Ch.3 First day of school for the queen and the little surprise

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{ Amelia's p.o.v }   We ( me, Snow and Blake ) are just arriving at the school when we parked and got out a group of people started to come together all around us then some girl came close to MY MATE  and kissed him so like a good friend Snow is she growled with me wile i got hold of her neck " you who do you think you are kissing my mate how disrespectful has the werewolf race gotten , what a disappointment that the descendants of my kind have become so corrupt " know people were looking at me bemused and my mate was wordless so i just kissed him and said something into his ear then i walked into the school and got to the principals office with Snow right behind me . After doing what i needed to do i got to the school's gymnasium the principal had gone ahead of me to tell them some things wile i took a phone call to the castle  to tell hector that the school was okay and there was nothing to worry about , when i got past the doors they were talking about the me and the investment that i made in the school " and students i would like to introduce to you the CEO Amelia White who will be joining us as a student , Miss White would you like to have a word with the student " i nodded and he stepped back with respect " well i came to this school to reconnect with this town if you didn't know i used to live here but now that i got back i have found my mate (i snapped my fingers and he appear next to me) i know some of you are happy some ( i make the girl appear where my finger is pointing ) i don't care who your with or who you like as long as you don't bring problems to me or the people i care about you won't have a problem with me or my pack/coven  like she does , now lets get back to classes " i make the bell ring and walk out with mate in had and Snow next to me . { IN THE HALLWAY } " babe would you mind staying away from that crazy slut who dared to be intimate with you while knowing that you are mine ALL MINE , now would you mind taking me to our first class " i kiss him and he nods and says " as you wish your royal sexiness " and kisses me back with a little more passion and then takes us to class the day went on till lunch , the cafeteria was full with gossip everyone was talking about what happened this morning  when we enter the cafeteria  everybody looked at us but i just ignored them and sat down at the table and made our  dinner  appear and a couple of stakes on a gold plate in front of Snow who was next to me the whole day .  ' hon i was thinking of doing this later but what do you think if when we finish school we go somewhere so i can introduce snow to the mate i chose for her who is also begging to meet her ' Blake- ' sure what ever you want hon as long as your happy' we finish what was made for lunch and got out of the cafeteria a few minutes before the bell , i made us appear in the roof top without Snow who was left to go around the school and pushed him against the wall and started kissing him when i stopped to get a breath i looked into his eyes " your the best thing that has happened to me in a long long time " then after i said that i pecked his lips and the bell rung we walked hand in hand to our next class after the last class i pulled him out of the class with Snow behind our trail, when we were out side on our way to the car there were many of the pack members congratulating us  when we got to the car i said out loud " ladies and gentlemen i would like to tell you that we will be holding dinner at my place to announce what we will do will the two packs so tell the rest and wait for more information and now of you guys don't mind we got some business to take care of '' we got in the car and drove of out of the school "darling would you mind if i transported all of us back to the house because of what we talked about (wink)" " sure (wink)" in half a second we were already at our destination a waterfall in the grounds of the castle , though i had this planned for another day i still had every big to little thing prepared because i knew myself well and was sure that something like this would have occurred me sooner or later any way i was always prepared and thought things ahead of time when we got there he was already there waiting for her to come  ' Snow do you like what you see ' ' yeah i totally do what a hottie ' 'and his all yours to love , and be possessive of , without boundaries or interruptions ' 1-1 ' your the best ' then she ran to him and tackled him they both seemed happy i smiled and made us banish and reappear into our room " your the best I'm so happy to have you as a mate , i love you " " i love you more " we held each other and i popped some popcorn and opened my laptop to watch what was happening at the waterfall were my friend was with her male to be , and when i mean to be i mean VERY soon because their getting along super well , I'LL BE AN AUNT SOON !!!

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