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“It had been sometime since we had a nice breakfast like this together.” Helios said with a full mouth, enjoying his breakfast. “Heinard and I always have nice breakfasts. It is you who cannot get up early because of the busy night schedules.” Arkhan said. Helios got what his friend meant. “At least one of us is big enough to have night activities with ladies.” That caused Arkhan to put his tea on the table strongly. “I am just being selective. It is better than finding out that your partner was married the next morning and causing huge trouble.” Helios directed the fork he was holding to Arkhan. “That was a one-time accident. How was I supposed to know, she was not acting like a married woman at all!” Kana smiled looking at them. “What is amusing you, Kanaria?” Heinard asked curiously. “It is just, I remembered my brothers. They were also arguing like this all the time.” Kana answered gently, her eyes seemed lost in the memories. Helios turned to Kana immediately. “You had brothers? They must have been very handsome considering your beauty.” His sincere comment made Kana smiled more. “They were! They were the biggest topic of the whole Kingdom. Just like you Helios, it was impossible to keep my younger brother in line, so he and our big brother would always argue. He was like a little child all the time. You remind me of him.” “Hmm…Maybe I am coming from his bloodline? It would be fun if you were my great great great great sister or something.” “No, you are not.” Kana laughed. “Maybe I am! We cannot know.” Helios answered, smiling. Kana looked at him in the eye. “I can know. Your blood tells me who you are.” Arkhan jumped into their conversation. “Can you really do that?” “Well, I am the Blood King, so yes, I can really do that.” It was really hard to understand her limits, Heinard thought to himself, looking at her. “That is so cool! If you see a long distant relative of mine, tell me. I would not want to do anything wrong to a family member.” Helios said in a serious mood. Arkhan laughed. “By something wrong, you mean to get in bed with your aunt, right?” Heinard and Kana also could not hold their laugh while Helios protested, smiling. “Come oooooooon…..Don’t be disgusting!” Their laugh continued to be heard as they were having a really good time together. But it did not take long for Kana to notice a strong presence was getting closer, she could feel the power his blood was radiating. She knew this blood very well… Heinard also got into a serious mood as he realized their uninvited guest. “Lord Haimatron, what do we own the pleasure to have you here?” In a second, a gray-haired, mid-aged man appeared in front of them, he bowed his head in front of Prince Heinard while looking at Kana. “My Prince, I am very sorry for interrupting. Other lords would like to talk to you and Blood King. May I accompany you to the meeting chamber?” Heinard looked at Kana, but she was waiting for him to answer in her place. “Sure, we finished our breakfast anyway.” “Thank you, my Prince.” Lord Haimatron said. They left the table and started walking back to the castle where the meeting chamber for council was located. Kana got closer to Lord Haimatron. “So Lord Haimatron, did you call your men to report to the capital?” “Of course, My Lady. My men are preparing to leave their duty stations. Only a few of them will stay behind to protect the rest of the cities.” “I guess preparations are not easy to finalize when they know that there is no guarantee of their return.” Lord Haimatron nodded. “Indeed, however they are all very strong warriors. They are aware that this war is inevitable.” “It is sad for them that, after centuries of silence, now things are getting complicated.” “I am sure it is harder for you than for the warriors. The ones fighting in the front line must sacrifice much more than the ones behind.” Kana smiled, seeing how he was carefully planning every move. That was surely a good habit of Haimatron House. “What do the council want to talk about?” Arkhan asked. “There is a new energy coming from the south part of the borders. It is the closest place to our capital, so we may need to send a control unit.” Lord Haimatron answered. “What kind of energy? Is it different than normal mana?” Heinard asked. “Some warriors said so, My Prince. A weird and dark mana that really bothers our warriors…We cannot ignore it.” Lord Haimatron replied. Kana had a bad feeling about this. If a border warrior could feel that there was a darker energy, an unusual one, then it could be one thing only…He was even closer than she thought, that damn disgusting creature… They entered the castle and, without wasting time, the chamber doors were opened in front of them. “Please tell us what is going on, My King.” Heinard said to his father as he entered the meeting chambers. His father was sitting on the edge of the big table while other council members were occupying the other chairs. The King was lost in deep thoughts, he looked at his son with tired eyes. “One of our strong warriors reported a very dark existence floating around the borders. Normally, I gave my order for all houses to arrange their soldiers to be gathered for one big attack. However, we cannot risk an ambush and lose our cities, so we have no choice but to send an elite unit to check what this dark energy is." Heinard did not need to ask again to understand the situation. “If that is the case, I agree, father. Let me lead the unit and personally report the situation. Blood King will accompany me to make sure that she will pay for her freedom.” King’s gaze slowly