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einard woke up early and took a shower. A part of him wished that Kana was here, together with him in the shower. He hated himself for thinking that, but his playmate between his legs was very eager to have her here.       Heinard finished his shower and put on his clothes, he could not wait to go to Kana’s room.       There were two guards on her door, keeping their stance without moving at all. Although the King did not give such instruction, he wanted the guards to stand there. He was not trusting Kana at all.     He entered the room, but even before entering he could feel that it was empty. Where the hell was she, he thought. Then he heard noises outside and went to the balcony to check.       The least he expected was to see his wolf Raxin playing fetch with Kana. He looked again, dumfounded, making sure that he was really awake.   He used his power gravity to go near them from the balcony. Normally it was very high as important rooms were located on top floors of the castle, but his powers were allowing him to jump from any height.       Kana looked at him and said “Good Morning” She was saying this to all maids she saw in the castle. Because it had been a very long time since she gave morning greetings to someone.       “Morning” Heinard said in a low voice, still looking at her and Raxin in shock. He was wailing his tail and waiting her to throw the branch again. She threw it far and he went happily to bring it back.         Heinard was very surprised. “How did you manage to make him do that? Wolves are not easy to tame and Raxin especially never listens to anyone. Forget listening he basically threatens everyone other than me by hissing at them. So how did he become a small puppy for you?”           “You know he liked me as soon as we met, there was some strong attraction between us.” Kana said laughing, he felt she was not just talking about Raxin.         Then she looked at Raxin again while she talked. “ I used to play this one with my dog. So, I wanted to play it again. I am glad Raxin also liked it.”         Now Raxin was back with the branch and he was showing his belly, requesting a rub. Kana laughed and started giving him a belly rub. Maids were also looking in shock at this scene because normally the wolf would scare everyone away.       At the back side, a yawning Helios was walking towards them, next to him was Arkhan, looking very fresh and fine. Maids were now looking at them shyly.   “Good Morning My Prince, Good Morning Kana” said Arkhan.         Helios was still yawning and just waved them.  Then his eyes suddenly opened fully. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU AND RAXIN DOING! THAT FU*KING WOLF BITED ME FOR FUN AND NOW LETS YOU PET HIM?”          Kana was surprised at his cute reaction, meanwhile Heinard and Arkhan was just standing quietly as they were so used to his sudden tantrums.       “Raxin is a powerful beast. He feels comfortable with Kana, as a fellow monster probably. ” said Heinard.       Kana looked at him in anger, the Prince really did not how to talk at all. She stood up. “If everyone is done with getting surprised, shall we go and talk to council about the next move? Maids informed me that council will be waiting for us”       “Yes, council will be ready soon to have a meeting with you. Shall we go?” said Arkhan.         Helios yawned again. “I hate those meetings.  Even our fathers become more hard to handle in those meetings.”       Talking with old, stubborn men was also something Kana really did not like. But she had to understand their move and make sure no one will step back from their decision. When their lives and money was on the table, Houses were very quick to change their actions, this had happened many times before. She personally experienced one betrayal that changed the history.         They walked back to the castle, again to King’s quarters. Heinard looked at Kana, even the way she walked was noble and attractive. He really needed to clear his thoughts. “Kana, I don’t remember allowing you to wonder in the castle. Do not leave your room without permission again like this morning.”         Kana gave him a side look while she was still walking. “Dear Prince, I am not asking your permission. I gave you my word that I will help you, that is clear. But do not try to command me or put soldiers on my door. You really waste your men like that,  I am stronger than them.”         Heinard could not argue with that. She was certainly stronger than any of his men. There was not any point to put his men on her door. But how was he going to handle her, that was the problem.       They opened the council doors; King and Twelve High House Heads in the Kingdom were waiting for them. They were not looking at Kana scared anymore, instead there was greed and a deep curiosity for her and her powers. How lovely, Kana thought. A wonderful council meeting was starting.         They greeted the King who was sitting on his throne first.  Heinard looked at his father. “My King, I have been feeling a very dark power arising from Hewatris, the world is losing its balance due to that. To fight such strong and dark force, we must gather every ally to our side. I believed Blood King was one of them.”         