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Kana was feeling nostalgic when she saw the first gates of the castle. The last time was when she lost everything, it was a time that she was desperate and full of anger. Now, she was ready to take down whatever stands on her way.       A handsome middle-aged man ran towards them.   “My Prince, where have you been, we were very worried. At such dangerous times please avoid going out without guards. As much as my son and Arkhan will protect you with their lives, this situation is very critical we need to be extremely careful.  I will especially talk with my son about this later.” He gave an angry glare to Helios.     Heinard was just about to answer him by saying he will explain all in front of his father, but Helios was faster.  “Dad, don’t look at me like that, it was not my fault! Besides, we did not come back with empty hands. See, she is the Blood King!”       Helios’s father, Head of House of Rastiel looked at them with huge eyes. All the sounds around went silent, everyone was looking at them.          Helios smiled and continued with an energetic voice. “I know, no one would expect Blood King to be a super beautiful woman, right?”       His father’s face turned yellowish as he looked at Kana.       “Thanks Helios, for your great explanation” said Heinard while looking at Helios with a killing glare, he was really so out of control sometimes.  Thanks to Helios, everyone around were already whispering, looking at Kana. Heinard thought it would be better to hurry up and tell the King personally before he hears it from someone else.         “Raxin, to my father” he ordered, and the wolf immediately started running inside to the castle.       Kana took a deep breath while entering the castle. She knew this castle very well. Each room, every part of it was familiar since she lived here before. Now, she was seeing unfamiliar faces and the Prince sitting on her behind was also not the Prince she knew.        They passed the main hall quickly, all the guards were saluting their Prince. Helios and Arkhan were also following them behind on their wolves. They directly went to the entrance of King’s quarter. The doors were opened in front of them, they left the wolves behind and walked inside, to the King.         The King’ Quarters was still same as Kana remembered. However, paintings on the walls were changed. New stories were now decorating the walls, new wars, victories, and previous kings. In the end of the long room, the throne was located. There was a big white tree statue behind the throne, on the front the King was sitting.      Heads of Twelve High Houses in Kingdom were standing on both sides of the throne. These Houses were managing each allocated area as local rulers there and all were reporting to King regularly. They were gathered here today after the attack of neighbor Kingdom Hewatris. Now, those lords were staring at Kana with curiosity.       Heinard stopped when he was close enough, behind him were Kana, Helios and Arkhan.       “Father, my apologies for leaving palace without telling you. But I could not afford anyone to interrupt my decision.  I believe the threat by Hewatris Kingdom is much bigger than we think, as a warrior I feel a great danger for my people. So I decided we needed a greater power to fight this danger, the Blood King” he posed showing Kana to everyone.       There were deep breaths coming from the council, but no one was talking. They were all shocked, looking terrified to Kana.       King broke the silence.   “ My Son, apart from you disobeying my commands and leaving the palace without permission, you are now reveling the other rule you broke in front of everyone proudly?” King’s eyes were showing great anger.       “ My King, with all respect this small woman cannot be Blood King, I am afraid our Prince has been tricked” said Head of House Alatras, Arkhan’s father.     Kana smiled to herself that Head of House Alatras was pretending not to know her, he was a clever one after all.       Meanwhile Heinard was thinking that speaking will not do any good to convince High Council, the Prince looked at Kana. “Release your mana, now.”       Kana did not like his commanding tone, he should have known who he was talking to. But that was for another day. Now she agreed that these old men needed a demonstration. So, she released a part of her mana. She started slowly, letting the men taste of her power.         The council looked surprised, but they were the strongest people in the Kingdom so they were not going be effected easily. Kana let out more power, making a crack on the floor starting from her feet and reaching to the throne.       That power was enough to make twelve council members bend on their knees, some were finding it hard to breathe. Kana was looking each of them directly with her red eyes. If Hewatris was going to attack full force, she needed all the support from them to fight. So she wanted them to understand who she was. Even if things were very different than they knew and she could not tell the truth now, still they needed to know her power at least.       “Enough, please.” King ordered loudly, looking at Kana. Kana released more mana quickly as a one last touch and stopped. That last touch made some council members fall on the ground completely. They were all breathing heavily.       “We will continue council meeting tomorrow, I want to speak alone with her, now” said the King while he got up. His order did not accept any comment as it was so sharp. Council was still trying to get back on their feet but all started to leave the room,  except for Heinard.           King saw that his son was not moving.  “My order includes you too, Son. Leave us alone.”     Kind looked very determined, Heinard knew his father well so did not want to argue and make him angrier than he already was.       “Do not cause me any trouble.” Heinard said looking at Kana and left the room unwillingly.       Kana and King were now alone in the big room. King Ronard was a very proud King with good knowledge. Unlike the opinion of some council’s members, he was not relaxed at all. He knew the danger and rumors from Hewatris since long ago. He was also considering doing what his son had done, too bad he had done it in the wrong way.       He walked towards her and stood only a foot away from Kana. He gently took her hand in his palms.   “Long time no see, my Lady. Forgive the ignorance of my son, he has not yet received the family secret from me. I did not consider him ready.”       Kana smiled. “Maybe he was not, but he bravely came to free me. Facing a monster needs courage.”   King looked upset. “Please do not call yourself monster in front of me. I know your great value and sacrifice, I cannot tolerate such words, even from yourself. Your power is a gift, not a curse my Lady.”       “Thank you very much for your words, my King. I am not proud of everything I had done, but at least I can say that except for few vases I broke, no damage was done by me in recent years” Kana said smiling.       The King also smiled together with this beautiful and lonely woman.       Kana looked more serious. “More importantly, do you think Hewatris is really getting ready for that?”       “ My spy informed that they managed to perform the forbidden spell. Now their King has been gathering all strong mages and wizards from other countries as slaves to sacrifice. That is why they will invade more countries from now on, they need a huge number of sacrifices for the spell” said King sadly.  He was very upset knowing that people of the invaded lands will be killed to perform spells, very dark spells.       “This started thousand years ago, do not blame to yourself, King Ronard. We knew it was impossible to avoid, that is why we made our own sacrifices to be ready.” Kana said.       After a short silence, she continued. “Please do not mention this to anyone yet. They may have their own spy here; we do not know who we can trust. Let’s keep the story same, I am fine to be a betrayer, this is not exactly a lie after all.”       The King admired her, she was already accepting to live as a sinner. “I understand, I will do as you wish my Lady.”       King shouted the warriors outside the gate to open to doors. Prince Heinard immediately walked inside, looking at both his father and Kana. King was walking away from her towards his throne. It was so hard to understand what was going on when this woman was around.     “Son, accompany her to our best guest room, make sure she is comfortable.” ordered the King to Heinard, which was another surprise for him as they barely used their biggest guest room.     “Father, at least explain to me who she really is, I can tell that this was not a simple talk you two had.”     King talked clearly. “Leave it Heinard, you will find out when time comes. Just focus on your mission to protect this kingdom as the future King.”       Again, his father shut him up and left him with questions. He bowed to his father and said “Come” to Kana while leaving King’s quarters.       Kana blinked to the King and walked outside, Helios and Arkhan were waiting there. Council members were not in the sight.  Heinard looked at Kana. “What did you talk with my father?”       Kana smirked. “You father ordered you to show be the best guest room. You should follow your King’s orders, dear Prince.”       Heinard wanted to insist, but there were curious guards watching so it was not the place. “Fine, follow me.”         “My King, we will also accompany you.” Arkhan said.       “No, wait for me in the meeting room.” Heinard said while he walked together with Kana.     He quickly took Kana to the guest room, although she knew the way very well.  It was still well furnished. The big bed in the center of the wooden room with high walls was looking as comfy as her bed in the mountain. She was glad that she could have a nice sleep after a busy day. Suddenly Heinard pushed her to the wall, crushing her body with his.  She could have avoided it, but she let the Prince continue.       “What did you talk with my father?” asked Heinard curiously.       “If he wanted you to know that, he would not send you out, right , dear Prince?” answered Kana smiling.       Heinard was losing his temper. “Don’t tease me Kanaria, tell me what you talked with my Father.”       “I. WILL. NOT. TELL. YOU.” Kana said very slowly in whisper, she got closer to his face.       Now, their breaths were mixing. His eyes were fixed on Kana in an angry yet aroused way. Her scent was making him crazy. His hands were on the wall around her and he needed to force himself to keep them there instead of her body.       It has been a long time since Kana felt a body heat of a man. Heinard was very charming, His muscular and tall body with brown skin was looking nice to touch. She liked looking at his gray eyes. For a young man, he had a very mysterious aura.       Heinard took a deep breath. “Fine, I will learn it soon anyhow. Just tell me one thing, who was bringing you all that stuff in the mountain, all the books and furniture?”       She signed; her breath was touching his chest. “Ask your people in the city, sometimes basic human conversation will bring wonders. You should try communicating more.” Kana said getting even closer to the Prince, teasing him. That was a limit for him, he got angry and left the room immediately.       She let out a relaxed breath, this guy was very pushy. Well, he was a Ranorax so she knew well how stubborn they could be.         She took a shower and went to bed. So much happened in one day for her and she was not used to such a busy day. She thought about how her old days in this castle. The King she knew, the kingdom she lived…It was all a past and forgotten memory now.     ◇◇◇     Heinard was so angry at himself. Why the heck was he thinking to kiss her when he was supposed to learn the conversation between his father and her. Yet, all he could focus on was her lips, her scent and her heat. He wanted to taste those red lips, he wanted to taste her whole skin. But she was a betrayer. She betrayed her King and plotted against him to take over the Throne. She killed hundreds without mercy, he should not have seen her as a woman, although he was failing on that.     His door was knocked and without his answer Sandra walked in. She was the daughter of House Holard, one of the high council houses. They were doing their best for Heinard to choose Sandra as his future Queen. He did not like neither her nor her father. But when she threw herself all over him, he did not reject her. He was 15 at that time and discovering a woman's body looked interesting back then. That interest quickly fainted after Sandra started to declare herself as his fiancée.       She walked to him smiling. “I came here immediately after hearing the rumors. How brave you were to take Blood King under your order to protect the Kingdom. Now everyone is talking about you.”       He really was not in the mood for her irritating talk. “What do you want Sandra, I am tired.”       She touched his hand. “I also heard that Blood King is a woman, there must be a mistake, right?” “It has really nothing to do with you.”       “You are so cold to me now, please Heinard let me be closer to you.” said Sandra while got closer to Prince and tried to hug his neck. But he held her arms.       “Sandra, I am really tired, just leave my room.”       “Fine, I will be here anyway so see you tomorrow morning, My Prince.” said Sandra and left the room.         He looked at the ceiling with empty eyes then he laid on his bed and tried to sleep. A pair of red eyes was not leaving his mind. 
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