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Elena “No!” I repeated again jolting up. “You’re joking right father” I tried to stay calm but the way my inside was fluctuating I don't think I will be able to keep my cool. “Listen to me Elena. I will explain everything” “No father. No need to explain just tell me you're joking because this is the most awkward joke I've ever heard” a chuckle escaped me. Marriage? With Victor? Hell no. Father sat up rounding his way towards me. “This is not some sort of joke. I'm getting you married to Victor” it took me some second to process his whole statement. I couldn't help but access my father thoroughly. Is the man my father? “Are you my father?” I blurted out before I could have a control of my mouth. I feel like I should ask him the question. Because I don't get what he's trying to do. “What sort of question is this?” “Because I don't understand. First you assigned me a bodyguard out of the blue now you want me to marry him? Why? For what reason” I hoarse out. “I'm doing all this for your sake. To protect you” “Protect me. For my sake. I don't see the use of that father” I didn't care about my voice that was in a high pitch. I raked my hands through my hair letting out a sharp breath. “You know I won't put your life in danger be-” “That’s exactly what you're doing. My life is never at peace ever since you started this whole thing” He didn't say anything yet his face was held in some kind of unreadable expression. I want to try and understand. To know his reason but the burning rage in me wouldn't allow me. “No. I'm not going to accept this. Never” I chanted turning around and left the room. I didn't head to my room instead towards the entrance door. “Where are you going?” came my mother’s voice. I paid no attention to her and the look Jaxon was advancing towards me. I burst inside his room the minute he unlock the door. “Are you crazy” “Sorry what do you mean?” he asked his brows creasing in confusion or much to say fake confusion. I threw him a glare. “Don’t pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. I can see through your fake facade. What do you want from me and my family” I got a smirk from him in return. He took slow advance step towards me folding his arms across his chest. “Didn't know you were referring to our upcoming alliance” “You’re stupid for thinking I will marry you. What do you have? Do you have a look at yourself” I accessed him from head down. Seeing him disgust me. “There’s nothing attractive here. You're clearly not my type. Even in your dreams. So I advice you to remove whatever motive you have in mind. You can’t use my family against me” I threw him one last look before heading to the door. “Maybe you have forgotten about your life key in my hands” My legs came to an abrupt stop at his statement. “What?” “You heard me right. Your father doesn't know you mingle with a wanted criminal” “Why? You want to tell him about it? Go on” I was only bluffing but deep down I was scared. “I'm sure you wouldn't want him finding out. Not with the coming elections. It will probably affect him. When the media spread the news about his daughter mingling with criminal” He stood calm. “What do you want from me exactly? Why are you doing this to me” I've lost the remaining strength in me. I honestly don't know what is going on again. “Be my wife” He uttered like it was the best thing for him to say. Eye to eye. We stared at each other. “What if I don't want to?” I asked “Then the ball is in your court. I want you to be my wife because I like you” “And I don't like you. Seeing your face irritates me. I rather stay single than marry someone like you” what I said took him by surprise as something flashed in his eyes. I stormed out of the room without waiting for his response. I know I needed something to punch. Something strong to quench my anger. I smashed the things on my vanity mirror screaming on the accord. “This is not going to happen! Never!” I yelled out. I didn’t calm down until I made sure I made a mess of the room. Including my hair. Both of them think they can toy with me. Father thinks he can tell me to do anything and I will agree just like that. And Victor, he thinks his threats will work on me. No. I’m not going to succumb to any of them. I will find a solution. Nick. Yes. I should call Nick. I grabbed my phone that was resting on the other side of the bed and dialed Nick’s number only for me to hear switched off from the other end. I tried again. Same thing. I dropped him a message to call me when he see my text. I didn’t know what to think. My father’s words kept ringing in my head and that of Victor. I can’t believe this is happening to me. A call came through snapping me out of my trance. I sigh in defeat seeing Stacy’s name instead. “You’re calling at the right time” I ushered. “Why? What happened?” “Father wants me to marry that guy” I raked my hands through my hair in frustration. “Which guy? Nick? How did he find out” I hissed out. The problem with Stacy sometimes she’s faster than her shadow. “I wished it was Nick. I wouldn’t have been in this situation. Father wants me to marry my bodyguard” “Wait…What? How comes?” “I don’t know. He’s hell bent on protecting me. I have no idea what protection he mean. He thinks I’m a fool and will just agree to that” “Wait... Calm down. I'm yet to understand all this. Why does your father wants you to marry your bodyguard all of a sudden?” I don't care about his reason and don't want to know. “Probably it was Victor. He said he wants me to be his wife because he likes me. The guy must be insane. There's no way in hell I will allow that to happen. His threats won't work on me” My voice was in a high pitch as I explain to Stacy. Thinking about it pisses me off. Like the audacity of him. “Are you there Stacy?” I spoke up hearing no response from her. “Yes I'm with you. I'm trying to analyze all the information. If I understand your explanation quite well. Your bodyguard likes you and want to marry you? So fast like this? Why do I sense something fishy” Well Stacy and thinking too much. I cleared out my voice. “He saw me together with Nick the other night” “What!” “You don't have to shout” I seethe. I'm in no mood to listen to her lectures again. “So he's using that on you. But what I want to know is how did he convince your father. I mean your father won't just agree to that. And Jaxon” “I don't care. What I know is I won't agree to whatever they want to use me on. I'm going to tell father about Nick” “I don't think this is the right time. What if you put yourself in trouble. I mean the situation with Nick” Although she's right but I can’t sit by and watch them control me. I know telling father about Nick will be a huge impact on his election. But then again sooner or later I will tell him about us. “Okay, I don't know how you will take this. Its just an advice though. As for me, you should have a one on one discussion with your bodyguard. Know what he wants. Although he doesn't look like someone who will be impressed by money” “I've tried that on him before. Money isn't an option” “Think about how to work it out. And remember he knows your secret. It won't be bad if Jaxon come to know you're still seeing Nick” I don't know why my father thinks marrying Victor is the best way to protect me. But I will make sure he regret approaching my father with the silly talk. Ask me how my night was, I’d say disaster. I didn’t have a bit of sleep. I couldn’t get through Nick’s phone on the other hand, I couldn't get what transpired last night out of my head. “Elena!” My mom’s voice resonate from outside the door. I ignored her calling on purpose. I'm in no mood for anything . “I know you can hear me. Its your father. He's-” My legs moved before she could complete her statement. “What happened to him? Is he okay?” “No he's not. He fell in the bathroom” I walked past her to his room. I rushed to his bed taking his hand in mine. “Are you okay father? How did you fall?” I bombarded. “He nearly had a stroke” Came a voice beside me. That was when I noticed our family doctor that was seated there. “How comes. He was okay last night” “Elena” father squeezed my hand lifting his body up. “Easy father” “I will be fine” “No you're not. Do you know the meaning of stroke. Don't think about the election too much. I'm sure everything will go smooth” I assured even though I'm not sure of what I'm saying. “Your father needs proper care. We can't be sure that this will not happen again. He's putting too much workload on himself” “What do you mean?” “Yes Elena. I couldn't get our discussion out of my head. I know this is all in a rush. But I won't be at peace if you don't fulfill my only wish” I knew what he meant but still went ahead and ask. “What wish?” “Get married to Victor. If you want me to be at peace. If you want to see your father alive and strong again”
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