went on Kana. She gave him a very small nod, which would hardly be recognized, but the King did not miss it. “So be it. Leave immediately to supervise the borders and come back as soon as possible. But transportation gates cannot be opened close to the border not to get any attention, so you must travel some of the road by foot.” Heinard nodded. “I will only need five of my men. We will not get any attention. Do not worry.” Lord Haimatron stepped forward. "My King, My Prince, please allow my son to accompany you as well. He knows the territory well and is a brave warrior. I am sure he can be good use to you." King did not comment, instead he looked at his son and waited for his judgement. Heinard knew that Haimatron house was a very trustable one. The youngest heir, Kalis Haimatron was a skillful warrior, so he could surely be useful. "Thank you for your offer, Lord Haimatron. It will be nice to have Kalis in our team, his good reputation is well-known by everyone." Lord Haimatron looked proud and nodded kindly. "We will be honoured, My Prince." Heinard did not want to lose any time at all, so he turned to his father again. "Please excuse us father, we will immediately attend to this matter." The king knew that he could trust his son about this, he was a brilliant warrior. "I leave this matter to you then, Heinard. You are dismissed." Heinard bowed to his father and left the room, having Kana, Arkhan and Helios follow him. Kana knew that if she was right, things were about to get much more complicated and dangerous than Heinard and others could imagine. "Heinard, so apart from us, will there be another guy coming with us? But I really need everyone to be extraordinarily skillful. Dark mana is very dangerous." "You think I don't know that? That is why I only want to best few, which means us. You know who we are. That Haimatron guy is also very famous for achieving great control at the borders, so I approved his attendance." Heinard answered. "If he is not capable, I will not be his babysitter, so choose your team wisely, Prince." Kana said. Heinard did not argue back, he was aware that something was different recently and they were going to get very close to the danger. Arkhan interrupted his thoughts. "I will call a gate mage immediately. We can be transferred to a closer place to the border, then travel a short distance by our wolves." Heinard approved. "Yes, that would be the best. It is better not to risk it by opening a gate so close to the border as my father said. Call the mage to be ready in an hour. Let's meet here after a short preparation. Kana, follow me." Kana raised an eyebrow at that cocky Prince. Who was he to command her like that... But Arkhan gestured his lips gently. "Please go." She smiled and followed Heinard, wondering what he wanted to say, or do... Heinard walked into his chambers without saying a word. The moment Kana entered, he pinned her against the wall and closed the door behind her. "You know something, Kanaria. Tell me, what are you expecting to see there?" His breath brushed against Kana's face. His arms were around both sides of her, not leaving her a place to go. He could be very demanding sometimes, but she kind of enjoyed that. Her lips curved. "Well Prince, I already said that dark mana is dangerous. That is all I worry about." Heinard got even closer, his body touched her completely. "Don't lie to me Kana." "You just enjoy getting close to me, don't you? Crushing me against the wall is becoming a habit of yours." Kana said in a seductive voice. Heinard was surely enjoying it, her scent was driving him crazy. But he was also sure that Kana knew more about that dark mana attacking the borders. "Kana, just tell me so that we can be prepared." The Prince was a very strong man, she admitted that to herself. His eyes were determined and sharp. But she needed to get to know him more before telling him everything. She was not going to put her trust on the wrong side ever again. So she did the best thing to do to take his mind off from this subject. She put her finger on his chin and pulled his head to her, using her powers. Her lips touched his gently. She slowly started to devour his lips. His breath immediately got faster and he responded to her kiss without any resistance. His arms hugged her body strongly, putting his hands on her bottom. Every part of her was beautiful and sexy that he was responding to her at an incredible speed. His arousal was touching her, making her feel his intense passion. She touched his chest, it was rock solid, displaying how strong he was. Her hands slipped inside of his shirt to feel his skin directly. It was smooth with little hair against her fingers. Heinard also did not let his hands to rest. One moved to the front between her legs. "You are getting wet, Blood King." Heinard loved her reaction, but for Kana, it was a reminder to be weak and depend on a man... She pushed Heinard. "Stop it..." Prince was surprised, not understanding the cause of her reaction. "what...why?" Kana was panting, her pleasure turned into unpleasant memories of her giving herself to a man who took advantage of her trust... "I will wait for you outside, Heinard." Kana said and tried to open the door, but Heinard hugged her behind. "Kana, you were also enjoying it. What is wrong? Did I do something?" "It is not about you Heinard...I just can't let myself feel like this...I can't..." She pushed him away, leaving him alone in his room. It was the second time in one day that Heinard had to take a cold shower because of Kana...What was he going to do with her...
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