Chapter 10

1427 Words
Athena “What is so urgent that you needed to speak to me right now?” I demand, storming into my office before slamming the door. “You’ve been avoiding me.” Alice is sitting in a chair at my desk. “No I haven’t.” Blatant lie and she knows it. I sit in my desk chair across from her and turn on my laptop, avoiding eye contact with her. “You’ve been dodging me for two days Athena. Is this because of that boy?” “What boy?” I feign ignorance. “The one you were dancing with at the ball. Is he your mate?” She demands from me, as if I owe her an explanation. “Factually speaking, he’s a man not a boy.” I deflect from her question. She smacks her hand on my desk forcing my eyes to snap to hers. “You know exactly what I mean! Why can’t you just tell me? I thought we were friends.” She sounds like she’s about to cry. “We are friends Alice.” I state the obvious. “I guess our arrangement is over then.” She jumps to her feet, ready to leave. “The doesn’t mean we can’t go back to being just friends. That was the deal, remember? We agreed.” “I’m not sure if I can do that.” She replies, leaving without another word. My forehead falls to my desk. “Fuuuuck!” ~ After a long day of stressing the f**k out, I drag myself away from my office and head into the dining hall for dinner. I’m late as per usual and I didn’t realise how hungry I am until now. A girls gotta eat right? Many pack members bow their heads to me in respect as I walk past them. I see Apollo sitting with Emmet and Eliza. After loading up my plate, I make my way over to them. “Room for one more?” I ask. “Of course.” Apollo clears some of the dishes away. “Rough day?” “Yeah, you know how it is.” I plonk myself into the chair beside him and begin shovelling food into my mouth. The siblings sitting across from me stare with their mouths open. “What?” I ask. “Nothing.” They say in unison, averting their gazes. “Anyway as I was saying, our head trainer will be back from an extended secret mission late tonight but he’ll still be up at the c***k of dawn for training. Make sure you guys aren’t late, he likes to punish tardy folk.” Apollo says. “He sounds like a hoot.” Eliza rolls her eyes. “I hope you don’t mind Athena, I went ahead and enrolled Eliza in classes.” Apollo divulges. “What about me? I never finished school.” Emmet raises. “You won’t need it.” I advise. “If you need something to pass the time, you can help out on the farm.” Emmet looks as if he is about to argue so I continue. “You can also shadow Apollo for a few hours a day and he can teach you the ways of the pack.” “Sounds good to me!” Apollo gives Emmet a thumbs up. We talk for a while longer before the siblings excuse themselves and head up to their rooms. “Anything you need to tell me?” Apollo asks via mind link. “In regards to what, exactly?” I reply. “Emmet.” I sigh. “When we first met, I nearly rejected him because I’m a judgemental b***h and didn’t think he was Alpha worthy.” “What the hell is wrong with you?” Apollo demands. “You know how much your father values the mate bond. Imagine if he finds out about this!” “He’s not going to find out.” I hiss in his mind. “Besides, now Emmet is hellbent on proving himself to me. I told him not to tell anyone we’re mates incase someone tries to harm him.” “How are you fighting the mate bond?” “It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.” I admit. “It is easier now that he’s close by though. Anika hated being away from him. Will you excuse me?” Apollo nods and I leave the table. I ride the elevator to level five, race into my room to find what I’m looking for before going back down to level one. I follow the faint scent of rain and knock on the door. The door swings open to a semi naked Emmet, his lower half covered by a towel. His hair is dripping little droplets onto his forehead. He takes my breath away. “Mind if I come in?” I ask hoarsely. He steps back, allowing me entrance. I walk in and gaze around his new bedroom. Meticulously organised and neat. I didn’t really notice that about him at his old home. “Did you seriously bring your Xbox?” I laugh softly. “I doubt you’ll have time to use it.” “Is there a wifi password here?” He quips. I give him a death stare. “I’m sorry for turning up unannounced, I wanted to give you back your shirt. I had it washed but it doesn’t smell like you anymore.” I hold out the shirt towards him. “Thanks.” He throws it on over his head, covering his naked torso, much to my disappointment. Anika whimpers in my mind. He slips on some shorts before turning back in my direction. “Just out of curiosity, what do I smell like to you?” “Rain. What about me?” I ask, hanging onto his every word. He shrugs. “Caramel and vanilla. Did you wanna sit down or did you just come to return the shirt?” He jumps onto his bed, leaning up against the headboard. “I actually think I owe you an apology.” I wring my hands in front of me. Emmet looks taken aback. “What for?” “Judging you when we first met. It was wrong of me.” “Come here.” He pats the bed in front of him. I perch myself on the edge and he takes my hand. Tingles shoot up my arm immediately. How I missed him these past few days. “You have nothing to apologise for. In fact, I think you were right.” “Really?” I ask deadpan. “Yeah, I mean I was a messy teenager who knows nothing about the world of werewolves except what I’ve read in novels.” “Those of which are actually highly inaccurate.” I point out. He chuckles. “Exactly. I want to prove to you that I’m Alpha material. I want you to trust me and believe in me. I want you to be proud of the man you see in front of you. I’m going to do everything I can to convince you that I’m supposed to be here. Right by your side.” Tears prick my eyes, a tiny one escaping silently before Emmet brushes it off with his thumb. His hand doesn’t move away, instead cupping my cheek. “I do believe in you Emmet, I just don’t know you enough yet.” I say softly. “I know and I respect that. I just hope you’ll give me the chance to work on myself and not let anyone come between us.” “There is no one else Emmet.” I whisper. He presses his lips to my forehead before resting his forehead against mine. My eyelids flutter closed. “You don’t know how hard it is to hold myself back from kissing you right now.” He murmurs, his minty breath fanning my face. “I have some idea.” I reply. “Let him kiss you for Goddess sake!” Anika yells at me. “Not yet Anika. Be patient, we’ll have our time.” I scold my wolf. “Goodnight Emmet.” I whisper. “Goodnight Athena.” I reluctantly remove myself from his hold and head for the door. “Actually, can I have your shirt back?” I ask cheekily. He smirks, rips off the shirt and throws it at me. I giggle at him and leave the room. Looks like I’ll be sleeping in his shirt again tonight.
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