Chapter 23 For Life

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      Although the apartment is old, but in this era, there are still basic network interfaces, just like electric wires and water pipes, which are indispensable necessities. Chu Jungui lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and seemed to be sleeping. In fact, the smart device in his body had been connected to the network and began to search and collect information.    Laizhou was originally an industrial and mining city. In the past, it was famous for its massive production of basic metals such as iron and aluminum. At its peak, its population exceeded one million. If it was the parent star in the old era, the mineral reserves of Laizhou would probably rank among the top in the world. However, in the 35th century, with the improvement of productivity, human demand for various mineral resources has also increased exponentially.   About a hundred years ago, the reserves of several major mines in Laizhou City were exhausted, and the entire city inevitably declined. Different from the parent star, in this era, people have too many choices, and going far away has a new meaning. A foreign country often refers to a strange star field hundreds of light-years away.    However, the population of Laizhou has not decreased too much, and many people have left and many people have migrated in. Those who leave are young people, and those who come are mostly old people. Laizhou is a big city with complete infrastructure and convenient transportation. Although the weather here is bad, the air can be breathed directly. The outflow of people has brought prices in the city down to a fairly low level. For example, this small apartment in Chu Longtu, the monthly rent is less than 200 yuan. It doesn't cost much to buy it. This is also the reason why many elderly people migrate here, because it is cheap.   In the territory of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the currency of the natural dynasty was hard currency. Although each vassal country has its own currency, the more developed and prosperous the region is, the more dynasty coins will be used. As the No. 1 university in Xinzheng, the School of Business has always been wealthy and subsidized with Dynasty coins. Therefore, the materials that Chu Jungui consulted are also defaulted to dynasty coins as the unit of valuation.    I don't know how long it took to read the information, and Chu Jungui heard the sound of the alarm clock. He looked at the time, it was only before six o'clock, but Chu Longtu was probably already up. As an experimental subject, Chu Jungui didn't need to sleep for long. He immediately got up and looked out of the room, only to find that Chu Longtu was still sitting in the reclining chair, in exactly the same posture as last night. The alarm clock was still ringing, and the TV on the screen was still flickering silently.    "Grandpa?" Chu Jungui called softly. The old man seemed to have just woken up, then he turned his head and said, "It's you! I was thinking about things from the past, and I fell into a trance before I knew it. Now that you are up, go buy some breakfast. Go downstairs, turn right, and pass by. The two street corners are Lao Liu's shop. The taste of his shop has not changed for more than ten years."    "Got it." When Chu Jun went out, he found the breakfast shop that grandpa said without a hitch. It was a very small shop, so small that it could only fit two tables. At this time, it was not yet dawn, and the wind was chilling through the bone marrow, but the store had already opened, and it was full of people, and there were still a few people queuing at the door. But the queues are all old people.   Chu Jungui was lining up, and it didn't take long before it was his turn. The breakfast in the store is very simple, with only a few items, mostly steamed or fried food. Chu Jungui bought two breakfasts according to his appetite, and shared one yuan each. On the way back, Chu Jungui took out a hot bun and took a bite. It was unexpectedly delicious and full of ingredients.    When Chu Jun returned home, Chu Longtu had already got up from the reclining chair and started to tidy up the room. The apartment was actually very clean and there weren't many clutter. Except for Chu Yunfei's room, which had been locked for an unknown period of time, the rest of the place was clean, but it was just old.    After breakfast, Chu Longtu asked about Chu Jungui's academic situation. Chu Jungui suddenly felt a little guilty. The ability he really could use had a very low version number, so he couldn't use it at all. That is, the version number of tactical deception has passed 1, but it is only 1.02. Fortunately, Chu Longtu didn't ask very detailed questions. Even if he asked roughly, it was over, allowing Chu Jungui to pass the test. "It is a good thing that you can enter the business school. This is a military school, and our family has no special relationship. After you finish your studies, you will most likely want to go to the battlefield. You have to take advantage of the two years in the academy to learn something more. , there is no luck on the battlefield. If you lose the battle in the planet, you still have a chance to survive. If you fight in outer space, you will die if you lose." The old man told him.   Chu Jungui nodded.    "I still have some collectibles here. I got them when I was young. There is something very suitable for you. You can take them for self-defense." Chu Longtu got up, went to the cabinet against the wall in the dining room, and opened the cabinet door. There are some dishes and a few wine bottles in the cupboard. The old man grabbed the cabinet board and pushed it inward. With a click, the cabinet board retracted a bit, and then the entire cabinet structure sank down, revealing a mezzanine behind it. Chu Jungui found that there were two long guns and three pistols embedded in the interlayer, with different models and corresponding ammunition.   The old man's hand swiped on the three pistols one by one, and finally took the middle one, handed it to Chu Jungui, and said, "I'll give you self-defense."   