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 Heinard was feeling lighter. He was always interested in that feared power imprisoned in Forbidden Mountain and after a big invasion from Hewatris, he made his mind to claim that power.       Now he was looking at this beautiful, strong woman next to him. She made it clear that she was going to stand together with him and no one was to question this. He was impressed, she made every member respect and fear herself, which was an important effect to rule their army.         “My heart skipped a beat there, Kana. You were so cool and scary.” said Helios smiling. His normal actions towards her was making Kana feel comfortable. Helios was the only one ignoring the fact that Kana was the legendary Blood King.         “I do not enjoy council meetings much, so I prefer a strong short cut.” she answered.         “So, you attended many meetings before, in old times?” asked Arkhan.         “Yes, I did.” she said simply.         “Did the same council decide to imprison you in that mountain?”         “Yes, they did.”         “So, you don’t enjoy their decision very much?”       “I enjoy my own company but time-wise there was a dispute between me and the council. Thousand years was a little bit longer than I preferred.”       Arkhan pushed his question more. “Even if they also put protection spells to preserve your age?”         Kana glanced at Arkhan.  He knew how to smoothly take the conversation where he wanted. The reason why she was surrounded by age spells was his main question, but he started from a good point. He was a clever one, which was not a surprise at all for her considering his blood line.       She smiled. “They wanted to keep my misery long, I think.”       But Arkhan was not going to let it go easily. “That spell requires incredible strength, if it happened thousand years ago, I cannot even imagine the mana amount, how is that possible?”         She was getting uncomfortable as the conversation was going to a delicate point, she absolutely did not want anyone to know the truth yet.         So she tried to close the subject. “Why don’t you keep reading more books to find out then? I do not wish to talk about this old painful punishment, finally I am free and want to enjoy these few days till the whole army comes here. Let me have my peace, please.”       Heinard also agreed with his best friend. “There are too many questions you need to answer, how you don’t age, those protections spells and all those new clothes, furniture in the mountain does not make sense for us.”       Kana signed. “You will have your answers soon. However King wanted to speak to me alone, respect that. There is a reason why it is not being revealed now.”       “One last question then, answer it honestly.” said Heinard.         After a short silence, Kana answered “Fine. What is it?”         “Can I trust you?” asked Heinard looking straight into her eyes.         She got close to him. “I accepted your proposal when you released me. Your demand from me was that I swear my loyalty to you, so did I. I will keep my promise. Hence, your answer is yes, you can trust me. But never act naive, Prince. Trust can be very dangerous.”       Heinard looked at Kana. Her beautiful features, red lips, determined eyes were just mesmerizing. He never enjoyed looking at something this much, especially something so deathly.       The doors behind them were opened again and council members started to leave King’s quarters as well.  The old men gave them a questioning look, whispering about them. Two men on the other hand, came directly to their side unlike others.         “My Prince, you really made us worry a lot but I am happy to see a result that makes you satisfied.” said Helios’s father.         Heinard smiled to the old man. “I really appreciate your support, Lord Kadim. Without your support, we would have trouble.”         “We only supported what our hearts and mind told us, My Prince.” Kadim Rastiel said.         Next to him was Arkhan’s father, Lord Atlas Rastiel. “My Prince, you still need to be careful as there are houses very unhappy about this decision.”         Heinard nodded. “Surely, we will be careful and try to make them understand.”         Lord Kadim looked at his son. “I hope my stupid son did not give you much trouble my Prince.”       Helios frowned. “Father, I am the right hand of Prince. I only support and protect him. Besides if I knew that Blood King was a such a beautiful woman, I would have gone to that mountain by myself before my Prince.”       Lord Kadim shook his head while others smiled seeing the usual Helios.         Another House Head came closer. “My Prince, My Lords, pleasure to see you. And Blood King or should I say Queen, I am Rainer Haimatron. Pleased to meet you.”         