CHAPTER EIGHT- "when was the last time you had your period?"

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"Are you... Crying?" Thomas's mouth was agape at Adrianna's expression. From his knowledge, pregnant women usually got emotional in the first trimester of their pregnancy but Adrianna was a stern woman, he thought her emotional flare would only kick in after a few more weeks but it turned out she was no different from most women even though she appeared devious. "I'm not crying!" Adrianna snapped. That was when Thomas decided to ask the golden question. "Why didn't you contact me after discovering that you were pregnant?" Adrianna dropped her fork and her eyes widened. Pregnant?! Did Thomas think she was pregnant? If so then he was sorely mistaken. "I'm afraid you have it wrong, Thomas I'm not—" "—There's no way I would reject my own child if that is what you worried about." Thomas interrupted smoothly, "You should have contacted me immediately you found out. If it weren't for the entertainment news, I would have never found out I was going to be a father." Adrianna shook her head at Thomas. He was delusional if he believed she could get pregnant over a nightstand with him. Not only was that impossible, but it also would never happen because she was unfit for pregnancy! Adrianna covered her food with it's cover and stood on her feet. "Get out of my office, Thomas. I've tolerated you for too long today." Thomas sighed, "If it's the paparazzi you worry about, I'll keep it quiet, I promise." Adrianna clenched her fists angrily, "Are you insane? I just told you I'm not pregnant!" Thomas sighed and rubbed his temples. So she didn't know? That was going to be a tough headache for him. It's always the clueless ones that show the most symptoms. Well, the best way to get this over with was to take a pregnancy test. Only when she's informed of the pregnancy can they take the next steps. Thomas stood on his feet and looked at Adrianna. Just by looking at her face, he could tell that she was pregnant. How could she not see it? She was smart for goodness sake! She took down a man and his family's career but she couldn't tell that she was pregnant?! Goddamn… Well, since it couldn't be helped... "Adrianna, I recommend going to the hospital for a pregnancy test." Adrianna was getting bored of this. Even if she intended to get tested for pregnancy, she would try DIY methods and not go to a hospital. "I just told you, I am not pregnant!" Thomas didn't budge and that's when she decided to take matters into her own hands. She walked past her desk to the table across from the room which contained a corporate telephone. She was going to call security. "Fine then, Adrianna. I'll leave." He said with a sigh. He had thought the issue with Adrianna would be solved immediately after he met with her. He had even put a pause on his work in Germany and flew back here to the United States all to settle the claim for his baby. But it seemed it would take a longer time than anticipated for things to go his way. Thomas walked out the door and Adrianna let out a sigh of relief after confirming that he was gone. She couldn't believe that he actually thought she was pregnant. If she was, she'd f*****g know! Hours passed, and Adrianna's clients came and went. After her last meeting, she felt incredibly tired and drained. Simply listening to her clients drained her more than anticipated and made her feel nauseous. She immediately brushed off the possibility that she might be pregnant as it kept popping into her brain. After gathering her laptop and bags, Adrianna was ready to leave. Just when she made it outside, she was greeted by a familiar silhouette standing in front of her Mercedes Benz. Her heart started to race and her cheeks turned bright pink. What if the paparazzi saw him? After a second of being frozen in place, Adrianna rushed over and grabbed Thomas's wrist before pulling him to the corner right across them. "What the hell are you doing here?!" She had no time to look at his face to read his expression as she was too busy gauging the space around them to ensure no 'suspicious' people were taking photos. "Isn't it obvious?" Thomas looked at Adrianna's fingers and held a smile at how small they felt around his wrist. Adrianna ran her fingers through her hair in annoyance. "What is your obsession with me being pregnant?! I already told you I'm not!" She shouted. Thomas looked around upon hearing the sudden rage in her voice. He was also looking around for potential snitches. After a few seconds, he responded. "Let's talk more in your car. This topic is too sensitive to talk about in the open." Adrianna sighed but did as he suggested. She unlocked her car and they got in, both sitting next to each other. Thomas couldn't help but let his eyes wander around her car for a few seconds. Her car was the definition of neat and polished. It was put together and there was no single speck of dust in sight. He was impressed. Adriana was definitely the perfect woman to carry his child. "So," Adrianna cleared her throat, breaking the silence. Thomas was Derek's friend with whom she slept for revenge but he had the guts to come and see her despite the news of Derek's scandal that was all over the internet. What exactly was he planning? Did Derek send him to go to her and make things tough for her? Even though Thomas was wrong to sleep with her for revenge, Adrianna was aware of the male 'bro code'. The possibility of Derek and Thomas no longer being friends was pretty low. So that left her with a bold assumption that she ascertained to be correct. 