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    Heinard cautiously took a step into the gate. It was a narrow and long path that was reaching to a light at the end. But the surprising part was the walls, they were covered by gems that were sparkling in the darkness.         “Where is this place?” Heinard asked.       “This is a gate obviously.” Kana answered mockingly.          Heinard rolled his eyes. “I can tell that this is for transportation, so I am asking where we are, Blood King.”         Kana smiled, so The Prince was going to call her by her title when he was annoyed. That was cute. “We are not in Ranorax anymore, I can tell you that much.”   Kana was not going to give him more details as she would not want Heinard to die from shock of knowing that they were in Hewatris now.       “The exact location, Kanaria. Tell me where we are!”       “In a cave, as you can see. I am very fond of caves maybe you did not realize, Prince.”       “Very funny. Then I will call you cave woman from now on.”           Kana glared at him but Heinard did not back up. Both were good with their words and teasing.         They reached end of the tunnel quickly.  Heinard could hear the sound of water. Inside, an amazing waterfall was running down to a small pond. The gems were lighting up here as well.       “What is this place…” Heinard murmured.           Kana looked around with sad eyes. “I used to come to this place to rest and be alone.” Then she walked towards a door. Heinard followed her, looking around curiously.       They entered to a huge bedroom. There were clothes, old styled like the ones he was seeing on the old paintings at his palace. But they made from the best material with so much details on them, only a noble could afford this quality.       There was a red symbol on the clothes, a beautiful flower type pattern.  He was sure he saw it before but could not remember where…It looked like a symbol of a house, he could not remember which one it was.       Kana was slowly walking inside the room, touching the furniture. There was a very big wardrobe closed, she opened it.     Inside was a long black cloak. It looked like brand new, placed on a holder as tall as Heinard.         Kana touched the cloak gently. “I found what I was looking for, thanks for bringing me here, Prince.”       “That cloak? Why is it important exactly?”         She turned to him. “I will show it to you. But first, get in that pond. We can afford to stay here for few hours. The water is very special.”         Heinard snorted. “I am fine, I don’t need a bath now.”       She giggled, “That is not a normal bath. The water can heal wounds and increase your mana. So be a good boy and listen to me. We need such treatment before the war.”           She passed him smiling and walk nearby the pond. She then started to remove her clothes, revealing her back to him first. He could see her slender waist, smooth white skin and a glimpse of her breast. Without realizing he stopped breathing, focusing completely on the scenery in front of him. As she moved on to taking her pants off, revealing her bottom, that plump and smooth skin created an immediate pressure on his pants.         She slowly got in the water, when she was in till her shoulders, she turned towards him.         “Are you not getting in, Prince?” she asked seductively, she could see her effect on his pants.       He started to breathe again, deeply and slowly to calm himself. He walked closer to the pond and he started to remove his top. His broad shoulders, wide chest and abdomen muscles were revealed. She was examining him completely, carefully.           He then opened his bottoms to get rid of his pants, showing his aroused part to her. He was big and in his full shape, hungry for her attention. She was looking there, happy to see that her intimidation was quick and strong. He got in the pond slowly, never leaving his glance away from her.         As soon as he got inside the pool, he felt the tickling all around his body.         “You feel the water? You will be surprised to see how amazing it is.” Kana asked.         It was amazing indeed that he was already feeling better and stronger.         But his attention was not on himself. Kana’s figure could be seen blurry. Her hair was covering her n*****s. But her breasts were not easy to cover, big and sweet, they looked. He was dying to lick her, even though he was also upset to see her as a woman, not Blood King.       “Are you nervous?” she asked.       “Why would I be nervous in front you?” Heinard answered frustrated.         She giggled again, “I meant for the coming war. You will command a huge army. Did you forget it now, giving your attention to elsewhere?         Damn, he made a fool out of himself in front of her again. He was always a cool, cold-blooded guy yet in front of her he was acting like a small child sometimes.            He got mad and moved to her quickly, leaving not much space between them.         “You are in my kingdom and I am your Prince, whether you like it or not. Do not disrespect me Kanaria.”       Heinard’s voice was deep and powerful, it was Kana’s time to feel nervous.  His body was much bigger than hers, his face was very handsome with piercing eyes looking at her.       “My apologies Prince, but you were looking at me so intensely that I thought you were nervous.”       “Actually, that look was just an observation. Nothing more.”  Heinard said while looking at Kana’s lips, he was lying ho her for sure. It was embarrassing for him to admit what a wonderful looking creature that woman was.       For Kana, It was getting hard to breath calmly because her heart was beating like crazy. Why was the Prince affecting her this much, maybe she was lonely for a long time, she thought.           “Who are you really…Kana?” Heinard asked quietly.           “A prisoner, don’t you know?”         Heinard looked at her face, lips and then the eyes. “Sooner or later, you will tell me everything.”           