The King looked at his son silently while the council started to murmur among them. “My King, this is no reason to release this criminal. Our ancestors decided her eternal punishment so how can we act so in rush and release her this easily?”  said one of the House Heads.           Sandra’s father, Head of House Holard did not stay silent as well. “My King, this is indeed unacceptable. Our Prince always makes the best decisions however this time it was not right. We must banish Blood King to avoid a tragedy again.”       Heinard was getting angry at these ignorant old men. “Lords, we are going to need all the power we can gather, this new threat is not something we have faced before. Use your powers, the best mages to feel the change in the air. Something big is coming and we must be prepared!”           Lord Ramiel Alatras, Arkhan’s father supported Prince Heinard. “My King, fellow Lords, we all know how strong our Prince’s senses so I do not want to disregard that. I trust our Prince’s decision.”         Heinard liked this man, not only because her was the father of his best friend but also because he really was an admirable man. He was not backing up to support an idea he liked no matter whose it was.         Kana was watching them talking. She was used to these noisy council meetings. In every council, there were always opposite ideas and loud men. First, she was watching them from behind in silence. Then she started to watch them next to the King, and now she was the subject of the meeting, standing in the middle of everyone.         The King gestured everyone to be silent, so all the voices stopped. “I hear your opinions well, dear Lords. My son made a decision and the result is standing here in front of us, that is undeniable. So how about we ask the opinion of our main guest here.”         The King was looking at Kana, waiting for her to respond. She smiled. “Thank you very much for your kindness, King Ronard. I am surely happy to be here after a very long time.  I promised Prince Heinard to help him and I will keep my promise, this will not change.”   Ratrat Holard did not keep his mouth shut again. “How can we trust this monster My King! She betrayed and killed the whole council! She is a disgrace! It is humiliating to keep her here. The souls of our ancestors might curse us for that!”         Foolish old man, Kana thought. She really hated this type of men the most. Blind, selfish and persistent…The worse combination.         Heinard did not enjoy Ratrat Holard’s speech too. “I had her promise and I will be responsible from all her actions. As your Prince, this is my promise as well. Do you have any further objections?”            There was no need for Kana to talk much, but she liked that Heinard was managing the meeting well even thought at his young age. So she wanted to back him up a little bit.     “I think you still do not realize the situation you are in.  Hewatris has been gathering its forces and I can also feel a very dark energy. The biggest war you will ever see is coming. Be wise to take the right side, I personally would not recommend you to be my enemy. Do I need to remind you who I am again?”       She looked at the lords who were listening her carefully. There were two very familiar faces for her, the houses that were serving her for generation to generation. But it had to be kept a secret.       Helios and Arkhan were watching with worried eyes from behind as they were doing in all meetings. But this time, Kana and Heinard were managing well.         King was sitting on his throne, watching everyone. “I think your message has been taken well. I trust the intuition of my son. I cannot risk to put my people in danger. An attack like we faced recently will cause us many more lives which is unacceptable.  Bring your warriors here My Lords, we are going to a war. We cannot tolerate such actions from Hewatris any longer. We must put an end to this for good. I order everyone to bring their best warriors and mages to the capital. Any other comments?”         But all were speechless, they did not want to oppose their King and the Blood King.         Then Head of Houses turned to their Prince and started to bow their heads, showing their agreement on his decision.       “My warriors will be in your present in few days, My King.” stated Head of House Kadawan, which was ruling the southern four cities in the Kingdom.         Other house heads also declared their warriors and mages to be ready in few days. So Ranorax, after a very long time was gathering its forcing from the wole Kingdom to charge at Hewatris. Everything was about to change.         Kana realized Ratrat Holard never took his eyes off from her. She did not like this man, but she was not going to do anything yet.       After a short silence, Kana and Heinard gave a bow to the King and left the room, leaving high council behind them. Arkhan and Helios followed them to the outside. Finally, the big decision was made as Heinard hoped. But he had no idea if the ones who gave their promises here was going to keep it or not, since betrayals were what shaped the history after all.       
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