Chu Jungui likes the pistol very much. When he took it, he just felt heavy, not very comfortable to hold, and full of texture. He touched it habitually, but he didn't find any data interface, and it didn't look like it had a chip.   The old man glanced at Chu Jungui and said, "This g*n has no chip and no auxiliary system. It is just a g*n. This is a bullet, take it."   Chu Jungui caught the box of bullets thrown by the old man, only to feel that his hand sank, and the small box of bullets was surprisingly heavy. He opened the bullet box, took out a bullet and looked at it. There was no display screen on the bullet, no programmable data interface, and no micro-engine that could adjust the flight attitude and change direction. Some were just primers. Just the bottom fire?   The color of Chu Jungui's pupils quietly changed a little, and he scanned the entire bullet. Sure enough, there was no micro-equipment on it, and some were primers. This is a primitive bullet powered by gunpowder. Chu Jungui did not reject the original gunpowder weapons. For example, when he first came out of the rescue capsule, he relied on a printed gunpowder pistol to defend himself. But that was in the stage of survival on an unmanned planet. Now as long as there are normal supplies, even the rookie students participating in the business school use programmable smart rifles and micro-power ammunition. Take the electric shock bomb as an example, it can not only adjust the release energy of the electric shock, but also rapidly disperse the kinetic energy at the moment of contact with the soft target, so as to reduce the penetration force and avoid fatal damage.   The old man gave him a completely antique-grade pistol or ammunition. The bullet is very heavy and may be powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, its power is limited. Today, when electromagnetic applications are very common, gunpowder weapons are at a comprehensive disadvantage, and few people have studied new gunpowder formulas. Chu Longtu watched for a while before saying, "You don't have to look for it, there is no intelligent system on guns and bullets. Sometimes, the simplest is the most reliable. No electromagnetic weapon is as good as an old-fashioned firearm. reliable."    "Understood." Chu Jungui put the bullets and g*n in his backpack, then remembered something, and asked, "This g*n doesn't seem to be a common caliber?" The old man nodded, "It can only use the bullets I gave you. You probably rarely have the chance to use it, and I only have so much stock for now. If you want to make new bullets, you need some old-fashioned equipment, which has been found on the market. Not anymore, maybe there are some old friends. I have to ask them, when you come back next time, you can get new bullets."   Chu Jungui nodded and sorted out his backpack. He probably has little chance to use this g*n, and more bullets are naturally unnecessary. He put away the g*n and the bullet, just not wanting to make the old man sad.   The old man restored the dining cabinet, and Chu Jungui tried to order a batch of food, and by the way, bought a new refrigerator to replace this old antique at home that I don't know how many years old. However, he searched for a long time, but found that in the huge city, there was no delivery, and he had to pick up the goods himself. But he didn't shop online? Don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.   Chu Jungui could only accept the reality. He finally hired a truck to bring the refrigerator back from the yard. After another afternoon, he went to several supermarkets and stores to fill the refrigerator. The old man quietly watched him busy with a faint smile on his face.    After dinner, Chu Jungui said, "Grandpa, I'm going to report to the academy tomorrow. Please leave some money at home before leaving." "I'm old, and there's nothing to spend money on. You saw it today, you can't buy anything with money in this city. When you're free, just go home and have a look." No matter how persuaded, the old man refused to accept the money, and in the end he had to do it.   's short home-visiting career came to an end soon. In the early morning of the next day, Chu Jungui left the apartment and rushed to the airport. When he went back, he was still on a cheap flight, and once again experienced the crowdedness and oldness of the young Kun class. I don't know if other Kun-class spacecraft will be better.   The spaceship took off, and the city in the porthole gradually disappeared. Chu Jungui never thought that there would be a city like Laizhou. The city has long been old and outdated, and most of the various facilities have a history of more than a hundred years, but relying on excellent reliability, they barely maintain their long-life operation. There are not many young people in the whole city, mostly old people who are going through the final stages of their lives.  Living in this city costs less than even the cheapest nursing home in a prosperous city. Perhaps it is precisely because it is possible to live a life with the last bit of freedom and dignity with little expenditure that attracts more and more elderly people to come here.    Chu Jun originally thought that there were rich people in the city, but when he left, he realized that he was wrong. The city has almost run out of even the most basic services. How can the rich afford such an environment? Small shops such as breakfast shops still exist, and the shopkeepers are looking for people to talk to rather than making a living. When I heard the old people chatting in the store two days ago when I bought breakfast, Chu Jungui knew that this was the only time in the day when the old people could chat with people.    Residents of the entire city are on the verge of being the poorest. In a city like this, how many are there on the entire Moon Wing Star? How many kingdoms are there?         When he was in a trance, Chu Jungui's identity chip suddenly popped up a prompt message, and the account balance jumped from 9600 to 11615. Chu Jungui was taken aback, hurriedly checked the information of the transferor, and then saw Chu Longtu. Looking at the string of numbers with fractions, Chu Jungui's mood suddenly became complicated and indescribable.    He closed his eyes and sat silently until the spaceship landed.
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