Uninvited misery

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Past haunts her like a ghost.   Ruhani's pov  After the long video call with my handsome hunk, I was about to sleep when my phone vibrated. It was Arsal text... "baby send some nudes please". Oh god, I'm almost asleep now, plus, I'm on my periods, there is no way I will send him nudes this time.  I replied... "Baby I'm almost asleep, and I'm on my periods too, please do understand".  After a second, my phone vibrated again, as expected, it was him getting mad... "now or never". This is it, what does he thinks of himself, I'm his w***e or what!  I am not going to send him nudes at any cost! Chandra is so caring towards Rita when she's on her periods. Well, care is a distant bird for me, Arsal doesn't even try to understand that nudes are not f*****g possible at this time! Enough is enough!  I know, by this "now or never" he means that he's going to block me FOREVER. Every time he reacts this way and threatens me to block me from social media whenever I deny him his commands. To be true to his words, he blocks me and does not unblock me until I say sorry to him a thousand times on mail and accepts whatever he tells me to do as a punishment.  But today is different, I'm not dramatizing anything, I'm seriously on my periods and this backache is giving me a hell of pain.  I replied... "as your wish, but nudes are not possible at the moment"  Arsal's pov Why does she have to deny every time I ask for nudes. I don't remember any single time I asked her nudes and she sent me without any cross-questioning. Every time she postpones it giving me any lame reason. Everything she says is nothing but a drama... She loves me, she wants me to marry me, f*****g s**t!  If she really wants to marry me, then why on the earth doesn't let me talk to her parents. After all, this is the only way we can get married, we need to talk to our parents for heaven's sake.  My phone beeped with her text... "as your wish, but nudes are not possible at the moment".  Okay then, as my wish... You are blocked for eternity my darling.  (Makes a call)  A female voice: Hey Arsal  Arsal: Where are you?  Her:  Where you left me, Shona, at OUR HOME.  Arsal: Okay, I'm reaching within 10 minutes.  I have given Kinza an apartment to stay forever there. She's my w***e. I last visited there 1 month ago. I don't like to have s*x with anyone, but I need it every time Ruhani makes me angry.  I rang the bell furiously of my apartment in which Kinza is staying. She opened the door wrapped only in a towel like a gift ready to be unwrapped. This made me angrier. Girls here drool over me, die for my one-touch, and Ruhani just denies me every time! How can she do it, that b***h!  I pushed Kinza down to her knees, grabbed her hair, she was smirking like waiting to be f****d, she was hungrily looking at my pants.  ... The whole night I f****d her assuming her to be Ruhani.  Ruhani's pov  As expected, he blocked me. Nothing new to it, I'm habitual to it now. I don't even realize when tears started to flow from my eyes. Flashback of previous memories came to me all of the sudden. The nights when I cried my heart out for him, but he didn't bother to even check up on me. Just because of his stupid command, he blocks me every time, and this leaves me devastated. He never comes back to normal until he punishes me. His punishment includes dancing for him, clicking 50 nudes in different slutty poses, and so on. He never cares to ask even once that I'm fine or not. I warmth in my life, I want to be loved, he talks to me as per his moods. I'm nothing to him more than a freaking w***e. Everything is about him, his anger, his business, his busy schedule, his orders, every f*****g thing belongs to him and I'm just a mode to entertain him.  I was crying a lot by thinking about these things by now.  Suddenly I heard my father shouting from the living room. This reminded me of my childhood days when papa was an alcoholic. He used to drink a lot of alcohol and used to shout at my mum for no reason, sometimes beat her too. He used to lock me and Mumma in the room. I remember everything and these memories haunt me. But now papa has changed a lot, he left alcohol completely, and us a family man now. He apologized to Mumma for all his deeds and by God's grace, our family is happy now.  But why is he shouting at this hour?  I went out and tried to understand what was happening there. I realized that papa was talking to one of his laborers who was telling me that Goenka's were going to cut all ties with papa.  "No, they can't do this to us, I'll talk to Mr. Rakesh Goenka myself tomorrow."  I heard papa saying this on the phone.  "Rakesh Goenka is a very good man, he won't do any such thing with us, believe in god." Mumma was consoling pala. 
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