1877 Words
    “How did you meet them Helios? The enemy came to our territories and they attacked to our Prince so give me every detail!” Arkhan said to Helios as they were going back to the castle.       In a blink of an eye, Arkhan took care of the bodies and it looked as if there was no attack at all. Except for his wound that he was hiding.         Helios was looking a bit guilty. “I just met them at a hostel when we were having fun. We were drinking, talking then started to hang out. I am sorry I could not see that their intention was different.”           Heinard patted his shoulder. “Things will not be same anymore, man. We must be more careful than usual. It is getting very serious.”           Helios looked sad. “I am sorry my Prince. I will not endanger your life ever again. I cannot forgive myself for that.”         Heinard smiled. “Relax, be the usual Helios with just a bit more caution. I don’t like to see you like this, it feels depressive.”       A sad smile appeared on Helios’s face.       Kana liked their friendship, if Heinard was really this considerate towards his people, he was going to be a good king. Well, Ranorax blood never disappointed her.         Arkhan looked around cautiously. “Heinard, I don’t think that those men came from a very far place. The betrayals already started within council I am afraid. I don’t care about the old men but if their whole warriors and mages also turn against us, we may lose everything.”         Heinard frowned. “I know that. That is why I took all the risk and released Blood King. Her support will change the direction of the wind.”         “Wow, my eyes are teary to see you praising me, Prince.” Kana smiled.         He glared at her. Her teasing attitude was making him feel uncomfortable. She was everything that he was not expecting.           They spend rest of the day quietly, especially Arkhan and Helios were very upset that they let Prince got hurt. They knew Heinard would be fine even if Kana was not there and yet, they could not be the first to stop this attack.       Arkhan looked at Heinard’s shirt. “You wound is bleeding, we must treat it immediately.”         Heinard covered it with his cloak. “No, they will ask how I got it and it will be complicated. It is just a scratch anyway, don’t worry.”         Kana held his arm. “Come, we should treat it. If it gets infected, it will not do you or us any good. Don’t be childish.”         She pulled Heinard to one of the rooms, Arkhan and Helios were waiting outside.         Heinard sat on the bed, Kana next to him. “Take of your shirt. I need to see the wound clearly.”         Heinard signed and took of his shirt. Kana knew a man’s body well and Heinard surely had a great one. His broad shoulders were making him look very muscular. His stomach was covered with defined muscles. Kana touched his chest, just above the wound.       “It is not so bad but surely needs some work on it to avoid a bigger trouble.” Kana said while she was caressing his chest.         Heinard was feeling her touch strongly. His whole body was reminding him that Kana was a very attractive woman. If she was any ordinary woman, Heinard would push her to the bed, not caring about his damn wound at all. Another throbbing in his pants was getting more painful than the wound.         Her hand got closer to the wound and stopped just above it. “This will hurt a little but bear with it.” She said.       She then started to make small movements on the wound, very focused on it. The pain was very bearable compared to her scent that was driving Heinard crazy. Her long hair, white skin with red cheeks, long lashes that were shadowing those beautiful big eyes were making him want to stare at her nonstop. Her eye color was reddish again, meaning she was using her powers. But light brown color was still visible.         “Done.” Kana said smiling.         Heinard had to break his stare and look at the wound unwillingly. But there was no wound anymore, only a small scar that looks like healing. “How did you do that? Your mana is not a healer type.”         Kana looked at him. “Do not let this out Prince, I don’t want it to be heard. I can use blood and this give me power over the wounds too. Not like a healer yes, but still useful.”         Heinard got closer to her, inhaling her nice scent. “What surprises are you hiding Blood King? In every hour you are showing another secret. Should I get worried?”         Kana did not move back, instead she also got closer. One more inch would make their lips touch. “I have more, Prince. But I will reveal them slowly. This makes it more interesting.”               “Do not tease me Kana, I am not very patient, especially when the whole kingdom is in danger.”         “I can tell how impatient you are, Prince, feeling how your blood is rushing…” Kana said smiling.   Heinard pushed her to the bed. “You enjoy teasing me, woman?”         Kana looked surprised. “So you acknowledge to see me as a woman now? I guess you need a bed to think like that, or not to think at all and give in, right?”         