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Elena The tension in the room was as thick as a metal rod as Victor burned his gaze on me. That somehow made me appear little before him with his tall figure towering over mine. You won't call me short but he was tall enough to surpass my height. “Do you know you have a way of pissing people off with that smile of yours?” I said getting irritated at the smile on his face. I'm sure he is cooking something bad beneath the smile. “I will take that as a compliment. However, it won't change the fact that I'm only doing my job” He uttered as cool as he can. That made my inside boiled more. The fact that he's taking the bodyguard thingy serious. I stepped forward wrapping my arms across my chest, staring straight into his eyes which I found dangerous. “I have the final say whether you will keep this job or not” “Point of correction Mì Lady, I will be the one to decide whether to leave or stay” Our eyes on one another, I wasn't sure whether the man standing in front of me is purely evil or he chose to misbehave with me. Probably because of what he saw the other night. I leaped forward leaving barely more than three inch between us. Pushing my index finger at him. “Just because you saw me with Nick the other night doesn't mean you can threaten me however you like. Stay within your limits. I-” I didn't get to finish my statement when he grabbed my index finger twisting it a bit. I didn't fail to let out a wince. “I will advice you to cool off your hot blood. I'm not hard to work with. Your money or bluff won't move me or make me change my mind. Get some rest. You must be stress out” if there's one thing that happened to me at that moment was the anger that boiled in me. “I'm sure you're sick in the head. The person who needs to cool off his blood is you not me. You can't f*****g threaten me!” I said out loud while he marched his way out. “He must be insane. I should cool off my hot blood?” An annoyed chuckle escaped me as I fanned myself with my palms. “I can't believe father wants this crazy man to watch over me. No. Never” With that, I stormed out of the room. I don't think I will be able to stay in it. Because I might make a mess of the room. I was anticipating sunrise so I could vent out my anger of father. I'm not going to accept him as my bodyguard. Not after what he said last night. I went to his study room direct because he always warm up in his study room before he take his breakfast and took off to the company. “Father...” My words trailed off when a pair of two eyes attacked me. Victor. What the hell! “What's wrong Elena?” Father asked. I went straight to the point. “Him” I pointed at Victor who was wearing a cool face as usual. “I can't accept him as my bodyguard. He has no manners” “I don't think that will be a problem. Because you lack one yourself” “What?” I uttered disbelievingly. Did he just say I lack manners? “Elena I know what you want to say. I thought we’re done discussing. Victor isn’t complaining. He’d be the one to do all the work. Guarding you and all” “Of course I will complain father. I'm not a small kid. Nothing will happen to me” I exclaimed spreading my hands in the air. The two men shared a look. Somehow, I found it suspicious. Victor sat up. “I will take my leave now Sir” He said. A pair of strong hand grabbed my arm pulling me away. “What the hell are you doing!” He pulled the door open and pushed me out. “What the hell is wrong with you!” I seethe throwing him a glare. “Meet me outside” And he left. He f*****g left. Like what just happened Elena. “Meet me outside” I repeated. “I’m convinced now, that guy is not okay in the head” I sauntered to my room and took the necessary things for work before embarking out. I could hear the sound of cracking plates from the kitchen which means my mom is on with kitchen sanitation. Sometimes I wonder why she hired maids when she will still take care f the kitchen. “I’m off Mom” I yelled out. I was already out of the entrance door when I heard her reply. Too late. For a moment I held in my breathe not at anything but the scene before me. He was leaning on one of my father’s car with his eyes direct on his wrist watch. His jet back hair were not missing out from the sunlight. His posture made him look extravagant. Like he was being paid to stand in that position. “Never seen a hottie before?” My mind instantly rewind back to its senses. Did I just checked him out? Called him extravagant? No Elena. Your mind must be carried away by the load in your head. I mentally assured myself before stepping down the low dimension stairs. “I saw nothing but a crazy man” I answered meekly fishing out my keys towards my car. “Thought we’re going in this car” he pointed at father’s car before stuffing his hand in his pocket. My eyes trailed to his chest. Few of his buttons were left open. Showing a bit of his chest. He doesn’t even have that kind of body that will show how strong he is. He looks skinny. Okay, maybe I took it far. “You can drive it if you want to. I don’t care. I have my car” with that, I unlocked the car and stepped in. He did drove father’s car trailing behind me like a leech. I hate the feeling of being watched. Father have been in politics for over how many years and we’ve been perfectly fine. I don’t know why he’s hell bent on assigning me someone to watch over me. “He’s sure doing the wrong thing by accepting this job” I