
Heaven Is Landing


A teenager became an experimental subject in a secret laboratory established by a country that was f*******n to cultivate. After he left the experimental base, he broke the restrictions and obtained an independent personality. Since then, in this great era of interstellar development, he has fought in all directions, stepped on the galaxy, and finally opened a new era for mankind.

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Chapter 1 Who Am I
      A burst of sweet music woke him from his deep sleep, "It's time to wake up, your breakfast is ready. The shuttle will arrive in 45 minutes, please don't miss the departure time."    He rolled over and looked around.    This is a spacious apartment, and the soft lights are being turned on one by one. The bed is in the corner of the room, and there is a built-in wardrobe on the wall next to it, and there is a square touch area on the cabinet door.    He reached out and touched the wardrobe door, and the silver light alloy door automatically slid open, revealing the rows of clothes inside. These clothes are all the same style.    On the other side of the room is an open kitchen and living room that are connected together, with an automatic food maker on the island. He walked over, hesitated on several buttons with different food logos, and finally chose 'random', he wanted to see if there would be any surprises today.   The machine beeps softly, and a minute later the curtain door opens to deliver a sandwich.    "This is it again." He silently accepted his fate, picked up the sandwich, and finished it in a few bites.    Honestly, the sandwich tastes good, but the biggest problem is that the taste will never change, just like the famous advertising slogan of Forest Foods: The quality is always the same, and the original taste is the same.    But he already knew that no matter what kind of food he chose, whether it was a sandwich or a hot dog or a meat bun, it tasted the same. Of course, in addition to the unchanged taste for thousands of years, the nutrients and calories of these synthetic foods are still sufficient. Such a palm-sized sandwich has more calories than the same volume of pure fat, so that the corresponding energy generated is enough to support his morning activities.    He snapped his fingers, and the blackout curtains on one side of the living room automatically opened, revealing the floor-to-ceiling windows behind. The sun is shining outside the window.   The apartment is located on the top floor and has a very good view of the bay below and the mountains extending into the sea in the distance. On the coastline, there is a white sandy beach with rows of sun loungers and sun umbrellas. From above, you can also see hot girls in bikinis, running or sunbathing. The sea is very blue, and a little white sail has been sprinkled on it. The rich people in this city seem to be very industrious. It is still very early, and many people have already sailed out to sea on yachts and sailboats.    In the distance, he saw an old-fashioned plane flying slowly over the bay, a ribbon pulled out from behind it, and then slowly condensed into a line of characters: Deep Space Energy.   Although the Bay Area has an invincible view, if you look at it every day, that's the same thing. He habitually glanced out the window, walked to the workbench, picked up the organized tool bag, looked at today's itinerary, and walked to the door.   Going out is a long corridor, and a faint burnt smell wafts from the cover of a piece of equipment, which makes him feel a little uncomfortable instinctively. He looked at the cover, then at the time, and dismissed the idea of ​​checking it. Anyway, if there is a problem with the equipment, a maintenance person will arrive within half an hour. However, there will be equipment problems in this building with cyclic self-checking and automatic maintenance and replacement of key equipment?    The timer on his wrist began to vibrate slightly to remind him that the time was almost up. He then quickened his pace, and from the elevator to the rooftop, a shuttle helicopter with a double-screw fan was already waiting there. When he appeared, the hatch opened automatically.    He boarded the shuttle and sat in the familiar window seat.    "Please sit tight, the whole process will take about eight minutes." The soft electronic synthesis sound is still so familiar, I have heard it many times.    "Maybe it's time for the Deep Space Equipment to change the voice actor." He complained silently in his heart.    There is no pilot in the shuttle, and everything flies according to the downloaded route. The plane circled over the bay and had a panoramic view of the bay area before it started to accelerate and flew towards the city center. The piercing machine flew close to the middle of a building, and the front glass curtain wall was separated to both sides, exposing the internal apron.    After the shuttle stopped, he got out of the shuttle. Then he followed the familiar route through the winding corridors to the reception hall.    A female researcher in a silver robe was already waiting at the door. She looked at the information board in her hand and said, "You are always on time."    He bowed slightly in respect.   The female researcher led him into another room. After scanning three different colors of light in a row, she pointed to the end of the room and said, "Please go in through that door. It contains the equipment you need to use today."    He nodded, passed through the automatic door, and saw that a pistol, an arm shield, and a rectangular, palm-sized automatic injection device had been placed on the workbench in the room.    At this time, the automatic door is closed and locked. Then an electronic synth sound with a special frequency sounds:    "Experimental subject No. 1120, please use the standard interface to receive today's experimental program."    Hearing this sound, the color in the depths of his pupils changed accordingly, and if he looked closely, it was a blue light composed of countless tiny numbers. From this moment on, all his emotions subsided, leaving only the cold mechanical consciousness. He reached out to the square device on the wall and pressed it on the designated area. A metal probe stretched out and pierced into his palm, a piece of data was transmitted, and the experimental program appeared in his field of vision today.    "Today's experiment process:   1) Download version 0.1a of Melee g*n Fighting... The download is complete.   2) Inject low-light visual enhancer.   