Kana greeted him bowing. “Pleasure to meet you. There is a reason why people call me King, so I prefer it that way, Lord Rainer.”     Lord Rainer smiled and bowed, accepting Kana’s comment. Heinard looked at her wondering about her past. She was a complete mystery.         Helios broke the nervous atmosphere like he always did. “Ok, ok, enough with the meetings and politics. Let’s go to the seaside; I have dates with beautiful ladies so let’s not waste time. We will have soooo much time to be in a desperate, sad and painful mood in few days. Please not now!”           Lord Kadim took a deep breath, his son was really hopeless sometimes.         Helios took Kana’s hand. “Come, I will show you around, Kana.”         Heinard and Arkhan could not even say anything as Helios was basically running with Kana. Both signed at the same time, dealing with Helios was not easy at all but they needed that small break before the war. So they followed them as well.           “Kana,  how about swimming? Do you like it?” Helios asked enthusiastically.       Kana took a glance at the sea. “You cannot even imagine.”         She was a good swimmer and liked the sea very much. The sea breeze felt nostalgic for her.         But having Helios around did not give her much time to feel melancholic. He dragged her towards a house nearby the sea. Heinard and Arkhan also followed them.         Heinard yelled from behind. “Helios, where are you taking her?”         Helios had a naughty smile. “My friends are waiting.”           Two women walked out from the house in their swimsuits and ran to Helios giggling.  “ Why did you make us wait my Lord.”       Helios looked at them. “Sorry my lovely ladies. But I brought you more friends to have fun, meet the famous Blood King.” He pointed Kana.       The girls looked at her disbelievingly. Heinard was happy that his presence was shadowed by someone else so he did not have deal with unwanted attention from these women.       “Don’t tease us Helios, is she Arkhan's woman perhaps?” One woman asked smiling.       Heinard changed his mind quickly. These women could still be annoying even without talking to him.       “I am telling the truth! Kana show them your power!” Helios asked cheerfully. But Kana was looking at the sea, her focus was not on them.         “So, the rumors are true, Blood King was really a woman!” said Sandra coming inside the house, behind her were another woman and three guys.       Arkhan did not know these guests. Recently, there were many unknown faces in the city, it was normal. But he was always on edge to protect Heinard when strangers  are around. “We are very crowded today; may I have the pleasure to meet you all?”           Helios took his shirt off to get ready for the sea. “This lovely people have been cheering me up when you guys are so busy with your paperwork in the past few days.”        Meanwhile Kana was walking towards the sea and got rid of her cloak.  Heinard ran after her and held her hands. “You are not taking off your clothes here.”       Kana smiled. “I want to swim, I can’t swim in these clothes, dear Prince.”         Helios yelled from behind. “My Prince do not stop a woman from following her wishes. Especially if she has one of the hottest bodies I have ever seen.”       Heinard ignored his stupid comment. “Fine, at least do not take off your pants and shirt, only your cloak and boots.”     She shook her head, disagreeing with Heinard. She freed her hands and took her shirt of while walking. She was wearing a half black top under the shirt; it was hugging her breast tightly.       “You are beautiful.” said Helios sincerely in a low voice.       Kana smiled and walk quickly to the sea, she had to feel the sea water again . Heinard was watching quietly with careful eyes. Damn, he thought, she was really beautiful.       Helios carried one woman into the water near Kana. “Lets go everyone!”       But Kana was swimming to deeper side, she kept swimming further, making a space between her and everyone to calmly feel the water. She was aware how carefully Heinard was watching her.       After a short while, everyone entered the sea and got relaxed. Especially Helios was having the most fun, playing in the water with women.       It was then Kana felt something was wrong. There was some distance, but she felt unknown presences and their blood rushing with tension. This would always bring bad news.         Suddenly water raised covering Prince and his friends.       Few men came from under the sea. The guys who were assisting Helios for the past few days were also joined to the unwanted guests.       Helios and Arkhan immediately tried to go to Heinard but those two were sent away by strong waves.           Attackers could use water so they attached Heinard immediately but he was also very quick. He used his powers to increase gravity level, making everyone feeling a strong pressure from the earth inside the water.       