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Clair “I want to dance too, Blaze will you dance with me?” I asked with a soft smile. “But I don’t know how to dance,” he replied “Don’t worry, I will teach you,” I said “Okay then,” he said with a low growl. We strode toward the dance floor and started dancing together with Josh and Karly. I know Blaze told me that he could dance but I thought he knew the basics at least. I was wrong, Blazed was dancing funnily. I had never seen anyone that bad at dancing, we were laughing at his funny steps. Blazed held my hand and pulled me close to him, our bodies were pressed against each other, and I was having those feelings again. I was feeling drawn to him and my heart was beating so fast that if the music was turned off, everyone in the room could hear the sound of my heart. He placed his hands on my hip and turned me around, he tightened his grip on my hip and pressed my a** against his waist. I let out a moan teasingly and turned my head to see his expression. He smirked and leaned in, I was expecting a kiss but he whispered in my ears instead. “Show me what you got firecracker.” I felt his hot breath on my neck and I almost peed my pants. “Ok hot mysterious man,” I replied with a sly smile. I wiggled my ass against his crotch and I could feel him getting hard as f**k. I wiggled some more before I dropped it and boy was he stunned and speechless. “Gotta!” I said, turning to face him. I leaned in and whispered in his ears. “This is just a little introduction, I can do way more than this,” I said and winked at him. “I can’t wait to find out,” he replied. We danced for a few more minutes before I suggested we head to the bar. Josh and Karly were still dancing, we left them to dance to their contentment and headed to the bar. “So, we are alone,” I said awkwardly. Clair, what are you saying? You sound stupidly awkward! I scolded myself inwardly. “Ha ha it's okay, you don’t have to feel awkward. You can always be yourself around me.” Blaze said with a smile that melted my heart, gosh! What is that man doing to me? How can he look intimidating and soothing at the same time? “Thanks, Blaze, I like you already.” I blurted out before realising what I just said. Omg could I be any more weird? “Ehm… I mean. I don’t mean that type of like… I… f**k” I Said, facepalming. “It’s okay Clair, I like you too haha. Just relax okay?” Blaze said, laughing. Clair don’t blush, don’t blush, don’t blush. “Why is your face red?” Blaze asked with a smirk on his face. Busted! I thought. “Maybe it's because of the drink.” I blurted out without thinking. “You haven’t ordered any drinks since you came back from the dance floor.” He replied, moving a bit closer to me. “Ok you caught me, I was blushing.” “Why were you blushing Clair?” He asked, this time closing the gap between us. “Maybe because I find you attract… Before I could finish my sentence, the most anticipated thing happened. Blazed slammed his lips against mine, I was shocked for a few seconds but then I kissed him back. We were kissing so intensely that I feared it might escalate to something else right on the bar. “Blaze…” I called “Hmm,” he answered, still kissing me like his life depended on it. “We are still in the bar,” I said as I pulled away reluctantly. “Oh sh*t! I forgot that when my lip touched yours.” He replied and I chuckled softly. “Clair, I’m sorry for being a bit rash, I didn’t even ask for your permission before kissing you. Now I feel like a p*rv*rt.” He replied with an apologetic look on his face. “It’s okay Blaze, I understand. I’ve been wanting to do that since but I wasn’t brave enough. I blurted out with confidence. Blaze Did I hear her correctly? Clair wanted the kiss too! Oh God, I’m so relieved. These were my happy thoughts. “You’ve been wanting to kiss me since huh? I asked with a smirk. “What if I wanted to do more than just kissing? She replied with her face inches from mine. Immediately, she stood up and sat on my lap. She looks so hot… damn it! I don’t think I can resist this woman anymore. Personally, without the mate bond drawing us together, I don’t think I could resist her and now with the mate bond, it is impossible for both of us. My wolf was leaping around in and so was I inwardly. “Clair?” I called “Yes…” she answered with the sexiest voice ever “Do you want to leave here? I could take you somewhere private so we can continue from where we stopped.” I asked “Sure, but first let me text Karly.” She said and I nodded. “Ok done, let’s go hot mysterious man.” She replied sassily with a sexy smirk. Clair We were about to leave when Karly rushed toward us with a worried face. “Karly, are you okay? What happened?” I asked, concerned. “I will give you guys some privacy,” Blaze said “Thanks, Blaze,” I replied as I watched him move farther away from us. “Clair, I saw your text. I was reading it when I got a call from the landlord. He sounded so angry, he said we had 20 minutes to return and leave his house or he would destroy our belongings. We need to leave right now! I ordered an Uber and he will arrive in ten minutes," she explained hurriedly. “Where’s Josh?” I asked “We were on the roof discussing, but after I got a call from the landlord, I told him I had an emergency and needed to leave.” She explained. “Ok, my bag is with me let’s go,” I said as we walked toward the entrance of the club “Firecracker, are you leaving?” Blazed asked. Is that a hint of sadness in his eyes? I don’t think so, maybe it’s the effect of the drink. I quickly brushed the thought away. “I’m sorry Blaze, we have an emergency and we need to leave right now,” I replied reluctantly. “Can I at least give you guys a lift?” He asked “We ordered an Uber, oh I think that’s him,” I said as an Uber man packed in front of the club. “Bye Blaze,” I said with a faint smile before rushing toward the Uber. I was feeling empty and disappointed for leaving him. We were having a good time but unfortunately, I had to leave him. I was feeling a bit angry, I was angry that our horrible landlord had to cut our night short. “Karly, you said we still have about four days before our rent is due so why is the landlord disturbing us, and most importantly why tonight? Which normal human would ask his tenants to leave at night!” I grumbled. “I don’t know Clair, I’m equally confused as you, we still have four days! I don’t know what is wrong with him. I don’t think he is a normal human.” Karly replied and we both chuckled. This has become a habit for both of us, we always make jokes about any situation including a serious situation like this one. We are close to being homeless but we still have time to badmouth and mock our wicked landlord. This is the result of having an optimistic girl as your friend and I love her optimism. She always put me at ease and made me understand that worry and pessimism won’t solve anything but instead cause pain and anxiety. After a few more minutes of driving, the Uber pulled up at the front of our apartment. We got down from the Uber and met the angry gaze of our landlord.
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