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Clair The landlord was staring at us furiously with disdain in his eyes. I still don’t understand why he loathes us so much. “What took you guys so long? Were you testing my patient?” The landlord asks with an angry voice. “We took an Uber down here immediately after you hung up. You gave us twenty minutes and it took us less than fifteen minutes to get here so I don’t see why you are complaining.” Karly replied, rolling her eyes. “Don’t you dare roll your eyes at me, young lady!” He thundered. “I don’t why you would summon us by this time of the night, it is not as if we committed a crime. And the worst part of it is that we weren’t even alone, we had company but we had to leave them for a stupid emergency!” I was annoyed. “You two have some nerve talking to me like that when you know that you are close to being thrown out of my house.” He said arrogantly. “You know you can’t do that because we still have four days until our last payment expires,” Karly replied hissing. “Haha, you think I can’t throw you out before the next four days? You are so naive.” He said, laughing like a wicked wizard. “Why would you do that? We didn’t violate any rule and don’t owe you. You can’t throw us out!” I said angrily. “That’s the reason why I called for you guys, someone wants your apartment and she is ready to pay twice the amount you pay me to rent the apartment. So… if you want to keep staying in my house you have to pay double the normal price and I will leave you alone and look for another apartment for the person. If not, I’m afraid I will have to evict you both from my house.” He replied sinisterly. “What!” Karly and I exclaimed in unison. “Twice the normal price? How would we afford that? We struggle to pay the normal price and now you want us to pay double?” I said in disbelief. I know our landlord is greedy and unkind but I didn’t expect that he would throw us out like this. He knows fully well that we cannot pay twice the normal price of the rent and yet he insists we either pay it or leave. He has been rude and unkind to us since we rented his apartment. We ignored him and his rude remarks because his apartment was the cheapest apartment we could find. If he doesn’t want us in his apartment why did he rent it to us? I was livid, I was angrier because I knew I could not do anything against him. “I don’t care, whatever method you want to use to pay, do it fast. You have just three hours to pay, else you will have to pack all your stuff and leave. I’m sure your stuff is not much so you can easily get them out of my house.” He said without remorse. “We cannot pay twice the normal price, we will leave after our previous payment expires in four days,” Karly said “It seems like you lost the ability to hear, you either pay today or you leave right now!” He replied “Can we at least stay till tomorrow? We can’t leave tonight, we have nowhere to go and it is already past ten.” Karly said “If you don’t have the money and you know you can’t get it within three hours. Go in there, collect your filthy things, and move your sl*tty a** out of my house now!” He replied, determined to throw us out. “Excuse me, did you just call us a sl*t? How dare you?! You know what, I don't want to waste my breath on a greedy man like you anymore! Karly, let’s pack our things and leave this place now!” I said thunder angrily. I went inside the apartment and Karly followed closely, we packed all our stuff and brought them outside the apartment. I was shocked to see a car packed outside the apartment and inside the car was no other person than the female interviewer who rejected my application without any reasonable cause. What surprised me more was the look on Karly’s face. At first, she was surprised but then her face turned red with anger. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the witch herself…” Karly said, referring to the interviewer. “Karly, do you know her? I asked in surprise. “Don’t you remember her? This is Stella, the b*tch who made our lives miserable for years in high school.” “Stella?” My face turned red immediately, I was more than angry. “So you knew who I was all along, that's why you rejected my application for no reason. I was wondering what I did wrong to result in getting my application rejected, and now I get it. Turns out it was your doing all along, I’m not surprised you’re are still a b*tch after all these years.” I said as memories of her bullying were returning slowly, I was hurt and angry. She was one of the people that made me learn tricks to protect myself and Karly. “Wait! She was the b*chy interviewer?!” Karly asked in astonishment. “Yes she is,” I replied glaring at Stella. “Can you girls shut up for once, why are you showing the characteristics of a parrot? I’m not here to catch up with you guys and I don’t have time to waste on meaningless people. I’m here to pay for your previous apartment. I’m not gonna be living there though, I have my own house. I just felt like renting this particular apartment, I hope you guys don’t mind. I don't care if you do.” She said with a proud and disgusting voice. “You are the person who wants to pay twice the price just to throw us out? How can you be this wicked, what did we ever do to you?” Karly asked, I could tell she was hurting. I pay her shoulder to calm her down a bit. “You want to know what you did? So you don’t know what you did huh? My boyfriend broke up with me and humiliated me just because of you Clair! What is so special about you huh? You’re just a stupid orphan who dresses in rags and eats sh*t. That was the greatest insult I ever experienced in my life just because of you! And you Karly I just don’t like you, you both make me want to puke whenever I see you.” She replied with hate in her voice. “That’s all? So you bullied us for years just because of your stupid p*rverted boyfriend who you didn’t even love? I didn’t even talk to him once! I always avoid and ignore him. How’s it my fault that your boyfriend is bored of you and needs a new girl?” I shouted angrily at her. “Oh shut up, even if I didn’t love him, I wanted to be the one to dump him but instead because of you, he dumped me! You go around the school, seducing people’s boyfriends and still act innocent, you act like you are not interested in any boy. You couldn’t fool me like you fooled everyone else. I saw through your tricks and your pretentiousness.” She replied walking closer to me, I held my head high ready to put her in her place if she tried anything. “You made our high school life miserable because of something so meaningless. You dipped Karly’s books in the toilet and we had to take several part-time jobs to be able to afford another set of books. You spread untrue rumours about us that made everybody mock us throughout high school. You threw our lunch away almost every day during recess and when we reported you to the principal you denied everything and went unpunished just because your father is rich and he always donated to the school. You paid the managers to fire us from the places where we worked to make ends meet. You lied to the principal that we cheated on a last paper exam, she listened to you and made us repeat the same class. And the worst of them all you sent some of your minors to capture and lock us up in a haunted building for three days without food and water and we almost lost our lives and now you want us to be homeless all because of a boy I didn’t even look his way once! What have you not done Stella? Can’t you see that you are worse than a witch?” I said almost in tears as horrible memories that took me years to forget came back within a minute. No Clair, don't cry, don’t give her that satisfaction. I encourage myself. “I can’t believe I didn’t do more than that! I hate you and I will ruin anything good in your life, I promise you.” She said before she entered her car and drove off.
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