1952 Words
The ancient lines on the ground were shaking with the strong pressure in the air. "What the hell is happening, you can't be the damn Blood King, you are a woman! " Prince Heinard shouted while standing on his feet again. It was hard to stand even for him; a normal warrior would be kissing the ground under this mana pressure. "Hmmm, very observative my Prince, but such simple mind, thinking only men would be Kings" she answered in a sexy mocking voice and then walked to the bedroom passing him by, leaving an incredibly nice scent.     " Where do you think you are going woman, I still don’t understand how but if you are Blood King then you just swore an oath to be loyal to me, you do as I say"     Blood King giggled, annoying the hell out of Prince Heinard.        "Being loyal does not mean to follow your orders.  I still have my freewill which is now telling me to change my clothes to go outside, it has been sometime since I had a walk. But I am still very considerate to change my clothes with a proper attire, we would not want poor men to lose their minds after seeing me in this attire” she said, showing her body from bottom to top with her pointy finger.          Heinard took another look while she was pointing her body. His attention did not escape from Blood King’s eyes.     “Your mind surely went to some far place after all, considering how quickly you released me" She said in a very noble yet again mocking gesture, a hard to find combination indeed, Prince thought. She could compete with Helios to see who is more annoying.     He followed the Blood King to a smaller room full of clothing and jewelry. It was clear that many was brought here recently, nothing was ancient at all, no spider web and dust to be seen. He was getting more annoyed with new questions in his every step, who the heck was she, living so comfortable in this huge castle-cave? Behind a see-through curtain, she started changing her clothes. Damn she was beautiful, he thought. How could she be that notorious Blood King! He was the betrayer to the Throne, the sinner imprisoned eternally for all the crimes he committed, yet he found himself drowning to this woman who was now happily putting some clothes in her bag. As a prisoner being kept here for a millennium or something, she surely was caring so much about her attire, what a crazy one she was.   " Ok I am ready, let's go little Prince" said Blood King walking towards the gate. She was wearing a ladder black top and bottom, embracing her body tightly and showing her lines clearly. She had bracelets that were holding the stones same color as her red hair. Her top was leaving a neat cleavage, showing her soft lines yet letting one to wildly imagine what was inside. Prince, again found himself memorizing her every inch and got very upset that he was letting her completely taking control. He used his will to come to his sense and talked;   "You, watch how you talk to me, I let you out there remember, you will serve me now. First address me as Master, then I will allow you to leave here, not before" She turned to Prince smiling, but that smiler was far from kind. A sudden mana was released from her and covered the whole place. She only smiled, did not move or talk to let Heinard understand the situation here.   Prince was having trouble to stand on his feet, fighting not to kneel in front of her. She was so strong, even only releasing her mana was shaking the ground, but he was strong too, he did not kneel.     She enjoyed seeing this stubborn Prince to stay on his ground, he was strong, carrying the Ranorax blood.       She smiled sincerely this time. “Lets go, we have a war to win"       They passed the corridor, only then he remembered his warriors were waiting him there. He swore again, thinking how Helios would react after seeing Blood King. They were making jokes when they were children, saying that Blood King would be a skeleton by now, an old, smelly very ugly man forgot how to walk or even talk. Yet, he was watching that breath-taking woman walking ahead. She stopped on the last ancient line that was keeping her inside before and turned back with sad eyes, looking around one last time.   There was indeed something very deep and sorrowful in those beautiful again maroon colored eyes.  Then she kept walking, leaving her home behind.                                             ◇◇◇   Helios and Arkhan run to their Prince when they saw him coming back. Weird thing was just next to him, there was a very beautiful sexy red head leaving there too.         “What the hell, I would have surely gone inside if I knew that” said Helios, looking at the beautiful woman.       “Are you fine my Prince?” asked Arkhan while running towards Heinard.       “ I am fine, there is no problem at all” said the Prince. But he just wanted to delay the explanation as much as possible; even now Helios was looking at Blood King like a puppy waiting for attention. That was his regular tactic around women.     Arkhan checked Prince and the woman. “What happened inside, all the spells are broken. And who is this lady, your Highness?”       Helios got closer to the woman. “You must be so scared.  Was the Blood King keeping you inside? Do not fear anymore, it is safe now” Helios was using his deep voice. It was his womanizer tone.     