level one consists of the pack hospital on the right. To the left is a library, a communal bathroom and bedrooms for the Omega’s who work in the pack house.” “And our rooms are on this floor?” I inquire. “Yes, down the end of the hall on the right. I believe you’ll find all your belongings already inside. I hope you don’t mind sharing a bathroom.” “Why would we mind? Aren’t we technically Omega’s too?” Eliza points out. “I guess.” Athena looks away for a slight moment. “Anyway, level two and three contain mostly bedrooms for visitors of the pack and for the pack wolves, should they desire to live here. Level five is strictly off limits and is heavily guarded.” “What’s on level five?” Eliza prods inquisitively. “It’s where all the ranked members rooms are.” “Including yours?” The words fall out of my mouth before I can stop myself. Eliza shoots me a glare before Athena’s gaze slides over to me. “Including mine.” She replies coldly. She turns on her heel and descends the grand stair case without another word. Eliza pushes me forward and we need to jog to catch up to my mate. “Idiot.” Zeus shakes his head in my mind. “Shut up, I was curious.” I bite back. “She warned you not to tell anyone about us being mates. Hold that tongue inside your mouth or people will start to think you’re the wolf and I’m a man.” Zeus retreats back into my mind. Athena is standing through another set of glass siding doors at the rear of the house. There’s an enormous undercover deck spanning the width of the pack house. There are comfortable chairs and tables, outdoor lounges and love seats. “This is where a lot of wolves come to socialise and relax in their free time.” She points to another large building that’s connected to the other side of the deck. “That’s the training facility. Training begins every morning at half past five. Considering you both have zero experience being wolves, we expect you both to attend.” Eliza salutes. “Yes ma’am.” Athena’s eyebrows crinkle together before her eyes cloud over for a few moments. “I apologise, I have pack business to attend to. Feel free to spend the day as you please and I’ll see you both at dinner tonight. Six o’clock. Oh, and don’t leave the pack lands.” She rushes inside, leaving us in her dust. I stare after her, wondering what could call for her urgent attention. Then I remember that she’s the Alpha King’s daughter, she is probably a very busy person. “So what do you wanna do?” Eliza asks looking around. “Maybe we should unpack before dinner then hopefully we can make some friends.” I reply. “Sounds like a plan.”
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