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Victor My mind doesn’t feel calm with the guy. My instinct was telling me there’s something fishy about him. I pulled out of the driveway and followed Elena closely. I know nothing about her but I have the bad feeling that the guy is using her. She doesn’t seem to be driving in a slow pace. One way, she knew I was following her. Another way, she was rushing to get to the bank. I wonder where she will get that huge amount of money. All in the name of love. Don’t blame her Victor. Things we do for love. My inner mind uttered. Well, that is not something I bother myself with. Love to me is for weak and coward people who are looking for who to depend their life on. I live by my own terms. My car came to a stop at the traffic while Elena’s car drove away. I managed to put a tracker in her bag earlier so it won’t be hard finding about her whereabouts. I reached for my phone that was seated by the empty seat and dialed Dylan’s number. “Hey Man” He said shortly. “Dylan I want you to look into Elena’s boyfriend. His name is Nick. I will stop by your house later” I ended the call without waiting for his response. The light turned from red to green and I drove away. By the time I arrived at the bank Elena was already inside. I waited for her comeback which took her more than ten minutes. A look of surprise was plastered on her face when she met me leaning on her car. “Can you get out of my way” “Have you sent him the money?” I answered instead ignoring her question. “That is none of your business” She leaped forward and yanked me by the side. I was supposed to be angry at what she did considering it was in public but I found myself chuckling. I pulled open the other side and slide in. “What are you doing. Get out of my car” “I enjoy seeing you barking like a dog so go on” “What?” She asked disbelievingly. “Did you just call me a dog?” She said pointing to herself. My eyes darted left to right like I couldn’t differentiate what she asked. “Did I? A barking dog and a dog is it the same thing?” “Get out!” I could tell she was keeping calm. But truth be told her hot temper is like that of a barking dog. I rested my back down and folded my arms across my chest. One thing she doesn’t know is, there’s nothing one can do to move me unless I want to be moved. “When you’re calm, we can go” I closed my eyes on the accord. One minute passed by. I could feel her gaze on me. “Mind you. You can’t beat me” I added. Another minute passed by before the sound of the engine resonate. I unwind my eyes and spare her a look. I couldn’t help but shake my head. The journey back to the office was in silent. No words were exchanged between us. Elena kept hissing every now and then. “Your boyfriend-” “Don’t!” She held up her hand halting me. “I’m in no mood to talk to you. You’ve gotten the privilege to sit in my car. So just shut it” Wow. No one will tell me otherwise that she’s not a prideful woman. There’s no doubt. I cleared my voice but didn’t say anything. “Wait. Are you not going back to the office?” I asked. We were not going towards her workplace. “Yes. I’m going home. I’m dropping you at home” “Why?” I found myself asking. “Because you’re pissing me off. I don’t like seeing your face” “Wow. That hurts” I fake hurt placing my palm on my chest. “This is the first time I’m getting negative comment regarding my facial expression. You know, I’m a hottie” Her laughter followed in return. Like a serious one. “Hottie? You? You’re ugly” the smile on my face died down. “You’re not a beauty yourself. I don’t know what that boyfriend sees in you. He could’ve chosen someone better. Someone with a cool temper” She thinks she’s the only one that has the mouth to talk anyhow. The screeching sound of car stopping occupied my ears. Elena press on the break. “Get out” She uttered. “And why is that?” “Because I don’t want to see your ugly face” we went into series of staring or much to say glaring. I was the first to break the silence. “Alright. As you wish madam” She didn’t waste a second before roaring the engine away. I was left in the middle of the road. The highway for that matter. “Victor, it seems you have a long way to go with your client” I hailed a taxi to Dylan’s house. “I thought we were supposed to meet later” Dylan asked as I crashed on his sofa. “Plans changed” “How? What about your client?” Only if he knew. I sat up intertwining my hands together. “She’s a crazy woman” Dylan shot me confused look. “How? Just one day in the job and you’ve already labelled her with a name” I told Dylan about everything that happened. What I didn’t expect from him is to turn me into a laughing stock. “What’s funny?” “She called you ugly? A whole Victor?” His laughter didn’t died down. “What a good client” “I don’t understand. Are you siding with her? The woman has no manners I’m telling you Dylan. I thought her temper comes with smartness but it seems she’s being fooled. Anyways, did you find out anything about the guy” Dylan clapped his hands together. “Right. I got the information before you came in. Exclusively for you. What’s my pay?” “It seems you’re not okay in the head too. Will you tell me something or waste my time” the fact that Dylan made a joke out of my experience with Elena was pissing me off inside. “Okay. So Nick Jaxon, 24 year old. An only son to his parents-” “No need to