
2001 Words
Elena “Can you stop laughing already” I hissed at my friend Stacy. I should have known better telling her about my encounter with the crazy man will bring me nothing but a laughing stock from her. “Okay, I will. But-” She burst again this time around the sound of her laughter was louder than before. Great. Who enjoys jokes better than Stacy. I didn’t spare her another glance and focus my attention on my work. I haven’t been giving it my full focus. I have a pending project yet to complete. And the client is very much important to me. “I’m sorry. I won’t laugh again” “If you like laugh till tomorrow. You can even go and meet him so you could make fun of me together” I don’t really mind whether he would hear us from behind the door. He was still sticky like yesterday. As if his lifeline depends on guarding me. “But seriously Elena you called that hot man ugly?” “Why not? He’s ugly to me. I can’t pretend” the fact that he thought too highly of himself made me look at him more ugly. “And I will add he’s too cool” Stacy blinked her eyes twice. “I don’t understand. What wrong with being cool. Isn’t Nick cool also? Talking about Nick, how is he?” “He’s good” I replied shortly. “Good? Why do I sense something here” Stacy doesn’t like Nick that much. If she found out the amount of money I gave him she will lecture me on why I didn’t take the right decision. Stacy is my best friend but also like a sister to me. As an only child to my parents, sometimes I yearned for a brother figure or a sister figure. Stacy is like one to me. We’ve been friends since kindergarten. Doing and sharing everything together. I take every decision of mine based on her opinion. However, Nick’s case was different. Just because she doesn’t like him doesn’t mean I will turn my back on him. I love him. And I’m ready to do anything for our love. Nick himself isn’t left out. “There’s nothing wrong. He’s in Italy. He’s lying low” “And you believed him?” Her question came as surprise to me. I dropped my pen and turned to her. “What do you mean I believed him? Is that supposed to be a red flag from you?” “I don’t know but I feel like the rumors are true” “Please Stacy. I’m in no mood for your lectures. I trust Nick and know he won’t do anything illegal. You’re just being like this because you don’t like him” I didn’t mean to lash out on her but sometimes she goes overboard whenever it comes to Nick and I. “I’m sorry if what I said hurts you. I’m just worried. You know your father doesn’t know and your brother doesn’t want you together with him” I nodded my head. Probably I know that so well. Jaxon has never liked Nick a bit. He once warned me to be careful. One thing they don’t know Nick is someone that accepted and love me and my flaws. “Don’t worry Stacy. I know you’re worried because you care about me. When everything is over, I will inform father. I’m sure he won’t object when I tell him I’m ready to settle down. That’s what they have been wanting from me right” I said with a wink. Stacy chuckled out in return. “This girl you’re too bad. Jaxon is coming back today right. Aren’t you going to pick him up?” Okay, Stacy changed the topic on purpose. She had a crush on my brother for as long as I could remember but too afraid to express her feelings. I tried to push her into confessing but all to no avail. I don't blame her. My brother has that no nonsense face. One of the reasons why she doesn't want to confess. Fearing rejection. But there's no harm in trying. “Just say you missed him and can't wait to see him” I teased. “Me? No. I was just saying” She rolled her eyes turning her face to the other side. I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. “You can't pretend to me young woman. You will see your Jaxon soon” I ended with a wink. ** I finished from work quite early due to Jaxon disturbance. He wants me to come home early for dinner. I know it was all because he missed me. And he will pretend that he didn't. I gathered my stuff and made my way out. I've already informed Larisa and Taylor to call it a day. There's nothing they will do since I'm not in office. It's better they spend the rest of their day somewhere. “Good night Ma’am” Larisa uttered. “Night” Victor was leaning on my car in the posture he calls hottie. I ignored him and walked to the driver's seat. If I roared the engine to life, he will detach his body from the car. I don't have to say anything to him. “Are you looking for this?” My car keys was dangling in his hand. “What are you doing with my keys?” I remember keeping it on my desk. How did it get to his hands. “It doesn't matter. Get in the car. We're getting late” “Wait...” I shake my head. “Who are you giving orders here? I just asked you a question. How did my keys get in your hand?” He rounded his steps towards my side in a slow pace. He leaned one head beside my