Prince was getting annoyed now. He pointed the beautiful woman. “Helios, Arkhan, meet the Blood King”        Helios looked at the Prince in a funny way, “My Prince did you hit your head somewhere?” But Arkhan was seeing more than Helios. Under that beauty, there was a scary strength, her eyes were looking without any fear at all. That woman was really Blood King, Arkhan thought. “Prince Heinard saved me from the scary Blood King, thanks to his brave heart I am free now” said Blood King in a feminine way.     Prince Heinard looked at her with a shocked face. “You little…”       Helios interrupted Heinard. “I am Helios, may I have the pleasure to know your name, my Lady?” Helios was being flirty.  But Heinard realized that he never asked her name. First, she was a beautiful red head and then the Blood King. He was curious to get to know her as well.         “Nice to meet you Helios, it is good to see someone with manners” she said giving a glare to Heinard. He was little bit embarrassed that he has not yet asked her name, but her being the Blood King was still messing his mind.       Blood King smiled. “My name is Kanarine, you can call me Kana”       That was a lovely name, Heinard thought. Then got angry at himself, Blood King did not need a lovely name.  She just needed to obey him and help to win this war.       The wolves came closer as they were talking, Kana looked at Raxin, he started sniffing her. Then he licked her. The animal would treat anyone other than his father and his two warriors as an enemy, so Heinard was very surprised to see this reaction.       She started patting Raxin, enjoying his soft fury head that caused her to have a big smile on her face. “Such a good boy you are”     She was even more beautiful when smiling, Heinard thought but again, he swore to himself for thinking that. He tried to focus. “We need to leave, there is so much to do, and we don’t have any time to waste. Stop acting like a helpless woman, you are the damn Blood King”       Heinard got on Raxin quickly.  Helios laughed again but he and Arkhan followed Heinard to get on their wolves as well.         Heinard looked at Kana and lift her using his mana by making gravity less. While she was flying to Heinard and Raxin, Kana smiled. “Interesting, you have the gravity power”         She sat just in front of Heinard, their bodies were touching. Smelling her hair was not helpful for him to calm his mind at all. Returning home was going to be much longer than coming here.       They kept going for a long time before taking a break. Wolves were so fast, their speed and resistance were amazing. The only torture during the whole travel was for Heinard to be so close to Kana. Her scent was so good that he was keeping himself barely from burying his head in her neck.       Kana on the other hand was enjoying this whole trip very much. It has been a very long time since she had wandered around, seen new places and enjoyed morning breeze. Being alone in that mountain was not easy to endure. Her books kept her mind busy and her loyal ones kept informing her every development from generation to generation, she never complained, but it was not easy, not at all.         They stopped to eat and rest for a while. Just like before, Arkhan created a cottage. Kana was carefully watching her new companions, observing their powers and characters.     That tallest guy, Arkhan was a sweetheart, she could tell. He was this smart, decent boy that manages everything under control. He had a calming effect on Heinard and Helios, like a big brother. His main power was to control soil. Almost every power would give a hint for the character of the carrier. As a earth mage, Arkhan was strong, protective and dependable she could tell.     Helios was the exact opposite; he had been flirting with her non-stop and knew his way very well with woman. He was very charming, but Kana considered that part as a childish, small naughty boy that makes her want to rub his head. He came to Kana’s side again. “Have you calmed down after we got away from that horrible place, Kana?”         She smiled to Helios. “Yes, seeing the nature and having fresh air felt great after such a long time.”         Helios looked at her with a concerned expression. “Kana, for how long have you been serving the Blood King?”       Heinard signed as he interrupted their conversation. “Helios, just how many times do I have to tell you she is the damn Blood King! Try to feel her mana! I know that you lose yourself in front of women, but have you forgotten how to be a warrior completely?”           Helios shook his head. “I am feeling her mana, certainly she is a mage but a normal one. It is not on the legendary and scary level.  While you were paying so much attention to Kana, the real Blood King must have escaped from somewhere…”         “Helios, I have seen you being stupid in many occasions but today, you are surpassing my expectations” Arkhan said.       Heinard turned to Kana with irritation on his face. “I really cannot deal with his stupid comments any longer. Show him your real self and we can have a calm rest without any annoying comment”       Kana smiled. “Since you asked so nicely, dear Prince”   Then she looked at Helios. “I am really the Blood King”  
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