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MALIA POV. I relaxed back into my pillow and closed my eyes as I tried to catch my breath while Ryker was still on top of me. when I opened my eyes, he was grinning mischievously and bent his head towards my neck and traced kisses along my skin and I felt goosebumps run over my body when he paused over my mark and he bit it gently, making me groan. “R-Ryker.” I moaned and I heard him chuckle. He lifted himself off of me and lied down onto his side as he supported himself on his bend elbow on the bed whilst the other went to draw lazy patterns on my stomach. I grinned at him as his fingers tickled my skin and I covered his hand with my own. “So, did you have a good day?” He asked and I rolled my eyes at him. “If you would have asked me that when I got home instead of dragging me to our room, I would have told you that it was okay.” I said cheekily and he responded with another series of kisses to my neck that made me burst out laughing from the ticklishness of his beard. “I’m sorry, but I just can’t help myself. If I could keep you here in the room permanently, I would.” He said when I came up again. “Yeah, if you could, but I would kick your ass just for trying it though.” I said as my laughter died down to giggles. “That you would, and I have no doubt you would do it too.” He said grinning before lying down on his back. I turned and snuggled up towards him and rested my head on his wide muscled chest. I could hear his strong heartbeat under my ear and that always brought me comfort. He wrapped his arm around my back and held me tightly to him, but I could feel that there was a little tension in his demeanor, so I moved my head to look up at him. “What’s wrong?” I asked as I looked at him staring at the ceiling. “Nothing, just thinking.” He replied before he dropped a kiss onto my forehead. “Where did you follow him to today?” He asked and I rested my head back onto his chest again. If there was one thing I learned about him, it was that if he wasn’t ready to talk about whatever was bothering him, then he would change the subject and I would just let him be. He will eventually tell me, I just needed to be patient. “He must have had some business appointment or something because he went to an office building complex. He was in there for a while before he came out. Then… we left.” I said and I kicked myself mentally for the pause in my voice because I knew he would have picked up on it. “Then… what? Did something happen before you left?” He asked and I sighed. I turned my face up at him and I stared into his dark grey eyes that capture me from the first day that we met. “He uhm… he might have seen us.” I said and his eyes widened. He abruptly sat up as I fell back onto my back on m y side of the bed, and I closed my eyes at the lecture that I was going to get. “WHAT?” He said loudly and I groaned at his angry tone of voice. “It was only for a second. He turned his head in our direction before one of his men got his attention and we got out of there.” I said and he looked angry. “How sure are you that he saw the two of you?” He asked and I looked up at the ceiling to avoid his glare. “When we got out on the other side and looked back, he was sniffing around where were sitting.” I said and he angrily got up from the bed. His naked and toned behind marching to his closet to get a change of clothes. “What are you doing?” I asked as I sat up in bed. What does it look like Malia? He saw you, who’s to say that he didn’t manage to tail the two of you.” He said as he pulled pants up his legs before a shirt followed over his torso. “He didn’t, we got out of there before he even left the parking lot.” I said, but he wasn’t listening. He grabbed a pair of shoes and stormed out of our room, closing the door a little harder than necessary behind him. Nice going Malia. Right now, he’s marching to Lyker’s room and telling him about this little incident and before you know it in about three seconds, your sister is going to come storming into your room. I chastise myself. Three, two, one. Just as I predicted, my bedroom door burst open and my naked twin, with a sheet wrapped around herself, comes marching in with a crazed look in her eyes. “For f**k’s sake Malia, couldn’t you have waited for us to finish before you went running your mouth to Ryker about today?” She said angrily and I fell back against my pillows and groaned. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. You know he can pick up on half truths and bullshit when it comes to me.” I said looking at her from the bed and she sighed. “Yeah, I know. Lyker is like that too, but I really do wish that you would have waited at least another five minutes before telling him.” She said before coming over and getting into bed with me, lying on Ryker’s side. "Five minutes? Jeez Amelia, I didn’t know it has gotten that bad.” I said grinning and I burst out laughing when she grabs the pillow and started hitting me with it. MICHAEL POV. “I’m telling you father; I am sure that I saw them again. they had dark, blackish long hair and they were identical twins. The only reason I remember them is because they kind of resembled mother.”  