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Kana did not want to catch much attention before she entered her room. But Helios and Arkhan were too careful not to notice what she was carrying. “Is that a sword on your back?” asked Helios. Kana smiled, even under her big cloak, he was good enough to see the sword. “Yes, it is an old and rusty one. Are you not hungry, Helios, we should eat something proper.” “I cannot see the sword, but if you went all the way to get it, then it must be important. Whose sword is it, Blood King?” Arkhan asked. These guys were really not leaving Kana alone with their curious eyes. She looked at Arkhan. “It is mine obviously. Knowing what a cruel tyrant I was, are you surprised to see that I have a sword?” Arkhan did not back up. “Are those stories really true? Because the one I see in front and that cruel tyrant seem different people.” Maybe she needed to act more like a tyrant, she thought. “I want my breakfast ready by the sea and make sure that I will like it. Now I will be in my room for a while, no disturbance is allowed. Behave, or there will be consequences.” Three men did not have the chance or mind to argue, only watched her leave. Helios hit Arkhan’s back with a slap. “Are you happy that she is acting more like a tyrant now?” Arkhan shook his head. “Leave me alone, Helios. It is not my fault that this woman is unpredictable.” “Prepare that breakfast for now. I am going to see my father.” Heinard said, and walked away. He knew that his father was hiding something. If the King thought it was not the right time to tell him the truth, it was almost impossible to convince him. But it would not hurt him to try to learn something. The warriors saluted him and allowed Heinard to enter the King’s chambers. It was still early, so the King must have just woken up and was reading at his desk, drinking his tea. Seeing the expected scene, Heinard walked in front of the table as the King looked at his son smiling. “It is nice to see you wake up early, son.” Heinard put his hands on the table. “Father, you know that I did not wake up in my bed today. Now, why don’t you tell me, instead of alarming your warriors to find me and Blood King, why you are calmly sitting here drinking your tea?” The King looked surprised and amused. “Did I disappoint you? Did you want me to send an army behind you?” The Prince smiled. “Stop playing father. Who is this woman? The legends say that she is a traitor and a prisoner. But all I see is….it is…” The king took a sip from his tea and smiled. “A magnificent woman? Because your eyes seemed to be enjoying the view when you look at her.” Heinard got closer to his father’s face. “Don’t mock me my King. Who will you trust if you don’t trust your own son? What are you hiding?” “The rule is clear, son. Only the newly throned Kings were allowed to visit the mountain and see Blood King. You not only broke that rule but freed her as well. I cannot tell you anything until you are ready.” Heinard was getting frustrated. “WHEN WILL I BE READY?” The king looked at his son calmly. “When I die.” “Gosh…Father….Fine, at least tell me something. Is she trustable?” That question made the King stop. He looked out the window. “I believe…She will never betray Ranorax name.” That was a contradiction to all legends, because she was supposed to be a betrayer… Heinard knew his father was not going to talk more, but even this much gave him more ideas and new questions. He bowed and left the King’s chambers to go to Kana. He did not have the patience to walk, so jumped out from the window, making himself fly in the air thanks to his powers. The castle was big but Heinard could be very fast with his powers, so he reached the balcony of Kana’s room quickly. The curtains were open a little bit, he could see inside. He wished that he could see much more, as Kana was wearing only her lingerie. Her black bra was hugging her breast perfectly, showing how alluring and soft they were. Kana turned to him, surely feeling his presence before he got closer. “Peeking is not a polite thing, Prince.” Heinard took a step into the room. The closer he got the faster his blood was flowing in his veins. “I did not mean to peak; I was simply visiting.” Kana pointed at the door. “They made the doors for that.” “I am not the type to use doors. They are either opened up for me or I don’t need them at all.” Kana laughed. “So you assumed that my door would not be opened up for you? “You are not exactly a fan of me, Kanaria.” Prince answered. Kana walked closer to Prince. “I don’t have any bad feelings about you. On the contrary, you are getting more interesting, Prince Heinard.” Heinard wanted to kiss her and touch every inch of her body at that moment. The distance was making it very hard to resist. “That is hard to believe, thinking that all you do is mocking me.” Kana smiled, her lovely eyes were looking very kindly. “I am just joking, Heinard. I was alone for a long time and meeting a very serious Prince who broke the only rule he needed to follow by releasing me gives me motivation to be a tease.” “You think it was the first time that I broke a rule?” Heinard asked, trying to figure out her perception of him. “No. When you believe that something is right, I think you will just go for it, no matter what the rules are.” “You are right. Releasing you was the best option. I know that something big is coming and if we try to normal ways, it will be impossible to stop it. So using another dark power seemed to make sense. But….I never thought that you would be like this.” “Like what?” Kana asked curiously. “Exact the opposite of darkness. You are shining brightly.” Heinard said with admiring eyes, looking at Kana. “Don’t look at me like this, Heinard.” Kana said, whispering. “Like what?” Heinard asked this time. “Like I am a woman.” Kana said and kissed him. It was very weird to feel someone this close again for Kana, especially after what she had been through. But she felt weirdly safe and happy with Heinard. The Prince took her touch surprised. Her soft lips were so warm and tasted amazingly good. He could not believe that he had denied himself this pleasure. Her simple touch affected his whole body strongly. He could not deny his passion for her any longer and pulled Kana to himself by pulling her waist. The kind and light peck she gave him turned to a passionate kiss in seconds. Both could not keep their hands in one place any longer, trying to feel and touch each other more. Kana pulled back panting, she looked at Heinard. “You are a dangerous one, Prince.” Heinard was breathing fast as well, the swollen friend in his pants was not helping him to think straight at all. “I should be saying that, Blood King.” Kana smiled and walked backwards. “I am still hungry. Let's go and eat something.” Damn it, Heinard thought. That woman was surely trying to make him go crazy, kissing him like that, then pulling away suddenly… She happily turned around and left the room, leaving Heinard with very uncomfortable pants. He cursed himself and her again, trying to calm himself down. It had been a very long time for Kana to feel such a strong attraction and desire for someone. She was surprised how easy it was to feel such passion in an instant, even though she promised she would never let herself be blinded again by those feelings. Her blood was rushing, she used her powers to slow it down. She would not be a foolish girl again, ever. As she got closer to the seaside, she found Helios waiving at her happily next to a very nice-looking table full of food. Surely, they did their best to arrange her a great breakfast. Her stomach growled with joy, but she could feel that down to her stomach was also very lively thanks to that kiss with Heinard. “Kana, are you fine? Your cheeks are a little red?” Helios asked curiously. She smiled. “I ran here to eat all of these, I guess that is why.” Red cheeks….What was she, a teenager again, she thought, cursing herself. “Where is Heinard?” Arkhan asked. Kana sat on the chair. “I am not sure, he will be here soon I guess.” It did not take long for Heinard to show up. His hair was wet and he was walking very fast like he was angry. “My Prince, you seem a little upset?” Helios asked. Heinard signed. “Nothing. Lets eat Helios.” Having his hair wet, Heinard seemed even more sexy. “I think Prince took a cold shower. Hope you feel better now?” Kana teased him. Heinard did not reply, simply watched Kana eating an egg, smiling at him. That woman…Heinard was losing himself to that woman…
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