But knowing his powers, intruders created water blades on top of Sandra and other women’s heads. Seeing that they would be killed if he kept his pressure, Heinard changed his power to the other way, floating everyone in the air.     Intruders were prepared for that too, they created protective barriers around them and went for Sandra.       She yelled in fear and tried to run to Heinard. He crushed one of the attackers to the ground. But he needed to keep them alive for interrogation, so he tried to keep things under control.         Arkhan on the other side created a huge wall rising from the sea and pushed everyone on his way to get close to Heinard. Helios was coming closer by using his power to create shock waves around him, fighting the huge waves separating them.           Just as Sandra reached Heinard, one man sent water blades to her. Heinard was keeping other two men under control with his powers. He could stop almost all the blades immediately on the air except for one. As he knew it was going to reach Sandra’s chest, he used his body to cover her and the blade pierced his left side of stomach.     Heinard swore to himself and used his power to crush one man, killed him unwillingly. Seeing their one man down, other three men used all their strength to attack Heinard.     Heinard really wanted to keep them alive but to avoid a dangerous situation with everyone, he felt that he did not have any choice but to kill them. He was about to do so but suddenly; their attack was interrupted by an enormous blood barrier around Heinard.     Kana appeared standing behind the men in the sea, looking bored with cold eyes. In a second, Helios and Arkhan also came, killing their attackers to reach Heinard. They saw that Heinard was bleeding, it was not deep but Helios and Arkhan felt furious that they could not protect him.         Sandra hugged Heinard crying.  “I was so afraid, thanks for protecting me Heinard.”       “We will deal with them.” Arkhan said coldly looking at three men Kana put under control, rest were killed already.        But Kana was not willing to let go easily.  First, she made Sandra blocked out since she hated whining women. Her body floated on the sea. Then Kana kept three men under control and made their arms and legs numb.       “Tell me who ordered this?” she asked them coldly.           “Just kill us we will never talk.” answered one of them.       Kana smiled, her eyes were turning red. “Believe me, you will talk. All did, so will you.”       The men started to feel incredible pain all over their body suddenly. They wanted to scream but something was not allowing them. Kana was not in the mood to hear their screams, she was forcing their blood out of their veins, every inch of their body was feeling that pain.       “You are using their blood to torture them, make sense.” said Helios. His cheerful attitude was replaced in his warrior mode.         Kana allowed on of them to talk.  “Answer me, or I can continue nonstop. This does not even effect my mana little bit.”       The man was still looking stubborn. “Lord Atlas Alatras ordered us to do that!”       Without Arkhan could answer this accusation about his father, Kana used her mana to make him fly, hanging in midair. “I do not like liars.”       He then started bleeding completely. Blood was flooding every part of his body, slowly and painfully.       Kana turned to other men, “I am asking one last time, I am not a patient person.”       One man looked terrified and yelled. “L..Lo..Lord Holand  ordered us.” He was telling the truth, Kana could tell from his heart beat.       Then she killed them in an instant.       “Why did you that. We could still interrogate them!” said Heinard.       Kana looked at Heinard, Arkhan Helios. “You three, I do not care about your play with women, but you cannot trust anyone. That was so stupid to lower your guards like this. You will not speak about this to anyone, only tell that I killed them immediately after they attached and wounded Heinard. The name they mentioned, we cannot let anyone know.  It is too soon, we don’t know the capability of the enemy yet, just forget this and do not trust anyone, understood?” said Kana, looking at them with intimidating red eyes. Three men could not argue at all.       Heinard looked at Sandra. “ Sandra saw the attack, she will definitely talk and her father might be guilty.”        Kana walked closer to Heinard. “I am sure our Prince knows how to convince her to obey. Also if her father is really guilty, he would make sure his daughter would keep her mouth shut.”        She swore to herself that she was not going to let the history repeat itself. The betrayal she had was more than enough.
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