I spoke as my father stood behind his oak desk with his arms behind his back. He was looking at me with narrowed eyes. “And yet not one of our wolves saw them or could even pick up a scent where you said they were.” My father said mockingly, and I gritted my teeth. “Look, I know this sounds crazy, but the first time I saw them, it was when I went for breakfast with my friends a few months ago and I could have sworn I saw them sitting in a booth in the corner, but when I looked again, they were gone so I dismissed it as me just seeing things. Then last month I saw them for the second time at my college. They were standing at the noticeboards on the grounds when I came out to head to my next class, but when I managed to get there, they were gone and today they were watching me from across the parking lot as they were sitting in the low wall.” I said and I felt agitated that he didn’t seem to believe me as he just continued to stare at me. “Dammit father, my sisters, your daughters could be alive and right under our noses, but you’re just standing there doing nothing.” I said loudly as I came to my feet and hit my fist onto his desk in anger. He calmly looked at my fist on his desk and trailed his dark green eyes back up to mine and took a seat in his chair behind his desk. “If that is the case, then they clearly know who you are if they seem to be following you around.” He spoke calmly and I took my seat in front of his desk again and he continued. “If that is the case, then why haven’t they come home like alpha Frank’s daughter from the Sacred Claw pack? Why do they disappear when you seek them out?” He asked and I had to admit that he had a valid point there. “Maybe… Maybe they are afraid. I mean it’s been years and maybe they are scared that they would be turned away?” I said trying to validate their behavior, but my father merely raised an eyebrow at me. “And why would we do that? I would never refuse anyone who claimed to be my daughters. I would punish them if it turned out that they were lying and tried to deceive me.” He said and I sighed. “You don’t really believe me, do you?” I asked and he leaned forward and turned the computer screen around to face me. “It’s not that I don’t believe you Michael. I do believe you saw something but there is no evidence that it is them.” He spoke and hit the play button and the picture on screen started to play. It was an outside camera of the diner. It was the day that I spoke of when I went for breakfast. “No one by your description came in or out of the diner before or after you and your friends left.” He said in a stately manner, and he clicked on the next button. The screen changed to the outside cameras of my college grounds. it was in color, but that didn’t help much anyway because even though you could see the noticeboard clearly, it was from the wrong angle. I saw the girls on the other side of the noticeboard and this camera was filming from the back of the boards. All that could be seen were the college yard filling up with scurrying students trying to get to class and then there I saw myself walking hurriedly towards the boards but obviously no one could see on camera what I have seen on that day. “Again, there is no sighting of these alleged girls.” He said and he pressed the next button again. The screen changed to the parking lot from today at the business meeting that I attended. We could see the whole parking infrastructure… except for the part where I saw them sat on the low part of the wall. The camera’s angle cut that part of as it seemed to be out of its range. On the video clip you could see me coming out of the building and I stopped and turned my head to look at the space where that camera clearly could not reach before I diverted my attention to one of my wolves speaking to me for only a moment, but they were gone. I sat back and sighed deep with frustration as I saw myself walk off into that direction and disappear off camera. “And this time it seems that whoever you saw wasn’t even on the camera’s range.” My father said and I stared at him as he turned back his computer screen. I wanted to punch something. “Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not there.” I stated angrily, but my father merely sighed. “Look Michael. I believe that you did see something, but with everything that has been happening the last few years with alpha children showing up dead and with Anna making her way home and burned downed compounds with unrecognized burned up bodies buried under the rubble… don’t you think that you are putting too much hope in finding them alive?” He said and I leaped from my chair. “THEY ARE ALIVE! I KNOW IT!” I growled at him, and anger flashed in his eyes before he slowly got to his feet, and I swallowed a sliver of fear. “If they were alive then they would have already made their presence known or Frank’s daughter would have mentioned them at least!” He growled at me, and I shrink back just a little bit. “Do you think I have not been looking boy? Of course, I have! I have never stopped looking but I think it is time to except what could possibly be the reality of the situation.” He said and his eyes flashed again, but this time I could see sadness in them as well. He sat back down heavy in his chair, and I felt guilty for my outburst. “I know you have never stopped looking.” I said. “I know you promised mother that you wouldn’t, and I am begging you now not to give up when there could be a chance that I could have seen them.” I spoke and I saw my father shake his head and look away. “At least give me the chance to try and get proof.” I said and my father looked back at me. he sighed tiredly, but nodded his head.
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