CHAPTER FIVE- Sign the divorce papers

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***Three days later Adrianna smiled as she drove her Mercedes Benz into her ex-husband's mansion. Well technically, they weren't officially divorced yet but in her mind, they were as good as over. In the past few days, she had put together a few obstacles in Derek's way. Not that he was aware of them yet since he mostly spent time with his new w***e. That was to her advantage anyway. All she had to do was get his signature on the divorce papers and she'd approve the release of all the evidence she gave to the media. Then she'd be free. Adrianna rang the doorbell and she was greeted by one of the maids. Her response was a brief nod. It was best to minimize socialization with Derek's people. Any single mistake from her could cost her the failure of her plan. She couldn't afford a mistake or her life would be over. "Where is Derek?" Adrianna asked and walked past the maid to look around the living room. "Madam," The maid looked around nervously. Adrianna knew that look and it annoyed her. Most maids gave her this look whenever they didn't want her to discover something they deemed so shocking. At this point, she was convinced that she could handle anything. "Tell me what the matter is this instant!" It was an order. The maid bowed her head before saying ever so quietly, "The master is in the kitchen, he personally wanted to prepare his... his..." The maid was shaking now and her mouth quivered anxiously. Adrianna didn't understand why the maid hesitated so much to tell her something probably this simple. "The master..." The maid trailed off, a tear trickling down her cheek. "Insists to prepare breakfast for his..." "Mistress?" Dolly asked. The maid lifted her head and nodded quickly before wiping her face. So this is what she is so scared to tell me. "It's okay," Adrianna said, assuredly. "At least he learned how to love her." Adrianna moved away from the maid and in the direction of the couch in the living room. She took a seat and crossed her leg, her eyes darting to the turned-on television. "Would you like anything, madam? I can make you something..." "I'm fine," Adrianna responded, her voice awfully low. Now that she thought about it, Derek had never cooked her anything personally or asked the maids to cook her anything. She always had to count on herself to eat, even the maids could not convince her to eat sometimes but it wasn't like that mattered anymore. Yes, it didn't matter but the thought alone made her furious. Was she that unlovable?! Was she that easy to replace?! What did that slut have that she didn't?! The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to burst. When she'd told him she was getting a divorce, he didn't budge— What are you thinking?! Adrianna slapped a hand over the side of her face. That man had tried to kill her. Wondering why he was incapable of loving her was futile. A man from a family that didn't respect women would no doubt treat her like an object. Adrianna heard footsteps and her eyes immediately traced the subject. Derek appeared from the hallway holding a tray. The scent of pancakes and eggs filled the air. "Adrianna," Derek said with a mocking smile, "Did you come to beg me for another chance? Sorry, but I won't be leaving that option open." Adrianna stood on her feet and like a calculated individual, she strode towards him. Her gaze on him could be referred to as nothing less than intense. "I'm afraid you have it backward, Derek," She remarked, "You're the one who wants to get back with me but unfortunately, I didn't leave that option open." Derek's silence lasted a few seconds simply because he didn't know how to respond. She was too confident and too bold in her answers that it drove him insane. However, he wasn't about to be surprised now. She was egoistic and would do anything to fuel her ego even though it involved feeding her illusion. She was crazy but he wasn't about to let that ruin his mood. He had a new woman he was enjoying, it was a great deal to close the chapter with Adrianna. Even though her status was quite high, his new girlfriend was a model and quite popular. He was convinced his parents would accept her. "I don't have time to deal with you right now, Adrianna." He admitted, "Do you have the divorce papers right now? I can't wait to sign them." Adrianna removed the pile of papers from her handbag and handed it to Derek. He collected it with his right hand, clutching the tray tightly with his left. "Do you have a pen?" Adrianna immediately handed Derek one. After a few glances at the paper, he decided for them to sit and go through the divorce papers while a maid sent the tray of food upstairs. "YOU WANT HALF OF MY PROPERTIES?!" Derek yelled after going through the whole papers. "ARE YOU INSANE!" None of Derek's properties were actually his. For example, the mansion they were currently in was one of the assets used to secure the loan his family used to do business in their telecommunications company. If she took it, he would be in debt. "What do we do, Derek? This is the best option I could come into consideration with." Derek sneered, "Divorcing you is not worth me losing half of my wealth!" He threw the pen on the table and stood on his feet. Before he could leave though... "Then please have a look at the video I'll send to you in a second. Afterward, I'll let you decide." Adrianna said and unlocked her phone. She immediately sent a few of his past misdeeds over the years and forwarded them to his email. "Please have a look," She said as his phone made a ding sound. Derek sneered at her but grabbed his phone from his pocket and click on the new documents he'd received in his email. His expression remained neutral at first but as time progresses, the neutral expression turned to that of panic. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ABOUT ME STEALING FROM THOMAS?!" Adrianna smirked, that was barely a quarter of the evidence she was going to use against him yet he was already so worked up. What a weakling. "Sign the divorce papers and I'll pretend like I know nothing about you cheating Thomas in your previous partnerships." "And if I don't?" Derek pressed, his forehead covered with beads of sweat. "You'll be on the news if you don't do as I require, I'm sure you don't want that Derek." That was all it took for Derek to sign the divorce papers even though the cost was half of his wealth and Adrianna deliberately choose the ones that hadn't been used for collateral yet.
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