Chapter 12 Threaten

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      "On the battlefield, both sides only look at the result. Even the weakest opponent, we must not take it lightly." The middle-aged soldier should be the leader. As soon as he spoke, the other two stopped talking.    At this time, the fourth soldier released his optical stealth and said, "No. 2, there is a rescue capsule here."    "Huh? Where is it? Let me take a look." No. 2 walked over, knelt down beside the sniper, picked up the binoculars, and looked into the distance. In its vision, there was a falling rescue capsule, and there was a wooden house not far away.   Two pressed the target recognition switch on the telescope, and immediately began to scan the rescue capsule. Moments later, the model and related data about the rescue capsule appeared on the screen.    "The Ark III rescue capsule is a general-purpose civilian rescue capsule. The deep space energy was first developed in 2779 and has now developed into the sixth generation product. The target belongs to the third generation version, and the production date is about 2990."    "Very old version. Is there any news of a shipwreck nearby?" Number Two asked.    The fourth fighter replied: "There is no relevant information yet."    "Forget it, there are often star thieves in this area, maybe some unlucky guy who encountered a star thief." No. 2 moved the telescope again and looked at the wooden house carefully.    "The basic survival facilities are very well built, maybe an engineer." The sniper added.   No.2 put down the telescope and said, "There is no guard and no defense facilities. It seems that he is not on guard. Leave him alone and wait for the end of this mission to conduct an identity verification."   The detector on No. 2's wrist suddenly began to flicker. He looked solemn and said, "No. 1 has entered the venue. No. 3 and No. 6, you go meet me. No. 5, you are staring at that house."   No.5 made a gesture of receiving orders, and turned on the optical camouflage, gradually integrating with the surrounding environment. He aimed his crosshair at the cabin and began to wait patiently. The other three warriors moved quickly and reached the edge of the valley in a blink of an eye. At this time, there was a faint sharp whistling in the air, and a beautifully-shaped fighter plane dived down, and dropped a pod when it was hundreds of meters away from the ground. The pod turned on the brake engine, quickly decelerated, and finally landed straight in front of the three fighters.    The hatch opened, and a cold current escaped from inside, and a female warrior in dark silver armor came out. Her mask is also dark silver, not transparent, and you can't see the face behind the mask at all.    As soon as she appeared, the three warriors saluted at the same time.    "The battlefield is ready?" Her voice was as cold as ice.   No.2 replied: "The mock battle has just started, and they still don't know your arrival."    She pressed a button in the drop capsule, and a huge rifle almost as high as her popped out. The rifle is also dark silver, with straight lines everywhere, full of epoch-making sense of technology. "What's the ammo this time?"   No. 2 put the ammo box on the ground, opened it, there were eight magazines stacked inside, and the bullets were all blue. "The electric shock bomb used for the exercise is just an enhanced version. In addition, the anti-electric function of all target combat suits has been turned off." "Huh? I can't tell, they still have some bravery. A hundred people? Those two magazines are enough. Put the rest away." She picked up one magazine, pressed it directly into the g*n, and fired the other one. The box is tucked into the waist.   Two hesitated and said, "You have to be careful."    The woman raised her brows and asked, "What?"    No. 2 said: "This class of students was brought out by Meng Jianghu. This person is not simple. I once fought with him in the past, and it was only because of a later crime that I was demoted to teach in the military academy."    She finally got some interest and said: "They can make you say it's not easy, that must be some ability. Will he also end? I want to fight him once."    No. 2 said: "He is an instructor and will not play. This time all his students will play."   Number 1 was a little stunned and said, "That's fine. If you want to come to such a small place, there won't be any surprises. Quickly, the investigation is completed, and there are still three star fields waiting."    "As ordered." No. 2 pointed, and No. 3 and No. 6 spread out to the wings.    One said in surprise: "What are you doing?"   Two said: "Protect you."   No.1 said helplessly: "No need?"    "This is our duty. You can rest assured that we will never interfere in the battle, and they will not find us." No. 2 Road.    "But..." Number Three suddenly hesitated.    "Is there a problem?" One was keenly aware of Three's mood changes.    No. 2 had to say: "That's right, I let No. 4 search first to rule out unknown dangers. But...she seems to be in an ambush and lost contact."   One was even more surprised at this time, and asked, "Who's ambush? You mean, those rookie students?"    No. 2 bit the bullet and said: "From the last information returned, it may be."    "Haha." No. 1 laughed and finally picked up some interest. She carried the huge sniper rifle like that and walked into the valley.    No. 2 and No. 3 and No. 6 occupy a triangle, spread far away, turn on the optical camouflage, and then hide in the forest and move with No. 1. The dark silver armor on her body is always the same, and the optical camouflage is not turned on. She strode into the valley, and when she was still at a high place, her eyes swept across the forest in front of her, and suddenly she set up a g*n, and it was a shot directly in front of her! The sniper rifle suddenly retreated, and the huge recoil pushed her back a full meter. The warhead spanned thousands of meters, passed through the canopies of several large trees, and directly blasted a warrior hidden among the leaves. The electric fire that covered his body made him faint. She pulled the bolt, tossed the cartridge case, and jumped up into the valley like a bird.   