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AMELIA POV. *DREAM* “MOMMY!” I screamed. As tears streamed down my face. I was being held back by rough hands that hurt me. everything around me was blurry. Like I couldn’t focus on my surroundings. The man threw me into another mans arms and they also hurt as they tugged and pulled on me away from the woman that was lying crippled on the ground in front of us. All I could make out was that she was blondish and naked where she laid on the forest floor with an outstretched hand towards me like she wanted to reach out to me. blood was coming out of her mouth, but she couldn’t move towards me, and I fought with my captor to go to her. I knew this woman was my mother even though I couldn’t make out her face.  “You’ll never see your pups again b***h” The man says that had me first. “P-please no” don’t take m-my pups from me. T-take me instead please I b-beg you!” my mother pleaded, and more tears ran down my cheeks as I felt myself being dragged further and further away from her. “MOMMY!” I screamed and large hands shook me, but I fought them off. “AMELIA!” a familiar voice called to me, but I still fought the hands that were shaking me. “Let go of me.” I pleaded as the shaking went on. “AMELIA!” *DREAM END* I shot up in bed. Sweat and tears were rolling down my face and I pushed against the arms that wrapped around me. “Amelia, it’s okay. It was just a dream.” Came the voice of my mate and I stopped pushing at his arms and just fell into them as I continued to cry. Lyker comforted me as he rocked me in bed until I felt that I gained enough of my composure. “Was it the same dream?” Came his voice and I nodded against his chest as I relaxed against him. “It’s happening more and more the last few months.” He said and I sighed. I was true. I have been having this nightmare over and over again since we found out who our parents were. It was as if it was a memory that tried to force itself to come forward, but it was never clear enough to see the faces of the people in it. “Don’t you think you should tell Malia about these dreams?” Lyker asked and I pulled away from him and settled myself back in bed, but I held onto his hand. “No, I don’t want her to worry. We have enough going on as it is and besides, it’s just a dream. I’m fine.” I said as I looked into his concerned light grey eyes. He didn’t look convinced but sighed and got up from the bed to undress again. I watched him as I settled back into bed and snuggled against him when he got into bed again himself. We laid there and held each other until I heard his breathing even out, but I couldn’t fall back asleep. The dreams did bother me and even though it wasn’t very clear, I knew it was a memory of when we were taken. I just wished I could remember the men’s faces that took us. So that I could add them to my list to get rid of. MALIA POV. I woke to a rustling sound close to me. It was still dark outside so it must be the middle of the night and by the scent, I knew it was Ryker that came back. I heard him move to his side of the bed and I blinked as he switched on the lamp on his side of the bed. “Thought you were asleep.” He said when he saw me awake. “I was asleep.” I said and sat up, rubbing at my eyes.  I looked down to his side of the bed and saw that Amelia was gone. She must have gone back to her room when I fell asleep. I always had trouble falling asleep by myself. I don’t like being alone. Ryker sat down on the bed with his back to me and he started to take of his shoes. I sighed and crawled over the bed to him, and I embraced him from behind. “I’m sorry. I knew I should have said something sooner, but I thought it wasn’t such a big deal seeing as he didn’t actually catch us.” I said and I could feel how tense his body was. “I know Malia, but it’s important to tell me things like this.” He said as he turned his head to look at me from the side and I nodded. “You and Amelia need to be more careful. I know this is your family and that you are drawn to them, but you have to remember our main goal here.” He said and I sat back as he turned around to face me sideways on the bed. “I know, it’s just… the past year has been exciting and heart breaking to watch my family from afar and we haven’t even seen our mother yet. I can’t even remember what she looks like.” I said and I looked down, but his fingers captured my chin and lifted my face back up to his gaze. “I understand, but what about us?” He asked and I frowned to which he continued. “Do you want to start a family with me Malia?” he asked, and I drew in a breath at his sudden question. We have spoken about having pups before, but we decided to wait and deal with the threat first. “Of course, I do.” I said back seriously. “You know I want that.” I said and he nodded his head. “I do too, but we need to get rid of this person who is still managing to kidnap alpha pups because if we don’t then there is a chance that he could come after ours.” He said and that