Ch.2 Staying at the castle for the day what will happen ?

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             {Blake's P.O.V}     I woke up in a different bed then my own that's when i remembered that i had found my mate and she had transported us here it all felt weird my mate was the new queen that was said to be dead and she is also the most beautiful , smart , and powerful , i am so lucky to have her as my mate . when i reached my arm to were she was supposed to be i didn't fell her she was gone , then i sprung from the bed and looked around the only living creature around was the white wolf she came into my office with , i guess it was her friend she was talking about and the reason we stopped kissing because she could talk to animals saw the wolf called Snow move away from the door and then my mate showed up with a towel around her she went closer to Snow and said " hey what do you think i should were today i think i am staying at home and you know work , do my school application letter and the usual " then Snow made a grin which i never have seen on an actual  wolf before     she then  looked at me and smiled make closer to me and said " i am so happy to finally fined you it took so many years that i started to doubt that i would actually find you " then she started crying in happiness in my arm i looked at her and then pulled her shin up i smiled at her and then kissed her and said " i am also so happy to finally find you even tho i couldn't travel the world like you did for many years it means a lot to me that you are finally by my side " then we continued kissing until Snow howled and pulled on my mates towel then my mate said while turning around to face her friend " hey don't be jealous or do you still want me to find a wolf for you to mate with " then Snow retreated and looked away while blushing than my mate said  " thought so and also i think i fond him already you just have to meet him and go on a date to see if you like each other it might be fated and if you have cubs it be perfect and do you remember when you were a little cub i took such good care of you i loved when you used to climb on me when i was asleep and started cuddling it felt so grate to have a kid around i might get one myself "  then i started blushing when she pecked me on the lip and fallowed Snow into the walk in closet and after a few seconds she was fully dressed and got into bed and a laptop puffed out of nowhere and then she leaned on my shoulder but before she could do anything i sat her between my legs and but my arms around her waist she coddled into me and said" thanks , but if you keep this up your going to be marked before you could ever get close to doing it to me so control the hormones  " i grind " if you which you can i wouldn't stop you i would love to be eternally yours " and without hesitation the laptop plopped on top of the night table and she had already turned around and was inches from my neck and said into my ear " are you sure you wanna play with that kind of a thing if i were you i would be ashamed that the king to be were marked by the queen instead of the other way around " she then changed our positions and this time she was in her undergarments looking sexily at me she look so good i was going crazy with my hormones i decided that it didn't mater to me and switched our positions again and responded " as long as i am yours and you are mine my pride does not mater to me so do  as you dicier my queen " that is all it took for her to mark me and my clothes to be ripped off of me i was so happy that i was hers and now it was my turn to clam her as mine so i said " will you be mine " she smiled and said " always so mark me " then i marked her our minds connected along with the pack which was howling of happiness , our feelings and our connection and attraction got stronger and stronger every second that passed and then she said something surprising " i meant what i said about having kids and you can't be pregnant while still being a virgin can you ? " she then looked strait into my eyes and said " could you do the honors of giving me the happiest moment of my entire life " that is all it took for me to take her , her underwear then was ripped of her body and mine had disintegrated into thin air she got on tup of me and started to massage my under part with a grin everything she did every touch felt like heaven now i know how the mated couples felt for each other when they were together i am so happy after a few seconds i didn't feel her hands on my under part i felt something wet on the tip of it and then the scent of arousal hit my nose  then she came down on me it felt so good to be in her then i got on to and started thrusting into her and without stopping i started kissing her and the mark in between her shoulder and neck  it looked beautiful on her smooth skin we went on till dinner time i mind linked  my pack members that it was true that i had found my mate that i was not joining them for dinner because i was with her and that they would meet her soon , we then took a shower together but it took longer then expected because we ended up doing it again , we then got down the stairs to the dinning room there were many pictures of her and her family and pack members and on the way she started crying into my arm which i offered her when she started crying before we entered  the dining room she stopped crying and did some magic on her face so no one would notice that their queen was crying , when we got into the dining room there were a few members also i met the butler his name is Hector she said the others lived with their family in the houses that were made for the pack and coven members but some had died so there are a few houses that are only cleaned a few times every year and then after dinner we went to sleep Snow had her own bedroom in front of our room that was sound prove and also now i know was her parents room the king and queen of all species because they had taken down the bad rulers of the other kingdoms made them one and formed the council so they could help to keep things in order when we got into our bedroom i said " we need to talk about what we should do with the packs and coven " she then said " we should unit them the little space between them doesn't mater we could make new houses have training together and also the celebrations it  will make us a better packs and coven " i then said " if you say so it is the best idea ever my love " we spent the rest of the day doing  work and her making her school application so she could start in my school after that we said good night and went to sleep .
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