Chu Jungui had reached the edge of the forest at this moment, and did not leave, but half-knelt in the shadows, looking at his wooden house helplessly. The wooden house looked the same as when he left, but in Chu Jungui's eyes, he saw a faint beam of laser light shining on the wooden house. This aiming laser is also not within the range that ordinary people can recognize with the n***d eye.   Chu Jungui followed the aiming laser beam and looked back, and finally found the sniper on the distant hillside. The distance between the sniper and the wooden house is more than 3000 meters, but this distance is not a long distance at all for a sniper rifle with an advanced aiming system and special ammunition. And I couldn't see anything in the sniper position, I saw a beam of laser appear out of thin air and shine on my wooden house.   Chu Jungui, no matter how confident he is about the legitimacy of his identity, is unwilling to rush into the sniper's target range and put his life on the whim of a stranger. Even as an experimental subject, he is not that stupid. He observed the terrain and wondered if he should go around to the back and kill the sniper, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea. The snipers on the high slopes also had optical camouflage, and they were obviously in the same group as the guy who had just been knocked out.    It took Chu Jungui a lot of effort to stun just one, and it would be even more unclear if there were more snipers. And they don't know how many people there are in this wave, maybe there are still people hiding in secret to protect the snipers. Since he could not go back to the hut, Chu Jun returned to the forest and prepared to find a place, pretending to be logging and hunting, waiting for someone to find him.    After walking far, a loud beast roar suddenly burst out from the distant valley, which was earth-shattering! Immediately afterwards, the big trees collapsed, and it seemed that there were giant beasts raging in the forest. The exclamations came one after another, and several figures rose into the sky, dodging in all directions. It seemed that the jetpack had not been thrown away, and they wanted another way of maneuvering. But there was no good end for those who rushed to the sky. A series of gunshots sounded, and several guys in the air suddenly screamed and fell to the ground with electric sparks all over their bodies. Even if there is an unexpected danger, few people can be indifferent when looking at the record presented to them.    The giant beasts clashed back and forth in the valley, and the gunshots rang out. Chu Jungui watched from a distance and just shook his head. None of these air-dropped fighters carried lethal weapons, and those electric shock bombs could be used to deal with people. It is conceivable how effective they can be when used on this giant beast that can knock down a big tree.    Chu Jun was still hesitating whether or not to help them when he returned, and his ears suddenly moved, capturing a strange sound of gunshots. The frequency of the gunshots was obviously different from the assault rifles of the air-dropped soldiers. It was more profound and more charming. It actually made Chu Jungui hear a sense of beauty.    Along with the sound of gunshots, the roar of the giant beast suddenly increased an octave, obviously suffering a heavy blow. After that, the giant beast stopped ramming randomly, changed its route, and charged straight in the direction of Chu Jungui.    Watching the giant trees fall down and the smoke billowing towards him, Chu Jungui felt helpless, took out a few bottles from his backpack, tied them together, and jumped up the tree. This giant beast must be rough and fleshy, and it may not be able to deal with heavy machine guns, but pure sulfuric acid is another matter.    In the blink of an eye, the giant beast appeared in the sight of Chu Jungui.    This is a giant beast with thick skin like armor, nearly ten meters high, with four long fangs, and every time the six big cylindrical feet fall, it will definitely make the earth shake. Those hollow giant trees fell down when they hit it, and they couldn't stand the ravages at all. In this way, the giant beast opened a road in the forest. Look at its direction, and after leaving the forest, it will go straight to the rescue capsule. Chu Jungui stared at the giant beast, calculated the distance, jumped up, and with the help of the elasticity of the branches, passed over the giant beast, and then dropped the sulfuric acid bottle.    The sulfuric acid bottle was dropped, just in front of the giant beast. The giant beast was about to hit a tree, so how could he care about such a small thing and slammed into it. No matter how thick the glass bottle was, it couldn't withstand such an impact. In an instant, the concentrated sulfuric acid splashed around and splashed the giant beast. Although the eyes of the giant beast are small, they are also covered with sulfuric acid. The giant beast screamed and fell to the ground, and then struggled desperately, kicking and kicking, and overwhelmed the surrounding giant trees.   Chu Jungui hung on a branch with one hand and looked at the beast struggling below, wondering, where did this big guy come from. According to the density of trees in the valley, there is no room for it at all.    The other side of the giant beast's eyes were tightly closed, and the eyelids were also charred black, obviously blind. So who actually did it? To be able to hit one eye of the galloping beast, this marksmanship is no longer excellent.   Chu Jungui once again felt threatened.
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