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Blaze One of the numerous things I like about Clair is the way she smiles and chuckles. Her smile is a ray of sunshine that brings warmth to my heart whenever I see her. Her soft chuckles and cute laugh are the most melodious sounds I’ve ever heard, my heart does a happy dance whenever she chuckles or laughs and I want to be the reason for her smiles always. I knew it would be difficult to forget her when I first laid my eyes on her, though I did try to forget her the first time I saw her because I was in search of my Luna but the second time I saw her, I knew she is peculiar and I didn’t care much about finding my Luna anymore. I found her interesting and irresistibly drawn by her beautiful boy just her outward beauty but her inner beauty also. Not because I found out she could be a halfbreed and my mate also but because of her charms which reflected beauty and kindness. I want her around me, I want to see her more often and I was about to tell her that but for the first time in my life, I was nervous and I didn’t know how she would react if I told her. What if she stops talking to me? What if she is not interested in me? What if I’m not her spec? What if hates me if she finds out about my identity? There was a lot of ‘what if’ in my head. I guess I will never know if I don’t try. I should give it a try, I summoned the courage and decided to ask her out on a date. “Ahem!” I cleared my throat “Um…” I hesitated “What Blaze? Why are you hesitant? I didn’t know the big mysterious man could be hesitant. *soft laugh* if you want something just tell me, you don’t need to hesitate.” She said, chuckling. There is that sweet chuckle I love so much, I could record and listen to her chuckle all day without getting tired. Now is the best time to ask her. *inhaled and exhaled* “I love it when you chuckle Clair I want to see more of it, more of you. I want to know everything about you, your perfection, and your flaws. So… I would like to take you out on a date, will you do me the honor and go on a date with me? I promise I won’t do anything you don’t want me to and you can pick the date.” “Umm… I don’t know Blaze, I will think about it.” She replied in an unsure tone. I felt my heart sink a little, what would her decision be? I hope she agrees. Clair I having fun talking with Blaze, I was feeling bored or lonely because of his presence. I loved the little chat we were having and I hoped we could continue the chat. He was hesitant after some time, I could feel a hint of nervousness in his voice. I was amazed to find out that the big hot mysterious man could also be nervous. His demeanor always says otherwise, he is the most confident and intimidating man I have ever seen. His aura screams enigma and danger, how could such kind of man be nervous? Was he nervous because of me? Maybe I read it wrong, it is impossible to think someone like him could be nervous. I was shocked when he asked me out, it was out of the blue, and I wasn’t expecting it. I didn’t know how to reply, so I told him to let me think about it even though my heart was screaming yes, it took all the resistance in me to tell him I would think about it. My heart was yelling at me for wanting to think about it when I could have just said yes right away but I couldn’t take the risk. I was too skeptical to trust him just yet. I was irresistibly attracted to him and I wanted to be close to him at all times but because of my lack of trust in all men, I couldn’t take the risk of being too close and attached to him. I fear that If I become attached to him and give my heart to him, he will break me and leave me broken forever. That was why I never dated anyone, I didn’t want to be left broken all alone. Though I act tough and protective, I have the most fragile heart ever and that was my only weakness. I easily get hurt by words and actions, to avoid being hurt I grew overprotective of myself and the people I love. “I'm sorry Blaze, I have to go,” I said and hung up. I stayed in my room all day until Karly returned from work. “Hello bestie, I’m so exhausted! I met a troublesome and rude customer today, who almost got me fired but thank goodness my boss is a kind and disinterested lady. She stood up for me and threw the troublesome lady out. But first, I need to freshen up.” Karly said, dropping her handbag and heading to the bathroom. “Be fast and get you cute a** here! I need the full gist!” I said excitedly. Karly came back after 5 minutes and sat close to me. “You took just five minutes?! Not that I mind though. So what happened?” I asked curiously. Karly told me everything that transpired between her and the rude customer she encountered. “You mean she almost threw hot coffee on you?” I asked in disbelief. “Yes, and she was like do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me like that, your coffee taste. She pulled the Karen trick on me but my boss stopped her when she tried to soak my clothes with hot coffee.” She narrated. “She complained about your coffee? Your delicious coffee? I haven’t tasted any coffee better than yours in my entire life! The woman is truly crazy.” I said. Karly makes the best coffee I’ve ever tasted and she’s always the one called upon to make coffee for customers and they love both her and her coffee. The rude lady probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed. “So how was your day?” She asked, smiling mischievously. “My day went well all thanks to you bEsTiE,” I said. I reached for a pillow, Karly knew what I was about to do so she started running around the room like a lost child. I chased her, throwing pillows at her and running around like children. It escalated quickly and we turned it into a pillow fight, we stopped when we heard a knock at the door. We stare at ourselves like a child who got caught doing what he was warned against. “Who is there?” I asked nervously. “Room service.” The voice outside replied. I heaved a sign of relief and so did Clair. I opened the door, and a lady entered and dropped a tray of food on the table. “Do you need any other thing, ma’am?” She asked with a soft smile. “No, we don’t,” I answered and smiled back at her. “Ok, if you need anything do not hesitate to tell me.” She said as she opened the door and left. “So bestie… where did we stop I asked?” “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m tired of running. I’m sorry I gave Josh your number to give to Blaze without telling you.” She said, using her hand to stop me from hitting her. “I was surprised when I saw a message from Blaze today, I asked him where he got my number from, and he told me everything. I’ve been waiting for you to come back since.” I said “I’m sorry I didn’t ask you first, I just wanted you to give him a chance. Not every man is the same, I’ve told you several times. So how did it go?” She asked, smiling with curious eyes.
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