Hey Rehan's daddy, yes Rehan's mommy!

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Even though they had a very messy relationship, Ruhani and Arsal somehow made it exciting and romantic at times.  Ruhani's pov Sometimes I think that Arsal is the girl and I'm the boy. I mean, look at him, he likes pink color, he has more mood swings than I have. Okay, jokes apart, he's the only one among all the guys I guys who made me feel loved. Though we can't make it happen, I don't think I can love any other man except him.  (Calls Arsal)  Strange, he received my call after the first ring. That's like my boy.  "Hey Rehan's daddy," I said trying to hide my giggles. "Yes, Rehan's mommy" I couldn't control it after I heard her soft voice.  "Ummm, daddy is soo hot today..." My giggles were no more under my control now. "Somewhat true...sexy MoMA!" (Arsal raised his right eyebrow, smirking). As usual, he was smoking a cigarette, I told him many times to at least try to lessen the number of cigarettes he smokes in a day, but he being the stubborn kid, doesn't want to listen to such things.  I forgot to tell you, we have named our unborn child "Rehan". So playfully, I call him Rehan's daddy, and he reciprocates me as Rehan's mommy. The number of children we are going to have after marriage is a matter of constant debate between us. He wants at least 3-4 kids, but I want only one boy. Yes, only one boy. Let me tell you the reason behind it... I don't want my daughter to grow in such a male-dominated society, I don't want to tell her during her nurturing years, that you are restricted to do this because you are a girl. Rather, I want to educate my son as a man who doesn't discriminate between a male and a female. I want my son to never think that he has the right to do anything just because he's a boy.  Arsal wants a minimum of three children, how can I agree with this, obviously I'm not any child-bearing machine. We should go for quality, and not quantity. One child should be raised into a nice person, rather than three brats. Moreover, already I'm not a slim girl, I'll be fattier after bearing three children, it will be impossible for me to get a normal figure.  Arsal's pov After having dinner, I sat on the terrace of my office lighting a cigarette, waiting for Ruhani's call. This is her usual time to call me, it's a bit late today, she hasn't called yet. f**k! Where's she is fine or not! Should I call her? She is such a sensitive girl, a mere change of weather can give her fever.  (The phone rang)  I immediately accepted her call. And there she was...her baby pink plump lips as usual curved, rosy cheeks appearing as gulab jamun. I would have eaten her if she was here in Lahore. She is exactly the girl I have always thought to be my wife since my childhood. She has a very sexy figure, although she's wearing a loose T-shirt now, curves are still visible. The long hairs were disturbing her beautiful eyes, but this can't stop her from talking. Ya Allah! How can this girl speaks this much, I can't even form so many topics to talk about, but she can talk 24*7. Well, she says that she talks this much only with me.  I just love her while she talks like this, her expressions are just... f**k me, please!  This girl is gonna be my death someday. She has named our unborn child Rehan, I love her more when she calls me "Rehan's daddy". Her long eyelashes fluttering when she described her rival at college... Anushka. (chuckles)  She's the real beauty, from outside, as well as from inside. She can never see anyone in pain, if she has to suffer herself, to ease someone's pain, she would do that without any second thought. Yes, I have understood her completely in these three years. I really want her to be the mother of my children, okay, okay, it's her wish how many children we'll have in the future, I just tease her by saying about three to four children.  The annoyance on her face is incredible after listening to about 3-4 children. I know I am mean and angry with her at times, but what can I do, I have behavioral problems and I'm working on them. She never minds about my behavioral changes and that's so great of her. 
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