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Third person's pov Goenka's were the leading group of companies in India. The foundation was set by Mr. Siaram Goenka, his son Mr. Rakesh Goenka was the successor of the empire built by his father. Though Siaram had four sons, Rakesh was the only one in the business and was the eldest among the four. So, Siaram willed Rakesh as the CEO of the Goenka group. All the four brothers Rakesh, Rajesh, Mahesh, and Ranjan lived together happily with their children in the common mansion they shared with their father. Rajesh is an advisor in PMO, India while Mahesh is the Commissioner of Delhi Police. Ranjan does not do any permanent work and was always a burden on his father. His brothers love him a lot but hate his habit of drugs and alcohol. Ranjan's son, Rohit is a member of smugglers of drugs, but this is hidden from the rest of the family.  Arjun Goenka is the only son of Rakesh. His wife, Laxmi is a very bubbly lady full of generosity. All the family members, including the ladies, the children, share a very good bond except Rohit. Rohit has an inbuilt thought that his father became an alcoholic because of the ignorance of his family. Rohit hates everyone in the family, but Arjun the most.  Arjun is going to be the heir of the GOENKA group of companies after his father. Everyone in the family is happy about it as Arjun truly deserves to be the CEO after his father. Arjun and Rohit were best buddies since childhood. They both excelled in studies, games and were considered hunks by the girls. Arjun was 6'2" high and Rohit was 6'0". Arjun was elder, being of 28 years while Rohit was 25. They both had perfectly made abs, girls drooled over their physique.  Rakesh considered Rohit has an equal right over the business as Arjun because Rohit also had great business skills as Arjun had. Arjun fell in love with a girl named Hazel, who was the common friend of Rohit and Arjun since they were in school. Deep down Rohit also had a crush on Hazel but never showed it for the sake of his brother's love towards her. Hazel pretended to be in love with Arjun but she only trapped him for money.  Hazel got pregnant with someone's baby and thought to impose it on Arjun. Arjun was unsure that the baby was his as every time he used condoms and it was intact every single time. But he believed Hazel from the core of his heart, but just to be sure, on the advice of his friend Qabeer, he made a DNA test of the baby without letting Hazel know about it. Qabeer's friend was a doctor and after the delivery of the baby boy, he took the sample for DNA testing. It proved to be NOT matched with that of Arjun. After being caught, Hazel told Arjun that this was planned by Rohit and Hazel.  Earlier Arjun thought to marry Hazel officially after the birth but everything was spoiled and apparently, Rohit was the reason for all this as per Arjun's view.  Everything was changed after that, Arjun thought every girl in the world is a gold digger, the bond between both the cousins was broken after that. Rohit got involved in drugs and smugglers after that. 
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