
The Lycan Queen Assasin


Amelia is a lycan princess to be queen which is a conviction between white wolf and a pure blood vampire she is one of the oldest because her parents were killed by a traitors so she is been training with different trainers of various species wile she is leading a multi billionaire company that she has made over the years and is the biggest company in the world but she thinks she doesn't have a mate because over the centuries and more she has been around the world she could not find him. When she does will she be glad that she found him at such a time or be in sorrow that he has to suffer her suffering in such times.

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Ch.1 Coming back home and meeting her mate
           { Amelia's P.O.V}     I had just come home from the training and spreading my multi billionaire company called White Wolf around the world which meant that over those years i had not seen my home , ever since i left it all had changed , i changed , the world had changed since my parents died now things were mostly chosen threw the council that was put together to make fair decisions for all species so they could live in harmony when i entered the palace were i used to pass the time in but now because of the traitors i was made queen , i told the council to take care of the  of the kingdom while i took some training , so here i am back home looking at my pictures with my parents and family when my butler Hector came down the stairs to great me i have missed this place so much ^ - ^ so now i am in my new room that used to be my parents with my white wolf which name is Snow because i saved her when it was left behind by her family in the snow when she was just a little cup so i expanded her life with my magic so now even if i don't find my mate i will have to keep me company , okay now to put my things in order in the room and then install myself in the school so i can feat in with the people of this town and also to learn about what they teach in the school after so many centuries away           AFTER SPEED UNPACKING AND CLEANING   i am feeling like shifting right now and have a run that i haven't had for a while ill ask Snow to go with me i might as well go and visit the alpha of the pack that lives in the lands i mind link Snow A: ' hey want to go on a run and on the way see the pack that is living in the lands ' S: ' sure i would love to and also i want to see the faces that will be made when they see you and me , it will be fun ' A: ' okay lets go ' we went out and i shifted , before we left i mind linked Hector that we were going for a run and also if possible we would go see the alpha it had already been a few minutes and we were having fun but then we sensed that there were wolfs coming our way so we waited for them to come closer then i shifted they were choked that my clothes were intact from shifting because if it were for a normal wolf their clothe would be torn into pieces , i waited for one minute then i told the gamma to shift when some change of clothe landed in front of him , he was to amused to shift and  i was getting inpatient so i commanded him to shift he flinched and got the clothe and went behind a tree Snow knew when i got inpatient  i would start using my alpha voice so she came closer to me and tried to calm me down and said thru the mind link ' don't loose your temper remember you can always pass your hand threw my hair , just calm down ' i started petting Snows hair a few moments later the gamma came out from behind the trees and looked at me still choked by what is happening now "what is your name and can i talk with your alpha" " I'm Thomas and who exactly are you ? " the boy asked  " you will know soon but if your worried you don't need to be i am no threat to this pack , i used to live in this town i left years ago to go train all around the world and now that i am back i plan on going to school here and resume with the responsibility that was waiting for me since my birth , can you take me to your alpha so i can have a word with him i have other things that i have to take care of " he looked shucked then he got a mind link and started talking to the person that mind linked him then he said " the alpha says that you can come and talk to him , so lets go" i and Snow followed him and the warriors for 5 or more minutes and then we were in front of the pack house and they showed us to the door , i was feeling something weird that i had never felt before , so i nuked on the door  i heard someone say open and i went in and i smelled a wonderful smell but even though i new what it meant  i didn't do anything and steered at him and then decided to sit down and say " i finally found my mate but at the wrong time , anyway i am Amelia i raised a white wild wolf , i used to live in this town i went away to train all over the world so you never meet me , i am the CEO and founder of the White Wolf , and also starting in the towns high school , that is all you need to know for now " before i complitly finish my sentence he was on top of me and says " i can't believe your actually here my name's Blake " before he could say any other thing i kissed him it felt so good that we started floating in the air until Snow mind linked me to stop , that she was there and that we were floating then we broke the kiss and before he could muter a word i said " I'm just going to come out with it I'm your queen even tho they said that the heir to the crown died in the attack i got saved the council members wanted to announce that i was queen but like i said i went away to train and in the way i built White Wolf so it would make things easier to move and spread the company to help people and to support and give the best of the best to the people  who survived and are there for me and I'm happy to finally find you and could you come to my place tonight "  he looked shucked just like the other wolfs that escorted us here but happy as well because he finally found me i am also happy but also sad because if he is with me he will be hurt by those traitors , i transported all of us into my room and finally said " thank you my love and good night" he tightened his grip on me when i said those words and we then fell asleep in each others arms .

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