familiar cold feeling washed over me whenever we spoke of things like this. “I’m sorry for overreacting a little earlier, but I’m scared that I’ll lose you.” He said and I took his hand in mine. “You’ll never lose me, Ryker. You are my mate and that is for life, and I wouldn’t change that.” I spoke and he smiled before kissing me. we laid in each other’s arms, until I fell asleep again. *** “How sure are you that you can trust this information.” Amelia asked. It was the next morning and the four of us, along with Jackson, Ryker’s beta, and Oliver, Lyker’s beta, stood around the desks as plans and notes of a facility laid scattered on them. “We don’t.” Lyker said and I looked at Ryker. He had his face concentrated on a piece of paper that showed the layout of the perimeter and I could see that he was in thought. I got the feeling that he also questioned the source where this information came from. A creepy feeling ran up my spine. “The information came from Weasel, didn’t it?” I asked and Ryker looked up then, but at his brother as Lyker looked down, suddenly fascinated with something in front of him. “Weasel? Really Lyker, tell me you didn’t contact him again? We nearly burned our tails getting out of the last place that he promised held answers for us.” Amelia chastised and Lyker pursed his lips. “I didn’t contact him. We were serious when I said that we weren’t going to use him anymore.” Lyker said before Ryker continued. “No, Weasel contacted us this time. Said that he may have found something worth looking at.” Ryker said as he picked up a photo of the building. “And let me guess, he wanted to be paid before he gave you this paper scrap heap.” I said and flicked some of the notes on the table. Our mates nodded as their beta’s looked on. Amelia crossed her arms over her chest and covered her face with one hand and groaned. Wheaton Hansel or Weasel was a lone wolf. A rogue. He was bald and not that much taller than me and he wasn’t a very muscular wolf, but he was quick on his feet. Especially at running away to save his own ass. No pack would take him in because of his cowardice and backstabbing nature, but he was the one you usually turned to when you were desperate in finding something or someone. “Look, this may be nothing. For all we know this could be just and empty building.” My mate said as he pushed forward a picture of the building. It was very rundown and looked utterly deserted. “Or this could be something and we can gain information if there is any otherwise, we can just scratch this off our map.” He said and indicated to the wall behind us where there was a enlarged printed map with numerous markings and notes, where we regularly update on any findings that we come across. I sighed as I looked at Ryker. This was a big gamble. It could just be a pile of rubble… or we could actually find something there and I was all for investigating this place, but because the information came from Weasel, I felt a little hesitant and I knew Amelia felt that way too when I diverted my gaze to my sister. “Okay, fine. What do we know about this place so far?” She asked and Lyker pulled a paper from the pile that was in front of him. “From records of three years ago, it is said to be owned privately by a Steven Gallagher. It was said to be a safe house for the mentally disabled, but then it came out that they did illegal testing and treatments where many people died. Since then, it was shut down and according to many police reports, it states that it has been plundered and vandalized ever since.” He spoke as he laid out the documentation and reports in front of us to see. I still had a bad feeling about this place, but it sounded like it could be something worth looking into. “Okay, so how are we doing this?” I asked and Ryker looked at Jackson, who took that as his que to step in. “Oliver and I will take a small group and inspect the facility first to make sure there is no activity and then secure the grounds then you all can come and search the place whilst we keep a look out. The property is still on private land so this will have to be as discreet as possible.” He said and I raised my eyebrow at him. “We are always discreet.” I said back cheekily, and he rolled his eyes at me. “When will you be leaving?” Amelia asked, but Oliver answered her. “As soon as this meeting ends. Our men are already informed of our outing, but don’t know where yet.” He said and she nodded. “Well, then you better get to it.” Amelia said and the two betas’ nodded and waited for their alphas to dismiss them. With a nod from our mates, the beta’s gathered up the layouts and directions, and left the office. “I hope this isn’t a trap, Lyker.” Amelia spoke after the door closed after the two men. “Because if it is, then I will be hunting down that Weasel myself.” She spoke and I silently agreed with her. “If this turns out bad for us, then I’ll let you do just that.” Lyker said smirking.
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