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After a long travel, they were getting closer to the mountain, Heinard was releasing a small part of his mana to keep other uninvited guests away not to lose time. He was going to need almost all his mana very soon in the presence of Blood King so he was being careful, only sending some wild animals away from them using his gravity power. That was not a big deal since many were already scared to get closer thanks to their huge wolves.   Finally, they reached the top of the mountain and saw a huge entrance. It was rectangle gate with writing in the old language on it. The whole mountain was covered by ancient spells that was making the entrance other than this gate impossible. Three of them  stood in front of the gate, it was the first time that they saw it with their own eyes.       “It looks exactly same as the pictures we saw in books.  But they left out the horrible atmosphere” Helios said.     “Yes, even breathing is hard because of the ancient spells. The mana level here is incredible. Look at the writings, not a welcoming one, isn’t it…” Arkhan said while checking the ancient writings written across the gate.     " Behold Visitor, the One lies behind,    Can take away your Light.    One wrong in the Night,    May slay all the Right."     Heinard snorted. “Useless words, there is no need to make him look more significant. He is just a criminal”       “A very strong criminal, living more than a millennium but yes, no need to mention it at all” Helios said laughing it off.     But Heinard really did not care about this warning very much, He had Ranorax blood. His ancestor, the first King of Ranorax Kingdom was the one who imprisoned Blood King. So he and his father were the only ones who could free him. Blood King was going to hear him out surely.       Once he had the Blood King under his control, Prince Heinard would command the whole army of Ranorax and end this war for good. Only a very strong mage like Blood King would be enough to unify all houses and mages in the Kingdom. Otherwise Heinard knew some High Council Members would betray and some would avoid joining front lines in the war. He needed a strong motivation, he needed to show his power to all the warriors so that they would accept to fight together against Hewatris Kingdom.       “Stay here you two, I need to talk to him alone” said Heinard. Two friends looked at each other.       Arkhan talked first. “My Prince, as much as I cannot disobey you, any order against your safety can be disregarded so I will pretend that I did not hear what you just said.”       Helios nodded few times smiling, agreeing with Arkhan.           Heinard thought about insisting but he knew that they would just follow him up. So he signed, letting them come together.         They entered the gate. Inside was even more suffocating under the big amount of mana and spells. They were walking in a triangle as their defense mode, ready for an attack anytime. After passing a big corridor, they found themselves in a big room full of books.       “What the hell…” Helios said looking at the books.       “Some of these books are only recently written. Who is bringing books to this place?” Arkhan said.       Heinard was also dumfounded. He had no idea why someone would someone bring books to here…       Heinard kept walking, behind him were Helios and Arkhan. But suddenly he felt a barrier in his next step.     Helios punched the barrier, not being able to pass it like Heinard did. “I can’t pass from here!”     Arkhan carefully checked it. “I also cannot. From the energy I can feel, only the royal blood can pass from hereon so only Heinard can continue”       Heinard smiled to his two friends. “Just as I wanted, finally some time I can have without you too”       Even the happy-all-the-time Helios had a serious expression. “Be careful Heinard. If anything happens, just run back here, I am serious!”     Heinard nodded and turned his back to them, he was going to be alone. His blood was allowing him to pass that barrier. But he could feel how strong it was, certainly needed to keep a monster inside, he thought.   He was walking cautiously but was amazed by everything. Now he was in a big living area, everything was polished and brand new, comfy sofa and luxury clothing covering the floors and all the detailed decorations looking like the artwork of some important artists. How in the world was this possible? This place looked like anything but a cave. He kept passing the room and found himself in front of a big bed, covered by sateen white sheets. Room was smelling very nice, a soft flower scent with a little lemon aroma, very fresh and alluring.       Then his eyes caught a door, he could not see the inside clearly. He walked in and saw a figure sitting on the side of a painting that was designed like a window and creating a view like a real ocean.       A dark blue sateen cloak along with beautiful long legs were lying comfortable in front of it. A short dress with the same color of cloak was covering the top of those beautiful legs. He kept walking; indeed, figure was a beautiful woman, dress was leaving a good cleavage of her breasts, looking so soft and shaped under that thin layer.       Finally, after forcing his eyes a little bit above, he saw her fully. Her long red hair was sparkling like a fire behind her, face very tender, beautiful with sharp features. Suddenly her eyes turned to him, resulting him to come to his senses. Seeing a woman here especially a beauty like that was the least he expected. Damn Blood King knew how to choose his women it seemed, even for an old guy.   He tried to focus and talk properly in front of this beauty, remembering his mission to be here. " You must be a prisoner here for Blood King"       The woman kept staring at him without showing any expression.   Heinard continued. "I came to see him, I will make him an offer, go and bring Blood King here for me"   The woman still kept staring at him, so Prince broke the silence once again. “I do not want to hurt you woman. I only have business with Blood King, just bring him here”        Those maroon eyes checked him from bottom to top. He was getting nervous in front of her, why the hell was he getting nervous was a wonder for him. Women never affected him in this way, he enjoyed their company and respected the beautiful creatures but getting nervous in front of them was certainly not something he has done before. Finally, she began to talk and said;       " What will you offer?"        The Prince was surprised that even her voice was affecting him strongly. Only few words from her came, but they were said calm and powerful. She must have had a reason to convince Blood King to come here, but he had no intention to wait for that damn King any longer.     " I am the heir of Ranorax Kingdom, Prince Heinard. Tell that bloody King to come here if he wants his freedom. My blood can break his chains"   She smiled a little. " So you will kindly free the Blood King, Prince Heinard? I think there is something that you want in exchange. You are still a Prince, not a King, yet you are here. Only the King can come here”   " I cannot wait till I become a King to come here. I need him to swear his loyalty to me, I need his powers. As long he serves me, he will have his freedom”   "I would not call this a freedom, would you, your Highness?” she asked in an alluring tone. Damn he thought, it was not easy to make a conversation while she was lying in front of him with clothes barely covering her.     "Blood King can be free after I am done with him" Prince declared in a strong voice, hoping it would reach to King so he could come quickly. Heinard was not enjoying feeling nervous in front of this woman.   "Your highness, you must make an oath for your words. " she said, looking straight into Heinard’s eyes.   Heinard could not even understand his actions but his body was faster. While walking here he had already seen all the lines written on the ground and walls. This whole place was made by pure mana, it was a very old spell, so he did not understand everything but as Ranorax heir, his blood was enough to break the spell.       He touched the ground and cut his hand, spilling few drops of blood  and yelled " I, Heinard Ranorax, the heir of the first King Leimard Ranorax will release the Blood King if he swears his oath to be loyal to me, "    Those beautiful maroon eyes stared at him amused, her shiny red hair was wavering with a strong energy. Then he felt an incredible pressure that made him glad he was already kneeling, he looked at the woman as he was feeling the pressure from where she is, then he saw the changing in shock. As the pressure kept getting stronger on her surroundings, those kind maroon color left her eyes slowly, instead she was now glaring him from above with red eyes, blood red eyes. Then showing a little smirk on her face she said; "Heinard Ranorax, I accept your offer"
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