1. Thomas showed up in her life for revenge. Adrianna mentally noted to herself to be careful around him and most especially, choose her words carefully. If she said the wrong things, she might be the one to trend on the news next for cheating and allegedly getting pregnant with her ex-husband's best friend's child. "I'll be straight with you, Thomas." She exhaled before continuing, "I am not interested in playing games with you. If Derek sent you to me to stir up some trouble in my life, I'm afraid I won't be participating in that." "You really think the worst of me, huh?" Adrianna laughed but did not say anything else. She wanted to say more but that would be blowing her cover in case their conversation was being recorded. Noticing her demeanor, Thomas brought his phone out from his pocket. Expectantly, Adrianna looked at him. She was right, wasn't she? Their conversations were being recorded. Thank goodness she was smart to realize that and didn't say anything off-putting— "Here's my phone," Thomas handed his phone over to Adrianna and smiled, "My password is 062302, you can decipher if I'm recording our conversation or not." Adrianna shuddered, taken aback by the sudden behavior. How did he know that she suspected him of recording their conversation? Hesitantly, Adrianna accepted the phone and typed in the password. She couldn't help but notice that the password was the same as that in his home. Could those numbers have a symbolism for Thomas? The phone unlocked and Adrianna noticed tons of notifications with the 'do not disturb' signal on. She felt a bit weird because judging by a glimpse of the messages she saw, they were probably important messages but she shook her head to focus on the current situation. Even though Thomas's phone didn't seem to be recording their conversation, he probably had a motive— a more scary one and it scared her. Just in case, she turned off his phone and Thomas exhaled. "Now we can talk with no restrictions," "Sure," She shrugged. "I have three questions," "Really? I have thirteen." Adrianna blinked and cleared her throat, "I'll go first." Thomas nodded, urging her to continue. "What's your motive for coming to see me?" "You carry my child, I'm willing to take responsibility. For the both of you." Adrianna's breath hitched in her throat however, she straightened up after realizing that he would never get what he wanted because she wasn't pregnant. "Are you still in touch with Derek?" "Not anymore," "WHAT?!" This revelation was shocking for even Adrianna. Those two were very close! How could they stop contacting each other?! What about the bro code? "I figured that I had to choose between a comfortable position for the mother of my child and a stuck-up friend that is also the ex of my baby's mother—" "—STOP TALKING LIKE THAT!" Adrianna interrupted, "You're making me uncomfortable," Thomas blinked, "Does me calling you the mother of my child sound a bit uncool? Then would you prefer if you became my woman or we get married, that way I can call you darling or sweetie?" Adrianna was beyond confused. "What the hell are you talking about? I just told you I'm not pregnant! Are you even listening to me at all?!" "It's my turn to ask the questions," Thomas announced and Adrianna rested back in the driver's seat. Their conversation was rather infuriating because Thomas wasn't listening to her at all! "Did you eat lunch?" Adrianna face palmed herself. "Do you have any food cravings? Are you feeling hurt anywhere? Or do you get dizzy at times?" "I just told you I'm not pregnant!" She yelled. "Can you take a break from work? It won't be good if you and the baby are stressed out." Adrianna gave up explaining. "Do you need a massage? I can give you one if you want. What about tension headaches? You don't get headaches while talking with your clients, do you?" "Can you move in with me? I'd love to have you in my sight. When the baby Is six months old, it might be difficult for you to move around because of how huge your stomach will grow— Wait, what if you have twins?!" Thomas froze and stared into space. Moments passed and silently seeped into the room much to Adrianna's pleasure. Once he was done thinking nonsense, she would send him out. "Damn," Thomas placed a hand on the side of his head as he ventured into another thought. "I'm such an i***t, I've been so caught up rejoicing about having a baby that I actually forgot to make my mental space open for if you give birth to twins. What if they are two boys? What if they are two girls that love to play with barbie? What if one of the girls ends up being tomboyish? What if they become competitive once I decide to hand over the family business to them? That's not good. I must train them to follow their own passion? There's nothing cool about sitting in front of a computer screen all day anyway." Adrianna had finally had enough of Thomas's whining so she ended up screaming his name at the top of her lungs. "THOMAS!!!" Thomas lifted his head and looked at Adrianna, "Yes, Ria? You could just softly call my name to get my attention. Shouting is not good for your health." Adrianna's cheeks turned a bright pink without her notice. She tried to hide how his words affected her but it was pretty obvious what she was thinking. He had called her Ria, the shortened version of her name. No one but her step-sister had called her by that and now... Thomas was calling her Ria too. And... The way he sounded so concerned about an imaginary child was so cute but she still wasn't going to participate in his madness. "I'm sorry to bring you out of your imagination, Thomas but I'm not going to participate in this nuisance other people might find adorable. I'm a busy woman and I certainly don't have time to spare for a madman like you so please, kindly exit my car before I force you out." Adrianna grabbed Thomas's phone from the dashboard and tossed it to him— He was quick to catch it. She smiled without showing teeth, "Nice reflexes, pretty boy." The smile from her face disappeared and she glared at him, "Now get out of my car." Thomas sighed. He still hadn't manage to convince her. Adrianna smiled genuinely upon seeing the disbelief in Thomas's eyes. She had finally managed to almost crush him. "Well then..." Thomas trailed off, then he looked at her, "Adrianna when was the last time you had your period?" Adrianna froze and her mind began to wander. When was the last time she had her period?!
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