Kana stood silent, forcing herself not to move ahead and kiss him. Their lips were so close, but both were forcing themselves to manage their coolness.         “Enjoy the water, Prince. I will spend some time in my room then as promised we will be back to the castle in the morning. Excuse me now.” She said and she turned her back to get out of water.     Her beautiful back came into Heinard’s view again. But she quickly took a garment to cover herself, not giving him more time to admire her.           Heianard cursed himself looking at the ceiling. The Blood King from the legends was dangerous, but this woman was even worse than those legends. She was making it so hard for Heinard…in every meaning….         Kana was busy with some papers, Heinard could hear the noises. He decided to give her some privacy for now, so he rested on the sofa.           Kana was reading her old notes to find some clue if she missed anything. But it was no use, there was nothing new that she could see to stop what was coming.         They could sleep for few hours and morning came quickly. Kana left the room and went next to Heinard. “Good Morning Prince. We need to go back now not to cause any big trouble.”         “One day of being missing caused enough trouble, I am sure of that.” he said as he getting up.       They dressed up and got ready. Then Kana went in front of the cloak again. She took it and placed it in her shoulders gracefully. But it was inside out, leaving the red symbol invisible.         “You put the cloak inside out.” Heinard said.       “It is better this way for now” Kana answered, sadly smiling.         That was odd, Heinard thought and pushed his memory to remember where he saw the symbol, but nothing changed. Then he realized that there was a big object located In the middle of holder where her cloak was hanging, a sword.           Heinard could tell even without touching it, it was a very well-made one.  Kana took the sword like a trained warrior. Her smooth movements were proof that she knew how to use it. It was a very beautiful sword with ancient spells and writings, on the holder there was this red symbol again.   She placed it in her back, inside her cloak and looked and Heinard.     “I am ready go.”       Heinard smiled. “So this was the reason why we came here. The sword?”         Kana nodded simply.         “That sword is made from pure mana, I can feel it strongly. Is that yours?”         “Now it is mine, yes. So, shall we go? You would not want everyone to be worried about us, right?”         Heinard could not argue about that. Normally one day would not be a problem because Heinard would send small messages to Arkhan, like he did this time too. A small change in his room before his leave was a sign for Arkhan to know that Heinard was fine and he was going to be back soon. But now Blood King was gone as well so it was possible that this small trip might turn into a big headache for him.       They passed the tunnel again and went out to find Raxin waiting for them. The big wolf came to their side with its tail wailing and sniffled them.       “Thanks for waiting big boy. Lets go back to home.” Heinard said to Raxin and hopped on.       Kana came to their side as well, waiting for Heinard to make a space for her. Heinard offered his hand gently, it was odd cause he could use his powers without needing this.         Kana accepted his hand and sat in front of him. Just like the time they spend coming here, going back also seemed both very short and long for Heinard when Kana was this close to him.           The wind against Kana was bringing her scent directly to Heinard, after last night it was getting so hard to deny seeing her as a woman. Her scent, warm and beauty was undeniable for Heinard.         Heinard loved how fast his big boy was, thanks for him they reached to the center quickly and then to the castle. The guardians at the door saluted their prince and allowed him to enter the gate.           Arkhan did not even lose a one second to come to his side. “Heinard, where were you? I was about to lose my mind!”         Heinard smiled to his friend. “Calm down, Arkhan. You must have seen what I left for you so what was the problem?”       Arkhan looked at Kana. “That was the problem. I was not sure if you were safe.” Arkhna almost whispered his words.           Kana jumped in front of him smiling. “I was with him so surely he was safe. Nowhere is safer than my side, you should notice this by now.”           A deep breath was the only thing Arkhan could do. Before any other reaction he could make, Helios came running towards them. His white skin was turned to red with rush of blood. “My Prince, Kana where have you been!”         “It is all fine, Helios. Sorry for making you guys worried. What about my father and council?”           Helios looked at them with his big blue eyes. “That was actually another shock for me when I found out that you two were gone. We went to the King and reported the situation to him, but he was so calm and said fine, just keep quiet about it and make sure no one finds out!”           That took Heinard’s attention. “My father did not get worried when he learned that I was gone with Blood King?”           Both nodded with nothing further to say. Heinard turned to Kana confused. “How come my father calmly waited for us to return, together with Blood King?”       Kana shrugged her shoulders smiling. “How would I know, Prince? Ask that to your father.”          He knew that King was not going to answer. What to think that his father was not worried for their absence, that meant he trusted Kana… Just what was this Blood King really, surely not the monster and betrayer from the legends… "Are you guys hungry? Lets eat breakfast." Helios broke the heavy silence.  Heinard smiled and let the hunger win for now. But he really needed to learn more about Kana, she was so much more than he knew. The hardest part was to do that before getting closer to her...
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