3) Enter the fighting room to test melee g*n fighting skills.   4) After the test is completed, enter room 3 and take the intelligent personality test. "   With the completion of the data download, all the data of the electromagnetic drive pistol, all the data of the alloy arm shield, and hundreds of different postures and tactics after the combination of the g*n and shield naturally appeared in his consciousness.    He picked up the autoinjector on the table, pointed it at his forearm, and pressed the switch. With a soft pop, the needle pierced into the arm, and the injection was completed. He felt a little sore, and after a while his vision began to change, and the room seemed to get brighter.   According to the procedure, he picked up the pistol, installed the arm shield, and walked into the adjacent fighting test hall. The hall was very empty, and when he walked in, the lights began to dim, and in the end there were only four dim red lights at the four corners of the ceiling.    In the large hall, a few small lamps can only illuminate a range of one meter around him, and the middle area is almost invisible.    But his vision began to adjust as the light changed, and everything in the hall could be seen, but the details were slightly blurred.    "Transmission of visual data... Transmission completed. Fighting test item 1, basic attack, ready to start, three, two, one!"   Several secret doors suddenly appeared on the walls of the hall, from which more than ten small drones flew out, and in an instant, multiple dark red laser dots hit him on the head. When the aiming laser landed on his head, he suddenly slid sideways. In this way, he instantly threw off all the laser locks. The right hand holding the g*n flew up and brought out a phantom. The muzzle of the g*n instantly spewed faint blue fire. The electromagnetic explosion sounded together.   The drone group in the air was hit by the volley one by one and caught fire. The surviving drones began to maneuver desperately to dodge, but they couldn't escape the lock, and eventually they were exploded one by one.    "The first test is successful, the second test is ready."    A large cigar-shaped cleaning drone flew in, opened its belly, sucked in all the debris on the ground, and flew out.    "Test item two, basic defense."   Another automatic turret protruded from the wall of the hall, and an aiming laser shone on him. The turret immediately spewed fire and started firing at a low speed of three rounds per second.    This is a turret that uses old-fashioned gunpowder ammunition and has a deliberately slow rate of fire. The moment the turret locked on him, he took a standard step back in melee firearms fighting, backing three meters, just avoiding the turret locking and letting the bullet fall into the air. Although it is an old-fashioned turret, the aiming procedure is an advanced version. If one misses a hit, the turret begins to dynamically change its strategy. It no longer focuses on his head and chest, but instead aims at his limbs from time to time, and even predicts his movements. , block the space in advance.    After avoiding the first wave of attacks, he no longer simply dodges. Because the turret rate of fire started to increase, and more turrets appeared. In his field of vision, the firing path of the turret is shown as a straight line, and several melee combat postures, or dodge or block, will automatically appear in his consciousness.    He moved several times in a row, avoiding most of the shots, but he used his arm shield to protect himself from attacks that could not be avoided. The rain of bullets continued to spark sparks on the arm shield, and it was quickly hit with potholes. However, the effect of this set of fighting techniques is indeed extraordinary. Under the siege of several turrets without dead ends, he can still deal with it with ease. But as the rate of fire of the turret increased again, he finally had the time to lose sight of the other. At the moment of crisis, he blocked the two bullets shot in the chest, and then groaned, because he was still shot in the thigh.    "The second test is over, the evaluation is excellent."    All turrets stopped firing and retracted back into the wall as the synth sound announced the result. Another drone flew into the hall, hovering over the wound on his thigh. Three slender, wire-like robotic arms reach into the wound, clamp out the warhead, and spray it with medical gel. He moved his legs and moved freely.    A door opened at the end of the hall, and a synthetic voice prompted: "Please go to Room 3 and take an intelligent personality test."    "Intelligent personality?" A slightly inconspicuous question suddenly appeared in his icy mood.    The pitch of the synthesizer suddenly increased and became sharp, "Out-of-program abnormal data fluctuation detected! Warning, out-of-program abnormal data fluctuation detected!"    He was suddenly startled and had a premonition of danger. He instinctively suppressed all emotional fluctuations and returned to a mechanically cold state. A dozen heavily armed soldiers rushed out of the secret door and surrounded him, and then several researchers rushed there. The female researcher who brought him in looked at him carefully, approached slowly, and reached out to touch his eyes. He was motionless, and red danger warnings kept popping up in his field of vision. The female researcher    widened his eyes, looked at his pupils carefully, and then turned around and said, "There is no abnormality in the data, it should be a false alarm. The alarm is lifted and the experiment continues."    Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the armed warriors filed away and disappeared into the secret door.         A researcher next to her whispered: "Would you like to stop first and check again?"    Just now the female researcher said: "There is no need, our progress is already 15% behind."         The male researcher spread his hands and said, "You have the final say."    He continued forward and walked into room three. It's a white and light blue room with nothing but a chair. In front of the chair is an empty wall. He walked over, naturally sat down on the chair, put his hands on the armrests, and sat upright in a completely standard posture.    The lights in the room dimmed, and the color of the wall in front changed, turning into a screen on the entire wall. A very short sentence appeared on the screen, only three large characters. who are you?

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