Chapter 11 Extreme Strategy

1539 Words
    Chu Jungui's melee firearms fighting technique has a special chapter on how to deal with various common reconnaissance and detection methods, so as to bring himself closer to the closest melee distance to the enemy. The advantage of being an experimental subject is that all these data have undergone special processing, which looks like a lot of messy data to outsiders, but when inputted into his body, the data can be converted into standard signals and directly stimulate neurons everywhere, which is equivalent to having With the right muscle memory, perfect movements come naturally without training. The process of learning, training and correcting actions that ordinary humans need can be omitted here.       The opponent actually has an active sonar detector. Although it is unexpected, it is not impossible to deal with it. Chu Jungui popped a stone and knocked it on a big tree more than ten meters away, then inserted a smooth stone into the ground, while he was clinging to the tree trunk, his whole body contracted, and he assumed a strange posture.    Not far away, a looming figure emerged from the shadows. Even if there are no obstacles around, the figure is very blurry, almost blending in with the surrounding scenery. This should be the enemy with a potential active sonar detector that Chu Jungui sensed. When moving, the light and shadow on the surface of the enemy's body will also change accordingly. As long as it maintains a low speed, even if it is face-to-face, it is difficult to find its existence. The enemy apparently heard the sound of the stone hitting the tree trunk, stopped for a moment, and then intensified the search. Chu Jungui estimated that because the screen of the detector is very low in brightness, and the screen content can only be seen at a certain angle, even at night, users do not have to worry about being exposed to light. On the screen of the    detector, the lines of various surrounding scenes have been outlined, and the battlefield hundreds of meters to the left and right have become transparent. However, there were no suspicious targets on the battlefield, not even a small animal. When Chu Jun returned to the location, it was shown that there was a large rock behind the tree. At least the outline should be a stone. After examining the terrain, the enemy sneaked toward where Chu Jungui was. But the wary foe was still uneasy about the abrupt sound, and tree trunks and boulders provided natural shelter. So Chu Jungui's enemy was very patient, sneaking silently, and after a while, he walked around the big tree and saw that the stone was staring at him with wide eyes. It is no small matter for Chu Jungui's enemies to be taken aback by this moment! Before waiting for any action from the enemy, a shadow fell. There was a muffled sound, and there was another victim under the heavy machine g*n.    Looking at the mysterious warrior who could not stand on the ground, Chu Jungui's eyes lit up, and he immediately started. In a blink of an eye, this well-armed elite warrior was stripped n***d. This guy is obviously not the same as the airdrop fighter. The helmet worn by this soldier has a full-view mask, which is very thin and light, but its defensive power is no lower than that of the heavy helmet of the airdrop soldier. The combat uniform on his body has an optical camouflage effect, and it is obviously not ordinary, it is close to optical stealth.    In addition, the warrior's battle suit is designed with stretchable fibers, which will fit and tight to anyone who wears it. There are also functions such as heat preservation, constant humidity, amplifying the vibration of a specific frequency, and panoramic imaging. There also appears to be a module for sports energy recovery that can drastically increase battery life in the wild. The most important thing is of course defense. In this regard, Chu Jungui's dagger that has been upgraded to one level can't cut it even with several strokes, so its defensive power is not weak. The    belt is also a high-end piece of equipment. It comes with a battery, a multi-mode power generation module, and a one-time emergency life-saving module that can pop up a life jacket and has the effect of bulletproof warmth. At the same time, it also integrates a personal information processing core. All sensors on detectors, helmets, and combat uniforms will transmit data here for calculation and analysis to assist in judgment.    As for the trousers, the combat uniform must of course include trousers and combat boots, which are not available to Chu Jungui. Even this guy's combat vest is made of special fibers. The color and texture can feel the high-end atmosphere. As for the function, you don't need to look closely. Anyway, there should be quite a few. Just looking at it, Chu Jungui had the urge to take it away.    As for all kinds of weapons, Chu Jungui didn't really value it. With weapons, there is not enough ammunition, and it is not as safe as home-made heavy machine guns.   However, even though Chu Jun returned to the poor, he still maintained the most basic rationality. This guy doesn't know where he came from, and it seems that he is obviously not the same as those airdrop fighters. In this case, these equipments are a bit hot, and they may not be able to be kept if they are obtained. It is still direct evidence that Chu Jungui is the one who started the attack.    However, Chu Jungui has the dual advantages of both human and experimental body at this time, and after a little thought, he found a way to remove himself from the chaos. He returned to the original area, carried the two comatose airdrop soldiers over, and threw them next to this mysterious guy in high-end equipment, then picked up the assault rifle and shot the three of them. It seems that this is a game where both sides suffer. As for some small flaws, Chu Jungui can't manage that much.    His only regret was that the mysterious warrior was too high-end, and the equipment was hot. After much deliberation, in the end, none of the equipment could be taken. But these three guys were tortured by electric shock bombs again, which can be considered to calm his resentment.    After arranging the scene, the detector of the mysterious warrior suddenly lit up, and a holographic projection appeared. It was a soldier in the same attire who said, "Number 4, report the position and the battlefield situation. Number 1 is about to enter the battlefield. Repeat, Number 1..." Before he could finish speaking, Chu Jungui was ejected with a bolt of electricity. Directly scrapped the equipment that integrates detection and communication.    "It's getting more and more troublesome." Chu Jungui thought with a frown.   The appearance of a new batch of fighters made the situation out of control once again. These fighters were so well equipped that they directly overwhelmed him for many generations. Now they were killed because they didn't know the existence of Chu Jungui. If there are a few more, and cooperate to fight, Chu Jun will have no reason to return.    "Let's go back first." He made a decision.    Dr. Chu said that he has been given a legal identity, so as long as it can be determined that neither of these two forces is the enemy of his identity, he should be able to return to civilized society smoothly. So he suppressed his desire to fight and decided to return to his base first and wait for the opponent to find him.   Chu Jungui originally thought that this was an unmanned planet and that survival was urgent, so the wooden house was not hidden. If he wants to be found, it is easy to go back and make a fire and get a smoke column. But if he wanted to clean himself up, he naturally couldn't bring back the extra stuff. He dropped the assault rifle, pistol, and stun ammunition, and sneaked in the direction of the cabin alone. Perhaps because the number of airdropped fighters has been greatly reduced, this time Chu Jungui finally successfully left the battlefield, left the valley, and returned to the forest. He didn't delay and ran straight to the hut.    At the same time, a mysterious figure of a warrior appeared on a high slope in the distance, with a solemn and majestic face behind his visor. He looked in his thirties with sharp eyes. He looked at the detector on his wrist and said slowly, "Number 4 missed, and the last signal showed that it was hit by an electric shock."    Two more figures appeared out of nothing. One of them was a little surprised and said, "Will No. 4 be planted in the hands of those rural rookies? Just rely on them? This is impossible!"   The other was much more composed, saying, "It's possible with extreme strategies."    The former person was obviously not convinced, "What kind of extreme strategy?"    "Ambush on the ground, and don't move."    "This... this is too shameless, isn't it?"
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