Heinard bend closer to her. She was breathtakingly beautiful. But he was not going to give in. “I will find out the reason why you were imprisoned. I know that the history I have been told is missing something. I will find it out but first, you will help me to protect my people. Are we clear on that?”         He was very determined to save his people which was an amazing trait for Kana, she really found it admirable. “I gave my promise for that, Heinard. You don’t need to remind me again. Now get up, it is dinner time.”         Heinard looked into her eyes for few more seconds, then he got up from the bed and left the room without looking back. Kana smiled, he was really an interesting man.             They gathered around the dinner table, but unlike the usual dinners, it was quite this time. Maids entered smiling to serve the dinner. They were looking at Helios but he was not in the mood to reply those flirty stares, so they left the room unhappy.         Kana looked at the food, even after centuries, it was funny that eating habits in the palace did not change. She started eating.  “You guys are not hungry?”       Heinard also started to eat. “Arkhan, Helios, stop being a mood killer and eat your dinner. Enough already, please.”         Helios nodded. “Sorry my Prince.”       Heinard signed. “Even the maids are very sad Helios. I am sure you can bring one or few of them to your room and have some fun. They were looking very eager.”         Helios looked a little happier. “Really?”         Arkhan also supported Heinard to bring Helios’ mood back. “You are the most popular bachelor in the whole kingdom. Every woman is ready to accompany you in bed, Helios.”           Heinard winked at Arkhan for his good back up. He knew how to give a speech. But the unexpected was for Helios to hold Kana’s hand.  “Kana, what do you think? Would you please come to by room tonight?”             Arkhan closed his eyes, unbelieving how stupid his friend can be. Heinard looked at Helios, thinking for a second to kill him or not. But why was he getting possessive now, so unlike him.         Kana laughed. “This is a very charming offer, but I must decline I am afraid.”       Helios smiled. “I will be waiting in case you change your mind. That mountain must have been very lonely after all.”         Kana laughed more, Helios was really funny and comfortable with his words, his honesty was very cute.           “Helios, it could be only you to ask the Blood King to come to your room. Really unbelievable…” said Arkhan.           Heinard did not talk since he was not sure what to say, a part of him wanted to curse Helios. He should have been grateful that Heinard loved him very much.         The dinner went more enjoyable thanks to Helios becoming himself. But Heinard went to his room earlier than usual. His mind was still occupied with today’s attempt. He was thinking which houses were involved in this plan. His death would leave Kingdom without an heir which would divide the houses even more.       But more importantly, now Blood King was supporting him and that was making him a bigger threat. While he was lost in thought, he felt Kana’s presence near him. He had good senses as a warrior, but thanks to her unique presence, he could feel Kana even better.       “How is your wound?” she asked, entering from his balcony.       “It is fine, I barely notice it is even there, you healed it perfectly. ” He said feeling excited that they were alone in his room.   “You were very fast at reacting today. Even without me you would be fine. But the real problem is there may be a bigger trap, I do not want to face it in the middle of a critical war because we put our trust in the wrong place.”         “ I know, I was thinking the same. Thanks for protecting me.” He said calmly.            “ I have to keep my promise, Prince. But I would not want you to get hurt in a stupid attack, protecting your girlfriend. So be careful.” she said and got closer to Heinard.         “Sandra is definitely not my anything. Except for being annoying, she does nothing else at all.” Heinard said. For some reason, he did not want Kana to misunderstand.         “Well if you say so…”  Kana said smiling.         She touched his stomach where his wound was again. She did not have to as she already healed, but she wanted to.       “Good Night, Prince.” she said smiling and walked towards the door.       “Good Night.” he could say. He was still surprised how strong she was. Nothing about healing was mentioned in the legends and books he read about Blood King, only how he betrayed and killed the high council who were protecting their kings. But she just took his pain away with one touch and healed the wound. There was much more to know about her, but no-one was willing to answer.     Another surprise was that he saw a little bit jealousy from her about Sandra, he really hoped that would be true.  
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