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  Heinard woke up feeling someone was watching him. That feeling proved itself right when his eyes met with Kana’s.       “Good Morning Prince. I could never think that you were a snoring type.” she said smiling.       He was surprised to hear that and actually wanted to ask if he was really snoring. But he just hoped she was teasing him. “What are you doing here this early?”       “Calm down. I am not here to watch your sleeping pretty face. There is a place I need to go; I will be back tomorrow.” Kana said.       “That is not possible. You cannot leave the castle without me. You cannot be away from me.” Heinard said strictly, there was no way she was leaving his eyesight.       “It is very important for me, only few hours away from here. I must to go. Kingdom Army will only be ready in few days anyway so there is not much that I can do here. If you do not trust me just come with me.”         “What could be so important that you need to leave before the unification of the whole Ranorax army after hundreds of years?”       “I need to take something if you really want me to be ready for the war.”     “Fine, but we will be back by tomorrow morning” said Heinard, signing.       “Thanks, this is really important.”         “But we cannot be seen. It will cause too much trouble to make an explanation.”       Kana smiled. “You can leave that to me. I will make sure no-one notices us.”         Heinard was not sure why he was following her request but he kind of felt responsible because she supported him during council meeting and protected him yesterday.         It was still very early so everyone was sleeping. For Heinard, it would be easy to avoid the guards as he knew their location well. But Kana was also walking smoothly like she knew every person’s location and was perfectly avoiding them.       Heinard followed her quietly, trying to figure this woman out but the more he knew, the more mysterious she was becoming.         They reached almost out of the castle very easily without anyone noticing. He then saw a soldier waiting a little ahead of them. But the soldier suddenly turned his back to them awkwardly, like he was not feeling well.       “You made him turn the other way not to see us?” he asked whispering.       “They cannot hear as well, I am blocking few of their main alters so they feel like fainting for a few seconds, then come back to their senses without any damage.”       He was getting impressed again, normally he would make objects fly around for distraction to leave the castle but just passing the guards this easily was another level indeed.         They reached the outside of the castle, Raxin joined them there, he could easily feel Heinard’s scent to find him. So it was not very possible to avoid him.          Kana caressed the big wolf, he was wailing his tail like a happy little pup. She liked his reactions. “This little one does not leave you alone.”         Heinard looked at them surprised again, it was so weird to see Raxin like this. “Yes, we are together since he was a pup, so our bond is very strong.”         “That is very nice…Well then, lets use this big cutie’s help to go faster.” Kana said and she got on Raxin.         Heinard also got on his back and they started moving in the direction Kana showed.         Again, feeling her this close was amazing. His whole body was leaning towards her while she was sitting in front. Her heat was warming his chest and abdomen. He tried to give his mind to somewhere else by making a conversation, otherwise she would surely feel his arousal touching her back which would be so damn embarrassing for him.         “What do you want to see, or should I ask who? asked Heinard. He was wondering who was bringing her all those clothes, books and furniture, was she on her way to meet him perhaps...       Kana turned her face a little to left. “It is something that used to me very important for me.”         “And what is it?”           “You will see when we reach there anyway. Don’t be impatient, little prince.”           “You must show me respect, Kanaria. I am the one who released you and I can send you there again even if it causes me my life. Don’t forget that.”           Kana smiled sadly, there was so much that he did not know after all.           There was a silene for few minutes, feeling that she was not going to talk more about her purpose now so he changed the subject.       “Did you really read all those books in the mountain?”         “Yes, when you don’t have anywhere to go, all you can do Is just read and read…”   “I saw one book that I also read, myths of Ranarax. My mother used to read it when I was a child.”       “I also enjoyed that book…Also I am sorry that your mother died that way.”       Heinard did not miss that Kana was following up the developments well in that prison. “Someone has been reporting you well it seems.”       “You may not know since you are not a social person but there is a rumor in the city. The one that gives the best information or story to Blood King will be protected by him. That is why the strong warriors were bringing legends, novels and history books with their family signature as a gift so that I would protect their families. But they were so scared so it was not commen but with time, I received many books. ”     “How did you manage to make such rumor?” asked Heinard amusedly.       “I received someone’s help, but it was my idea. It was boring to sit there all alone you know.” she said turning her head halfway, smiling at him.         That woman was indeed a crazy one, but clever that she used such rumor to keep herself busy with many new books.       “You are a clever one my Lady, or should I say old lady?” Heinard asked teasing her.       Kana laughed. “Wow, that was mean. But basically, my body age is still 23. I only stayed in my prison for a long time. I am still young for your reference.”       “I would not know without confirming how young you are first.” Heinard spoke against her ear in a low voice.       She felt blood rushed to her cheeks, the Prince was in a playful mood it seemed.         “Don’t push, little Prince.” she said in a serious way but her red cheeks made Heinard smile. Finally, he was taking the control.         “Why now, are you shy, Kana?”         Kana smiled, the Prince had some tricks she thought. She touched Raxin and pointed out a direction. “We are getting close, that way.”         The wolf started running even faster. They were getting deep in one of the biggest forests in the Kingdom. Trees were taller than the castle towers, very big and old. Kana told Raxin to stop, big wolf quickly listened her. Again, it was a wonder for Heinard how Raxin was obeying her.       She got off quickly walked in front of a tree. The thickness of the tree would be enough to build a small room in it. She put her hand on it and said something in a language that Heinard did not understand. The blood ran out from her hand to the tree, Heinard was watching it behind to understand what she was doing.           She was performing a spell with her blood, that was clear for Heinard. Her blood kept running down from her hand and then it started to go up from opposite sides. In few seconds, a door like shape could be seen made out of blood.  She stepped back and red light appeared from the places that her blood touched.         “You would not wait here even if I asked, right? She asked to him.         “No chance, Kanaria.” Heinard answered quickly as he walked next to her. She stared at him and shook her head. Then they entered from the gate.  
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