tell me his history. Tell me the business and people he’s involved with. Why he’s on the run” “He was rumoured to be part of a drug cartel. His services are giving information from the dealers to the clients. Although it was said to be a rumour but recently, a case was raised where he was involved” I see. So Elena is involved with a drug supplier. And she has no idea about his dirty works? I was snapped back to reality by Dylan’s voice. “I found out something extra which is why I said exclusive” I turned my focus on him eager to hear the information. “Elena’s father, Carter Wyatt. He’s among the dealers. Although his name wasn’t mentioned. But my guy got us this information” “What? Are you sure?” “I won’t bring you a fake information. You won’t find a renowned man without secret. So, you mean the Nick guy is using the lady to his advantage” I nodded my head in answer. Even though my mind was on Elena’s father. He looks oddly familiar to me. Like I’ve seen him somewhere before. “Can you find out Elena’s father business partners” “Okay, I will do that” “Do it now” He blinked his eyes twice on me. As if what I said is some kind of weird thing. “You know I don’t like beating around the bush. Whatever that will link me to that man, I won’t let it slip” Who I mean by that man is my biological father. I’ve lived up to monitoring everything of his. No. I’m not dodging any chance. “Let me call him now” I waited as Dylan dialed the guy’s number. “Luke. I need you to look up another information for me” Dylan said. I requested him to put the phone on speaker mode. “Tell me Sir” “Find out-” I snatched the phone from him knowing Dylan will not get straight to the point. “Find out Carter Wyatt relationship with Santiago Hudson. What business they run together. I want the information now” with that I ended the call. “What was that?” Dylan said eyeing me. “What does it look like to you” “You giving him orders. You don’t know whether he’s busy with some other work” “If he was he wouldn’t pick up the call” Dylan nodded his head in answer. “Right. I have forgotten who Victor Logan is for a while. Let’s wait then” It didn’t take more than five to seven minutes before Dylan’s phone buzzed with notification. I wasted no time in swiping it up. Wait..What? “Tell me” Dylan voice resonate beside me. I knew it. I knew I’ve see him somewhere before. So he’s indeed connected to my father. “They’re connected. Carter has a share in father’s company. A reasonable percentage at that” “Wow. Just wow. What a secret. Apart from the drug dealings” I threw the phone by the side and sat up. “What are you going to do now?” He asked. “It’s obvious. I will do the needful. We’ll catch up later. I’m taking your car” I drove to Carter Wyatt company straightforward. My inside was boiling. I’m sure the man wouldn’t expect me coming. I was able to get to his office after I spoke to his assistant. “Victor you’re here” He commenced as I stepped in his office. “Yes sir” I said making my way towards his desk. “Please” he gestured to the visitor’s seat. “I hope my daughter didn’t do anything wrong?” Only if he knew. I have no problem with his daughter but him. “I will get straight to the point sir. Dinsel Travel and Tour…” I trailed off. “What business do you have with them?” His eyes slightly went wide. “Why..” “You’re part of the investors in the company. A company that deals with drugs and other illicit substances. I can see why the information was hidden” “What gives you the right to barge into my office and question me. I hired you to protect my daughter not keep an eye on my affairs” He threw. His face squeezed into a frown. A smile found its way out of me. “I know I don’t have the right. But I will soon have that right. Here” I fished out my phone and pushed it to his front. Folding my arms across my chest, I watched the reaction on his face. A mixture of rage and nervousness. “Who sent you?” He dropped the phone and fixated his eyes on me. “Does it matter? What I know is something even the media couldn’t get. And I’m sure they will hunt on it when they get a hold of it” “This is bullshit. Don’t think you can toy with me!” He seethe banging his fist on the desk. “I’m not. This is the truth. You have a family. Your daughter to be precise won’t want to see her father behind bars. You want to protect your family” “You must be out of your mind young man. I knew you were fake. Get out of my office. You’re fired” I didn’t know when a chuckle escaped me. Maybe the man doesn’t know who Victor is. I didn’t bulge or attempted to. His eyes widened getting no reaction from me. “Will you get out or till I call the security” “I don’t think you will like the outcome of what I will do when you call the security. I mean, this is an exclusive information. I’m the only person that knows about it. As soon as I step out now, I can head to the reporters” “You-” “But I won’t do that” He stared at me with that shocking expression. “What do you want?” We’re getting there. I sat up on my back intertwining my hands on his desk. “It’s pretty simple. I see your daughter has quite a good temper. I feel like it will be hard for her to mingle with people” “Get straight to the point” He hissed out. “Okay, I’m a straightforward person after all. I want your daughter’s hand in marriage” “What!” He jolted up abruptly.
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