hissed out hitting my palms on the steering wheel. “Hey man, stick your eyes in front of you. You’re not driving in your land!” I honked at the car slowing my pace. Seeing that the car has no plan on putting on speed, I honked continuously hissing on the accord. My mood is about to get bad today. I’m sure of it. I managed to arrive at the office after jamming another batch of traffic delay. One thing I hate with early morning outing. The traffic. “Some people have no use of their car. They will be driving as if they own the road” “Or maybe you don’t have the patience enough” Victor’s voice revamped to my eardrums. For the life of me, I have forgotten about him completely. I threw him a dirty glare instead before I proceeded inside. I was greeted by my two employees. Larisa and Taylor. “Good morning Ma’am” they both said in unison. “Morning” I stick to short reply. They knew not to push me further when I experience a morning traffic. “Send all the pending project to my office Larisa” “Ma’am-” I stopped and passed her a look. Her eyes darted to the side where Victor was standing. “Who-” “Do what you’re asked to” Victor and I shared a look. An unreadable expression was dancing in his eyes and that smirk of his. How I hate that expression on his face. I inserted my keys on my office door. “Didn’t know you have a scary side to you” “Mind your business and stay outside. You don't have to follow inside like a leech” I pushed the door open and closed it with a loud thud. I dropped my bag on the desk settling down on the accord. I breath in and out a sharp breath. “I won’t allow him to affect my mental state” I muffled out pulling out the working materials from my bag together with my phone. I dialed Nick’s number immediately tapping my fingers on the desk as I waited for him to pick the call. “Hello” His familiar voice revamped from the other end. “Nick. Where are you? Are you okay? Why didn’t you call me” I bombarded all at once. By the sound of his voice, you'd know he's in an exhausted state. “And don’t dodge the question. Tell me if you’re okay or not” I know Nick so well. He will try to hide away his pain. His sigh resonate in return. “Of course I’m okay. Planning to call you when I settle in my new apartment. I’m in Italy. And don’t worry I’m safe. I missed you baby” There’s no way Nick words will not melt my heart. It always tingles something inside me. I found myself blushing. “I missed you too. Hope you will be able to manage staying there?” “I’m not sure. You know I’m not used to new environments and then…” He stopped and inhaled a sharp breath. I was instantly alerted by his demeanor. “What’s wrong Nick?” I got silence in return. “Nick? Talk to me? Are you really okay there” “Yes. Don’t worry. I’m just thinking about us. You know, we’re far from each other. And then I’m thinking about how I will cater for my needs before I get a job” I heaved out a sigh of relief. I thought it was something serious. “Is that why you’re skeptical to tell me. Nick, your problem is my problem. How much do you need?” “I can manage ten thousand dollars. I will pay you back. I promise” “I’m not going to give you so you could pay me back. We’re one. I will go to the bank later and wire the money. Will you be able to wait till then?” “Yes. That’s no problem. Thank you baby. I love you” A ting of blush occupied my cheeks once again. “I love you too” We chatted for a while before Nick ended the call from his end. Well, I won’t say ten thousand dollars is not a big money or I can’t afford it but it’s my Nick. I have no problem in giving him. As far as he will be safe wherever he is. Then my mind will be at peace too. I discarded the phone by the side and proceeded to began my work. A smile broke at my lips remembering our conversation few minutes ago. How he was able to bring a smile to my face just with his few words. “Don’t be deceived by a life full of lies” My eyes shot towards the door where Victor was standing arms crossed over his chest. When did he entered. “Are you now eavesdropping on my conversation?” I ushered. I watched as he took intimidating steps towards me stopping right in front of my desk. “I don’t mean to eavesdrop but it seems you didn’t hear me when I was knocking on your door. Have to remind you that you’re not doing the right thing by protecting the criminal you c-” “Shut it!” “Just shut it!” I yelled out standing up to his figure. “Don’t you dare lecture me on what to do. It’s none of your business whether I protect him or not. Stay out of my business. Just do your job” My inside was burning with anger. I was calm few minutes ago yet he demolish my mood. He didn’t waver or show any reaction to my outburst. I hissed out. “Just do your work man. Don’t meddle in my business” I threw him a glare. He stare back. “Well…” He trailed off raking his eyes on me from head down. If not because of how I noticed his eyes on my chest, I would’ve said he was looking down on me. “This is part of my work. Your father entrusted your responsibility to me. I have to make sure you don’t get into any trouble” “I don’t care. Focus on your own responsibility. Staying out of what you’re not included in. If you push me to the edge. You won’t like what I will do to you” with that, I stepped on my heels and walked away. Two to three steps when my body was being pulled back followed by my hand hitting the desk.
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