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Victor "How did it go?" Dylan broke the silence in the room. After finishing off from the task of the day, I branched at the bar to have one or two cups of drinks before I leave for the next job. I couldn't help but let out a smile remembering the event that transpired between me and the weird woman. I can't say how the job will turn out due to the fact that, all my clients were men but getting a woman wouldn't be that different. It's nothing I can't handle. Women are easy to tame. I was able to achieve that on the first go. When father dropped the file with me this morning, I was skeptical on whether to take on the job or not. Initially, he planned to give me a few weeks off before I start any job. But he said something about an urgent task. The pay is high and I will only work for two to three months. I was quite piqued at her profile. Elena Carter. Twenty three. Daughter of Carter Wyatt. A business man and the ambassador of the city. The list goes on like that. If only her character was mentioned there. I was expecting her to be kind but she exceeded my expectations . I don't know the relationship she shared with the guy but I could tell it was one sided. I began my work even before reporting to her father. I was on my way from delivering the information needed to my client when I saw her on the driveway all alone. I was supposed to finalize the deal with her father first before meeting her but somehow I felt like something is going to go wrong which was why I followed her heed. "I met the client" I answered after a while. "So fast. What type of job is it? You didn't say anything on the phone" you could see how eager he was to get the information out of me. Dylan and I have been friends since I could remember. I would say we met in college to be precise. I didn't go further from college. Whereas Dylan had a masters degree. "The client is a woman. And it's a bodyguard stuffs" "Woman?" He repeated like it was the weird thing for him to say. "Bodyguard isn't your thing. How would you be able to cope?And that a woman" "I know right" I answered rubbing my jaw in thinking. I don't know why I accepted the job. It's not about the money or anything. I was curious about something. About her family background. "There's always a first time Dylan. I know all my jobs are low key. But I can manage. Three months is not far from now" Dylan didn't buy what I said. He knows me quite well. I might appear calm and quite but when touched, I hyperventilate a lot. "But how would you be able to guard a woman. And that for three months. You know how women are" "You don't have to worry about that. Women are easy to tame. I've gotten my hands around her already. She seems to be a spoilt child. Hot tempered if I may add. That is something I'm good at handling. But..." I trailed off adjusting my siting position. "She's doing a dirty job behind her parents back. I'm not yet sure but I could tell the person is using her" "Who? The client? Who is the person?" He bombarded all at once. I took a sip of my drink before focusing on Dylan. Who was wearing a questioning look on his face. "He seem to be her boyfriend. I want you to find out about him and report to me tomorrow. I'm off" I gulped down the remaining drink. Which is close to nothing to me. I don't get drunk easily. "Where to?" Dylan exclaimed off as I was halfway out of the bar. It was the time of the night when people engulf themselves with their problems. Drinking it away in the bar. I won't say I was in the same situation. But at times, I find solace whenever I drink myself away. "To hit the jackpot" I ushered waving at him and walked out of the bar. I hopped on my bike and fire away. Wondering why I don't own a car? Because I see it as a waste of money. What will a car do for me that a bike will not do for me. I was taught how to economize money. It's not stinginess but a way of saving for the future. I do everything timely. If something is not necessary, I don't go for it. The drive to my house was a ten minute drive and also due to the speed of my bike. From the entrance door, I could perceive the aroma of food. Mother doing her best as she always do. "Vicky you're back" Came mother's cheerful voice as she set the plates on the dining. At the sitting room seated my father and my brother Mateo who by all means rolled his eyes. We're used to that. A summary of how I've lived my life all these years. Patrick Logan who I took his surname, an ex-member of the force is my foster father. He took me in when I was 10 or 11 to be precise. Trained me to who I am today. And I am proud of how far I've become. His wife whom I call mother is a mother figure to me. I won't be able to repay them for all they have done to me. I had nothing. I was a nobody until father took me out of the shackle when I was grieving from my biological mother's death. It was a short sickness. The image didn't leave my head even for once. How my mother took her last breath due to one night. The night that changed everything. But that will be a story for another day. I have promised myself not to let my emotions get the better of me. "Why are you standing there. Come sit" came her voice again. In a matter of seconds turned minute, we occupied the dining. As usual, we maintain table manners while eating as per father's instructions. All noise should be after everything is cleared out on