Chapter 22 Doctor's Room

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    "Doctor..." Chu Jungui just remembered that he didn't know the doctor's name.       Chu Longtu looked at him and said, "Did he never tell you? His name is Chu Yunfei, which is the name he gave himself. When he was young, his name was Yingyang, but he didn't like it. , I secretly changed it myself when I grew up."    Chu Jungui replied: "He never told me or told me his real name. People at the base call him Dr. Chu."   Chu Longtu stood up with some difficulty, called Chu Jun to return to the kitchen, and said, "I'll get some food, you can tell me everything about these years."   Chu Longtu opened the rusted refrigerator, took some vegetables, and cut them slowly. Chu Jungui sorted out the base life in his memory and told Chu Longtu. The life in memory is actually monotonous and simple. No matter how large the space base is, the space is limited. There are only a few areas where Xiaojungui can move, repeatedly. In his memory, apart from exercising is learning, most of the spare time is staring at the empty space in a daze. In a year, he could count on one hand the number of times he was able to see the Doctor.   Chu Longtu listened while preparing dinner. The movements in his hands were unusually stable, and it was only when he heard Chu Yunfei that he stopped noticeably.    "Do you still have any impression of your mother?" the old man asked.   Chu Jungui shook his head, "Since I can remember, I haven't seen my mother."   Chu Longtu shook his head and said, "It's not surprising at all. That kid Yingyang is all about research, how does he know how to coax a woman? No woman can live with him for a long time."   Chu Jungui didn't know how to interface, only silence.    At this time, a lot of steam came out of the pot, and dinner was ready. Dinner is very simple, just two bowls of noodles, but there are vegetables and meat.   The old man said: "I don't know if you will come back, so just eat something. At this time, I can't buy anything."    The bowl placed in front of Chu Jungui was extra large, almost like a small basin. He picked up the bowl, took a sip of the soup first, and suddenly became refreshed. The taste of this bowl of noodles was unexpectedly good, far surpassing the turkey feast on the transport ship, and it was many times better than the barbecue he made himself. In the face of the delicious food in his life, Chu Jungui had long since threw the sedation of the experimental subject out of Jiutianyun and ate it all in one breath. He put down the bowl and sighed with satisfaction. The only regret is that I only ate half full. Although this bowl of noodles is enough for two people, the body of his experimental body is not enough for two people.   Chu Longtu just looked at him, the bowl in front of him didn't move. Seeing that Chu Jungui was obviously not full, he took out most of the noodles in his bowl.   Chu Jungui hesitated: "This..."   The old man smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm old, and sometimes I can't remember to eat at night. If it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't be able to eat tonight."   The noodles made by the old man are really delicious, Chu Jungui didn't think about it so much, and he finished eating it in one go, which made him feel better. After dinner, Chu Longtu rummaged in the room for a long time, found a key, opened the door of the other room that was closed, and said, "Come in, this used to be your father's room. After he left, I haven't touched it for a while. Now that you're back, you can stay in this room from now on. By the way, Yingyang... Are there any relics left?" Chu Jungui said: "No. We met a star thief, and finally the rescue capsule I was sitting in fell to an unmanned star, which happened to be selected for the survival training of the business school, and brought me back. They searched the surrounding space and found no trace of a rescue capsule." Chu Longtu sighed, and seemed to be ten years older in an instant, and said slowly: "I felt it a few days ago, Ying Yang... I'm afraid he's gone. When people get old, sometimes the premonition will become very annoying. ."   Chu Jungui comforted the old man and said, "But, I'm back."    "Yeah, you're back." The old man finally showed a smile, made the bed, and helped him with the quilt.   Chu Jungui moved his luggage into the room. In fact, he didn't have any luggage, and even the daily necessities were issued by the military school. The old man watched him organize his things and said, "Your father has been stubborn since he was a child and always has his own ideas. When he was young, your grandmother was still alive, and I opened a spaceship repair factory in a free port. It is a factory. , In fact, apart from me, there are only a few workers. Only the smallest and most primitive spaceships can be repaired, and many times, they have to make a living by dismantling old ships that have been scrapped. Such days are a bit difficult, but very Stable. That's how your father's tuition has always come." The reappearance of the old days made the old man sigh deeply and said: "After he graduated, he didn't like to take over my shipyard. He wanted to go outside and have a look. At that time, he and I had a big argument. He packed up and left, and then he never came back. Only every year during the New Year, he will send a letter back. He seems to be a researcher and has been very busy. "    "He's really busy, and I can't see him a few times." Chu Jungui said. Chu Longtu shook his head and said, "Ying Yang is a genius spacecraft repairman, but if he wants to do research, it's a long way off. I don't know if he has been trying to prove me wrong before he is a researcher. It's been so long. But it's all over. I just... just didn't expect him to come back and take a look until the end."    "Father...should be a very good researcher." Speaking of which, Chu Jungui recalled the scene where the Doctor piloted a plane and fought a b****y battle against many elite enemies. The elegant maneuvering, the decisive firing, and the inescapable lock were all at the level of a king. At this time, Chu Jungui felt that outer space and air combat should be the field of doctors, right?    "Go to rest early and talk about it tomorrow." The old man went back to his room, sat on the reclining chair, put a thick blanket over his lap, and turned on the TV on the wall.   The TV screen flickered, but no sound was turned on. The old man just sat like that, looking at the silent picture, it seemed that he could sit down all the time.   Chu Jun returned and said good night, gently closed the door, and then carefully observed the room. The room is not big, with a single bed, a desk, and two cabinets crowded. Chu Jungui opened the curtains and looked out. The windows are small and long and narrow, and a thick layer of dust has fallen on the glass. I don't know how long it has been cleaned, so I can't see the outside at all.    He drew the curtains, came to the bookcase, and pulled out a thick book curiously. This is "Principles of Biological Neurons", with a thick cover and a gilded title, all of which indicate its ancient and long history. In fact, in this day and age, any paper book is an antique. The book is covered with dust, and it seems that I don't know how long it has been left. Chu Jungui opened the book and was surprised to find that almost every page was annotated. The handwriting is still a little childish, I think it is a note left by the doctor when he was a teenager. Chu Jungui did not expect that the doctor would read such an antique book, and read it so seriously. He flipped to a page at random and took a closer look at the comments left on it. "A perpetual question is, are humans the most perfect creation of the gods? When implantable chips first appeared, many believed that humans had been able to rank with the gods ever since, because we began to have the ability to tinker with their works. , and make it better. Later, artificial intelligence has overwhelmed the human brain in most fields. The combination of intelligence + chip seems to be able to replace people, isn't it true?" "But today, for the first time, I discovered that the structure of even the simplest neuron is so beautiful. Perhaps the gods hid their greatest secrets behind these structures. For a thousand years, we have been trying to Are we wrong to decipher neuron function in terms of cold numbers and chemical symbols?"   Chu Jungui read a few more paragraphs, all of which are similar comments. It seems that the doctors in their youth also liked fantasy. In fact, more than a thousand years ago, human beings have cracked all their own genetic codes, and since then, medical treatment and human enhancement and transformation technologies have advanced by leaps and bounds. By around 2500, the human body itself has no secrets, and strengthening has encountered a comprehensive bottleneck, and it is the bottleneck of the natural structure of the human body. For example, if you want to run faster and jump higher, anti-joint is a better choice. To improve intelligence, the speed of neural signal transmission must first be addressed.   The human brain has not been fully developed, but the bandwidth is not enough. If you want to improve, you must first change the nerves of the whole body. The time when the doctor left his comments was after 3400 AD, but he still had such a childish fantasy.   Chu Jungui shook his head, even more convinced that the doctor really chose the wrong row. I am afraid that he is really only second-rate as a researcher, and as a repairman, he is only stable and able to eat, and the outer space battlefield is the exclusive domain of the doctor. Putting "Principles of Biological Neurons" back in place, Chu Jungui took out a few more books to read. These books are in a wide variety of categories, from biology to chemistry to mathematics or mechanical principles. The doctor made numerous comments without exception. It seems that the young doctor was indeed an exceptionally diligent person.   Chu Jungui took out the thickest book again, read it carefully, checked it carefully, and scanned it with various means, and was disappointed to find that there was no hidden chip or any data interface in the book. No matter the printed content of the book, or the comments made by the doctor, they are all seriously concentrated in the field that should be there, and no password is used to hide anything.    It seems that the doctor really likes reading books. Chu Jungui came to a conclusion. It's more of an oddity than a good habit. Even with the appallingly small storage space of the identity chip, it is as slow as the running speed of a sloth, a book like this can be downloaded tens of thousands at a time, and then read slowly. There is absolutely no need to buy physical books, let alone take notes in this inefficient way.    Looking at the cabinet full of books, Chu Jungui suddenly remembered that this cabinet is all antiques! Many of the books are so well preserved that they may actually be thousands of years old. If sold, it must be worth a lot. Such a valuable antique, but the doctor painted and painted on it, and he painted so much that he could not wait to use all the blanks. And if there is any epoch-making content in the comments, it's fine, but the doctor was still young at that time, and all he left were naive remarks. According to historical data, there was an emperor of the Chinese people in ancient times. He liked to inscribe and stamp on famous calligraphy and paintings. He wrote a lot more than the original number of words. People are powerless to complain. It turns out that the doctor is also a good friend.
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