Chapter 3

1134 Words
CHAPTER 3 Morning came the next day, and they just sat, lashing around with no intention of doing anything serious. “Are we going to lie around here doing nothing?” Sweden asked her sister. Nina woke up and looked into her phone for the time. “It’s almost afternoon you know,” Sweden sharply said again. “ Swiss, what do you want me to do? ” “ I don’t know, do something. We could go out to brunch somewhere, we can take a walk, anything. ” “ Alright then dress up, let's go for brunch. I hope you’ll be calm now. ” “ Sis, can I borrow one of your Celine tops? ” Sweden asked with excitement. “And can I wear these Christian Dior sneakers?” “We are not going for a fashion show, we are going for brunch” Nina said bluntly as she rolled her eyes. “ Come on sis, loosen up! We are going for brunch. It does not mean I cannot look my best. ” Sweden went ahead to take the Dior shoes and the Celine top. She went into the bathroom to bathe so that she could take time to look at herself in the mirror. “ Damn! I look so f*****g good, ” She exclaimed. Nina ordered an Uber, and they went downtown to one of the best breakfast cafés that the surroundings had. She didn’t want to go into town as she did not want to bump into any of Josh’s associates. They entered the café and chose to sit in a very cozy corner at the end of the café. From where they were, they could watch cars that came to park and could see those coming in and out. Nina ordered some food and Sweden followed after. After a time, their meals were served to them, and they started to eat with enthusiasm. Sweden ate most of her food in a hurry and at the same time used her eyes to scan the environment, both inside and out. Nina just sat there being Nina, quiet and meek. “Oh my God, did you see that?”, Sweden exclaimed, as if she saw the angels ascend from heaven. “See what?” , Nina asked in her not very interested tone. She was too sunken, her mood was very displaced, and she did not bother to look in the direction Sweden’s eyes and hands went. “Come on! That guy who just came in the black lambo, he’s so f*****g hot, tanned, and he looks like a Greek god, a king and an angel at the same time”, Sweden said while looking totally in awe at the stranger. Goodness, Sweden kept taking glances at him as he sat to drink his coffee. He looked so organized and well put together. “His shoes, look at those shoes, those are Louboutins”, Sweden thought in her head. He wore a white collared top that had no single wrinkle. His top was unbuttoned at the collar to reveal a very sturdy neck and well-tanned chest. His neck was so thick and a large Adam's apple sat right at the center of his neck, sharp and sexy. His skin was bronzed and glowing. “His eyes, his eyes, those eyes could kill”, Sweden kept staring, unaware that Nina was staring at her too. Nina was barely phased, she had known her sister since when they were younger, she had always been this way around cute guys. One time they went to the park with their parents and Sweden insisted on sharing her pb & j sandwich with a cute guy she saw. She kept pointing and wouldn’t sit with the rest of the family until her mother gave her permission to go ahead. She came back to the family with so much joy, cheeks all flushed and smiles all over her round little face. It remains a memory everyone uses to tease Sweden at family gatherings. “ You know Sweden, it’s not like you’re not used to seeing a handsome guy every day. Do you forget that you have your very own handsome boyfriend? Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten?”, Nina asked with a confused tone. “ You have a boyfriend, but you’re here ogling other guys. Teenagers, they never change, ” She thought. “Nina, he is now sitting behind you,” whimpered Sweden with enthusiasm in her voice. “I need to use the bathroom, stay calm, be good, behave and don’t embarrass me,” Nina said as she stood up and tried to iron her black mini skirt. “You’re such a mean girl, haha!,” Sweden said as she fake cried as if it affected her. Nina shook her head as she removed her purse from her bag and went to the restroom. She didn’t look behind, as she didn’t care for the banter of an adrenaline-high teenager. Little did she know that this was the day that would change her life. The day that will be written down in history as the day that turned her life around. She was unaware that behind her and beneath the black shaded glasses worn by the prim and prude man that was seated behind her, were eyes that fancied her. Eyes that would stare deep into her soul while making the best of love for her. Eyes that would pierce into her while making plans for a beautiful future together. She was unaware that the man had removed his glasses, to have a better stare at the blonde beauty that stood to hand iron her skirt and excuse herself to the bathroom. He removed his glasses so he could have a better view. “My type”, he thought. Nina hurried along and walked to the bathroom without looking or glancing at anyone. She was the kind of person to keep things to herself and mind her business. She was very timid and shy, extremely introverted too. So she wasn’t worried about starting a conversation because she would never and wasn’t worried about anyone walking up to her to start a conversation because, one way or the other, she would brush it off. “ I’m not that much of a social person. The only friend I have is my sister, from Sweden. She keeps disturbing me to improve my social life, but I’m not bothered by it. I’m very content with my life, being indoors and reading catalogs and magazines of beautiful singers. I, myself, am a good singer. I have some tapes recorded, and I have dreams of hitting it very big in music, ” Nina thought, as she recited the lines she normally tells people when they try to have a conversation with her.
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