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        Helios still was not believing them. “Kana, I have read every single document about Blood King since my childhood and none of them mentioned he is a mind-blowingly beautiful woman.”         She was still smiling to Helios. “Have you checked the library in King’s chambers? I am sure there are documents about me, including my mind-blowingly beautiful features.”         “I did not read it of course, only the King has entrance to that library.”         “There is a secret passage to that library. It was built for King to escape safely when needed. I will show you once we go to the castle” Kana said.         Helios looked surprised. “Really? I did not know that. Wait, how do you know the secret passage to the King’s library? Don’t tell me before you become Blood King’s woman, you were in King’s chambers?”         Heinard swore. “You have got to be kidding me, you dumb ass…”         Kana enjoyed the silly side of her charming companion, but it was time for Helios to wake up. She did not like when others think that she was the woman of someone, that was a sensitive issue for her.       She let out her mana slowly, letting Helios know the taste of her power and comprehend the situation. The more power she used, freer she felt. It had been a very long time since she felt like this, a very very long time.   Arkhan and Helios were feeling the pressure from her mana strongly, meanwhile Heinard was still fine. He was stronger than them, but her power was undeniable, it was not easy for him to stay on his grounds as well.         Helios was surprised. “No way, seriously…” He yelled loudly.       His reaction was very cute, he was looking at her with big eyes, barely standing. Since her message was clearly taken, Kana stopped her mana.       Helios was breathing fast. “I cannot believe it. You really are the Blood King? Everything that I learned from the lessons were a lie! I knew that those lessons were useless, see!” Helios yelled looking at Arkhan.     Arkhan shook his head in denial. “i***t. Just because there were some wrong information does not mean they were useless.”       “I don’t find the lessons useful as well. This proofed us right, old friend.” Heinard said to Arkhan.       So Arkhan seemed like the clever one among them for Kana and Helios was the naughty one. But she could not figure out Heinard very much. He was strict, stubborn and his ego was higher than the mountain she lived for more than a millennium. The Prince had loyal blood indeed, she could see his elegant movements but there was something in his eyes, empty and sad feeling, yet she kind of liked those eyes.          “Well then, since you corrected the information, lets rest for a while. Your cottages are ready. I will take the first watch.” Arkhan said.         There were three small rooms in the cottage to sleep comfortable. But Heinard looked at Kana. “You are coming with me. I am not allowing you to be out of my view.”     She walked closer to Heinard smiling. “Oh my, you want to be close to me, dear Prince?”       Her cleavage was giving Heinard some ideas to work on. She was so attractive, but he tried to focus on the fact that she was Blood King. “I have to be close to you because I don’t trust you.”       Kana got even more closer. “And what if misbehave? What can you do then?” She whispered.         “I will use my whole power, the whole kingdom to lock you in that mountain again.” Heinard talked with a low and strict voice.           “How scary…I would not want that. I will behave well, don’t worry dear Prince.” She said smiling, but there was a mocking tone that Heinard did not enjoy.         He smiled too. “You better be.”         “Since we agreed to behave well, shall we sleep now. I don’t need it much but you surely look tired” Kana said.         Heinard found her attitude interesting, she was calm but ready to attack anytime. “Yes, thanks to a certain someone, we had to travel a long way.”       Heinard laid down to the ground with his cape. Meanwhile Kana sat down on the other side.       Heinard was uncomfortable to sleep next to her but he needed to rest. A turmoil was waiting for him in the castle. He had to explain his actions to the whole high council, especially to his father. That was going to be a tough mission.       “My Prince, are you ready to leave?” Arkhan said after few hours.         Heinard woke up quickly. “Yes, lets leave”       Kana was sitting on the same spot, watching him with curious eyes.         “Did you enjoy watching me sleeping?” Hainard asked while he got up.         “You have a likable face, so it was not bad” Kana answered smiling. The woman surely was not shy, Hainard thought.       Arkhan and Helios were waiting them outside. Helios looked at two of them. His expression was showing that he was not thinking with his brain again. “My Prince, if it is bothersome to deal with Kana, I am willing to support you and take care of her personally.”         “Get on your wolf, Helios.” Heinard said quickly. His womanizer friend would be a little hard to manage sometimes. Was he still not aware that this woman was a millennium old dark mage, he wondered.     “Sure my King. But I am not very excited to go back to the castle. I don’t even know what kind of punishment I will be given.” Helios answered.       “We released the Blood King, surely there will be consequences.” Arkhan said.       Heinard turned to his two warriors with a serious face. “You two, let me be clear that all responsibility is mine. I do not accept any argument. This was my plan, my decision and I forced you to follow me. Am I clear?”     Both Arkhan and Helios was about to argue with Heinard. He knew his friends very well so he continued. “That was an order. Do not make me repeat myself”       Arkhan signed, Helios sulked. They were helpless when Heinard talked like that.       Raxin came yawning to him. “Wake up big boy, we still have a long way to go.” Heinard said caressing the big wolf.         They got on their wolves. Kana was again sitting in front of Heinard. He really liked her scent, it was making him crazy. Helios was surely right to flirt with this woman. He was reminding himself that she was the blood king, especially the part between his legs had to be reprimanded a lot, thanks to her crazily nice scent.         The travel was again very nice for Kana. The closer they got to Ranorax castle, more memories she was remembering. It was not easy to create the peace in Ranorax, she fought with every cell in her body to secure this kingdom first, then it got so much complicated, but she did not want to remember everything. It was a time to make a new start and this time, she was not going to make the same mistakes, she promised this to herself.         “You can see the castle from here, look.” Heinard said while Raxin was taking them to there at full speed.         She could see three tall towers clearly, a white castle. Gosh, latest renovation took away its original beautiful color. She remembered it more shiny and whiter. How she felt both great happiness and sadness in that castle, she could remember all like yesterday.  This time, she had to deal with new lovely High Council, she thought.The last council she faced was long gone.     “Heinard, how will you really explain this to the King? He will not be very forgiving you know that.” Arkhan said.       “I know, but there is nothing that I can do. I will simply explain my feelings regarding the coming danger and hope that my father can understand it.”       Heinard did not hesitate at all while they entered the city. Everyone was looking at them as they were passing by quickly. People were all exited to see their Prince, bowing their heads to him.       Kana could hear some ladies yelling “Helios, come tonight we missed you”. The young man indeed knew his way with women, she thought, and watched those faces she did not know. However, she could recognize some people, not by faces but by blood. They were coming from a lineage that she knew.       After generation to generation blood gets mixed and lose its distinction. Only few has a pure, loyal blood that still protects itself even after many generations. She could tell some people have that pure blood, that was not about being from loyal houses. It was those stupid rules and system some old men decided as they wished. She could sense blood in a different way than those people. It was not about being poor or rich, it was the pure energy that blood is holding, connecting with the soul.     After few minutes, they reached the gates of the castle. Now, 1000 years later, Kana was entering from those gates again. This time, everything was different. 
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