head inching his face closer. Something hibernate inside me. Like some part of my mind was being squeezed. “It was supposed to be in my possession. After all, I'm your bodyguard” I could swear my body shudder at his hoarse voice. For a moment, my mouth went dead silent. I know I needed to insult him or push him away but his close proximity didn’t allow me to. “So be a good girl and get in the car” And then he unlocked the back door and pushed me in shutting the door back. “Are you insane?” I blurted out when my senses came back to my body. “What do you think you are doing. This is my car!” “Answering your first question. No I’m not insane. I’m sane like you. And to the second question, I don’t want to answer. Do yourself good and stay calm. I'm not going to drive slowly” To say I wasn't short of words will be an understatement. He has answer to everything I say. And he answers them rudely. You are no difference Elena. Remember people label you as a rude woman. My inner mind ushered. A hiss found it's way out of me as I turned my face to the window. “If you like kill us” He should go to hell. I heard him chuckle but didn't react to it. No words were exchanged between us up to our arrival at home. “Get out of the car and hand me the car key” I said the moment I got out of the car. He was a bit surprised “What if I don't want to?” “Then you should keep sitting in the car. If you like sell the car” With that I turned on my heels and walked away. From the entrance door I could hear Jaxon’s voice. The house will know brother of the house is back. “Hello ladies and gentlemen” I cheered making my presence known. Jaxon spared me a glance that didn't last for more than two seconds. “We don't entertain late comers here” “Oh come on brother. I know you missed me just say it” I threw my arms over his shoulder. “Let me go” He tried to detach me from his body but I tighten my hold. I don't care about the age gap between us. But the bond we shared is stronger than our age. “Say you miss me” “No. I don't miss you” “You do” “No” “Are you two kids? Can't you see we have a guest” For the life of me I have forgotten about Victor. I rolled my eyes before settling down beside Jaxon not before throwing him a glare. “Come join us Victor” Mom uttered. “I'm fine Ma’am” I don't know whether it was me but there was sadness in his eyes. He excused himself and left the room. I turned to Jaxon who has already occupied his front with a full plate food. “Brother you don't want to admit you missed me right?” “I don't want to pretend on what is not true” I rolled my eyes once again. Jaxon is back with his bossy personality. We ate dinner while having small conversation. “Father who is that young man?” Jaxon commenced breaking the silence that once resonate in the room. “He's Elena’s bodyguard” His eyes darted to me back to father. “Why? Did she do something bad?” “Brother” “I'm just asking” He said almost immediately. At some point I feel like he's referring to Nick. The news has probably reached everywhere. Father cleaned his lips with the table napkin. “She didn't do anything wrong but things are not stable from my side. I assigned him to protect her. My mind will be at peace knowing you two are safe” Safe my foot. He pulled the chair back and stood up. “Meet me in my study room Elena” Mom and I exchanged looks. “What?” I mouthed but all I got from her was a shrug. Father's hands were intertwined as I made my way inside. “Sit” he said or much like ordered. I didn't want to jump to conclusions yet. But somehow his tone doesn't settle well with me. Nevertheless, I did as told. “Is everything okay father?” I couldn't help asking. He heaved out a sharp breath. “Elena, I'm your father. I love you. You know I won't do anything that will bring threat to your life. I love you and Jaxon equally. Both of you are precious to me. Without you two, I don't know how life would've been for your mother and I” “You’re scaring me father” I said. I don't know why he's saying all that suddenly. “Am I in danger?” “No you're not. But I can't take the risk of putting your life in danger. This is the right time for me to protect you well considering the coming election. There's something I want you to do for me” There’s no mistaken all his words aren't just plain. I forced out a smile even though deep down I was nervous. Of him forcing me to do something I don't want to. “Tell me father” He reached for my hands that were resting on his desk giving them a light squeeze. “I want you and Victor to get married” I want you and Victor to get married. The words rolled in my head. Maybe I didn't hear him well. “Why the joke father” a chuckle erupt from me. But he didn't smile or bulge. “I’m being serious. I'm getting you married to him” “No!” I said out aloud pulling my hands away.
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