the plates. Until Mateo decided to break the silence. "Father I thought we're not going to take any job for the next three weeks" His words were directed at me. There's no doubt. "Yes. But when an opportunity comes, you should grab it with two hands. It's not like the job is a hard one. Talking of that Victor, were you able to meet the client?" I briefly spared a pissed off Mateo a glance before shifting them back to father. "Yes I did. I'm heading there from here" I answered shortly. Father nodded his head in answer. "That's good then. I don't have to say anything I trust you will do a good job like you've always done" "Work doesn't go wrong in Vicky hands" Mother chirped in with a smile. All of us let out a smile. Except Mateo who was holding himself back not to burst out. After we're done eating, I proceeded to my room to fetch the stuffs I would be needing. It's not like I planned to stay at their house. As per discussion, Mr. Carter left the decision in my hands. With the way the spoilt girl behaved with me. And her hideous plan, I might as well stay at their house for a few days to put the bits together. I zipped up the bag, sparing the room a brief glance before making my way out. Two pair of eyes greeted me. He was wearing the same pissed off expression back at the dining. "You thought you will get a gold medal for being the best agent in the city" He spat. A smile found its way out of me. No matter how angry or pissed off I am, I try as much as I can not to let my emotions out. I've learned to do that. I was taught that. Mateo knows that too. Yet, he doesn't step back. "If you're referring to what father said at the dining, then rest assured, I didn't take that to heart. Gold medal or not, I'm doing what I was taught" I was about to walk away when he spoke up again making me to halt in my step. "I won't allow you to take my rights away again" This time around, my smile widened. It seems he doesn't know what he want. I turned around. "I will pretend I understood what you mean. Last time I checked, I wasn't holding any rights of yours. But if you want to, you can grab the opportunity while I'm away. All the best brother" with that I turned on my heels and walked away not before his hiss resonate to my eardrums. I've learned not to allow any negativity to get to me. I know sometimes I found myself in a tight spot, but I've worked on holding myself back. I breathed in and out a sharp breath as I stood in front of the Carter's mansion. Two bulky men in black holding their guns by the side. "Let's do this Victor" I assured myself before stepping in. The loud sound of the door revamped to my ears. I wonder why they're still using a door like that. The living room was eerily quite. I cleared out my voice in the means of getting attention of anyone. After for like a minute, a woman walked out from where I don't know. Maybe the kitchen as she was wearing a uniform with a name tag. "Hello" I commenced as cool as I can. "Hello" She seem nice. Unlike someone. Okay, maybe I should stop thinking about how rude she was to me. I'm ready to face it again. "I'm here to see Miss Elena" there's no need to see her parents right? We've already discussed with her father. "Alright. Please have a seat. I will go get Ma'am" I formed my lips into a thin line and made myself comfortable on the extravagant couch. I took my time to access the room. "Um.. Sir, Ma'am said you should meet her in her room" "Her room?" I repeated my eyes slightly going wide. What will I do in her room? The woman spoke up again snapping me out of the trance I ventured into. As I followed her, thought ran through my mind. However, it was cut short when she spoke up again. "We're here" And she turned around and left. I composed myself and pushed the door open. I was greeted with the presence of my client who was seated on the vanity mirror, hair all over her back. Her black hair looks quite dashing. Victor pull yourself together. You're here to see your client not to admire her hair. "Have a seat" came her voice. I didn't argue and grabbed my seat on the stool next to me. "Open that suitcase by your side" she said in all her authoritative voice. That was when I noticed the back suitcase laid by the side. I don't want to jump to conclusions yet but she don't mean to use that kind of trick on me. Nevertheless, I went ahead and grabbed the suitcase and opened it. To my expectations, it was filled with dollars which if I'm to estimate, it's a big amount. She stood up and trekked her way towards me maintaining enough space between us. "If you want, I can give you more. Any amount that will last you all your life you won't be broke till your death" I swallowed something down my throat. People think money will solve everything . They think offering you money will make you succumb to them. I guess it was the same for her. Only if she knows Victor Logan isn't that kind of person. Not even close to that. "I will give you anything you want. You only have to shut your mouth on what you saw that night and resign from this job" She stated as calmly as she can. Whereas, my inside burned up. "The choice is yours Mr.Victor or whatever your name is. This will save your life and maybe your family's as well" I was quick in sitting up towering over her figure. I guess this is the time for me to use my father's words. This is the opportunity for me.
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