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MALIA POV The one that came out first had his eyes fixed on me and I swear that they glowed even brighter as they stared straight into my eyes. My breath caught and I felt my body heat up under his gaze. It was such a strange feeling. A moment ago, I was so terrified, but as soon as I locked eyes with this beast, it melted away. That was until the Lycan that still had me in his clutches started to snarl and rub himself on me, making me come crashing down back to reality and my stomach turned in disgust. Was he trying to stake his claim? I don’t know why, but I desperately looked back towards the Lycan for help and as though he understood he advanced on the beast that tried to hold his ground but to the obvious observer, anyone could see who the stronger alpha wolf was. They had their teeth bared at each other as they took a standoff and when the dark Lycan reached out his clawed hand towards me to take me from underneath the other Lycan, I grabbed for him, and I got pulled against the bigger beast’s chest. What the hell was I thinking. Clearly, I wasn’t thinking. Trading one beast for another, but this felt different. I felt safer with him which was absurd! I heard my sister cry out in pain and when I spun my head in her direction, I was just in time to see the other Lycan also taking my sister from the other beast. The two Lycans held us securely to their bodies as they growled towards the others and reluctantly, they started to let go of the girls. One by one the beasts were retreating from where they came and some even tried to drag a girl with them but with only a snarl or loud growl from the Lycans holding us, they let them go and got out of there until it was only us and the Lycans. I looked fearfully at Amelia as the Lycans both backed into a corner side by side, securing us safely within their laps. He was sniffing and licking the skin on my neck and a pleasant shiver ran through my body and I felt myself relax into him. Across from us the rest of the girls huddled together. They had various cuts and bruises, but they mostly looked scared. We all sat like that for a while and sometimes the other Lycans would take a chance to try to come back in but with a warning growl from one or both beasts in which laps we sat, they retreated into the hole. When I looked at my Amelia, I could see that she also looked like how I felt, and a thought occurred to me. I looked up into the Lycan’s face and he was staring at me with adoration in hie eyes and when I looked at the other Lycan, he was staring at Amelia the same way. Looking back at my Lycan, I slowly raised my hand to its muzzle and touched the side of his face. I watched in awe as he closed his eyes and leaned more into my hand. His fur felt so soft, and the touch gave off tingles that pleasantly moved up my arm. A lot of thoughts went through my mind. At first, I felt confused and scared, but then I felt safe and found myself not wanting to get away from him. Once I calmed down, my thoughts started to go back to when I was little. I haven’t thought about that time in my life that it almost felt as though the memories belonged to someone else, but I remember a voice telling us about the tingles and the feeling of rightness that you felt when you found your soulmate. I don’t remember what the face looked like, but I remember the voice. It was soothing and motherly. She said that you would feel drawn to that person, and you would feel safe and loved and he would protect you with his life. Still looking at him, I saw gentleness and adoration when he looked at me and he nuzzled lovingly against my hand. At this moment I felt certain that he was my mate. The way he protected me from the other one and cradled me in his lap as though I was the most precious thing to him and the feeling of how right this felt. It was almost surreal. “You’re my mate, aren’t you?” I asked softly and he grunted that almost sounded like a yes and he bent his head to lick my cheek in a loving manner that made me shiver pleasantly. I looked at Amelia and she stared wide eyed at us. She heard what I said, and I could see the realization cross her face and she turned towards her Lycan and also raised a hand to his muzzle before a small smile graced her lips. “We found our mates.” She said as her smile widened and some of the other girls in the cell that heard her, gasped in shock. Just then the cell door burst open, making us all yelp in fright except for the Lycans. They started growling and started to rise up from their positions just as they gently lifted us off their laps and moved us behind them in a protective manner. Our superior step in as guard filled the cell behind him and they were all armed with their tranquilizer guns, and they were all pointed at our two mates. The superior looked furious as he glared at us. His eyes were flashing dangerously that indicated that he was close to shifting. “You bitches just had to go and ruin it, didn’t you? You think that finding your mates is going to change things for you? You’re wrong.” He snarled and the Lycans snarled in retaliation and straightened their spines to stand tall and intimidating. I could see some of the tranquilizer guns were trembling in their hands and I felt satisfaction that they were scared at our mates. The superior lifted his hand to give the order to shoot when a growl and a scream drew all our attention just in time to see one of the guards’ legs disappear through the hole where the other Lycans were in. They never closed the hole! I realized and I glanced at Amelia who looked shock as well. My Lycan mate gave a short howl and before my superior, who realized his mistake, and the other guards could recover from their shock, the other Lycan came bursting into the cell and along with our mates, they attacked the superior and the guards. The other girls screamed as the fight was so close to them and I quickly stepped forward. “HERE.” I yelled at them and indicated for them to come to us. The girls didn’t hesitate and ran to our corner, and we all huddled together as blood and limbs went flying through the air. The screeching of the alarm went off but was drowned out by the screams of the men being torn apart and I felt slightly sick. I have been in fights before, but I’ve never seen anything like this. I suddenly realized how deadly Lycans could be, and I felt relieved that the Lycan’s anger were towards them and not at us. The screams died down as the alarm became the only thing that screamed through the air, and I dared to look around. The cell was painted in red, and I tried not to look at what was spread out on the floor, but I didn’t need to. The girls whimpered in fear as the seven Lycans stood in front of us. Some of them looked lustfully and longingly at the other girls and I noticed that none of the other Lycans dared to look our way and only stared at the others. I had the feeling that they were afraid of our two mates but when my mate growled in warning, they bowed their heads in submission and moved back but not back into the hole, but only stood there, watching. They respected them, I realized and with another realization I gasped. “You’re their alphas.” I stated and the girls all looked at them. Except for me and Amelia, the girls looked scared, but when they saw the others backing off again, they started to get to their feet. Amelia and I stepped forward until we were in front of them, and they hunched down until they were almost eye level with us. They, along with the others, were covered in blood, but it didn’t bother me. I was looking at him in awe and I stroked his muzzle and from the corner of my eye, I saw Amelia do the same. Their ears twitched and their heads snapped to the door. I couldn’t hear anything over the blaring of the alarm, but apparently, they did. Amelia’s mate gave a deep grunt and three of the Lycan’s left the room while the other two stayed. When my mate looked back at me, he nodded his head in the direction of the cell doors and I understood what he was saying. We were leaving. Amelia and I couldn’t succeed in escaping before but with them by our side we stood a very good chance to leave this place behind, but then another thought occurred to me that made me stop. I grabbed his forearm to get his attention and he whipped his head around to look at me. I pointed to the other girls. “We can’t leave without them… and the others.” I said but he shook his head and reached for my arm to pull me with him, but I extracted myself and looked pleadingly at him. “Please. We are all prisoners here, all of us deserve to get back to our packs.” I pleaded to him, and it almost looked as though he gave an annoyed sigh, but he grunted and gave a single nod with his head. He turned to the two remaining Lycans and gave a grunting order and they both left the cell going Goddess knows where. I looked at him quizzically, but he merely licked my check again and indicated with his head for us to leave and then he did the same to the other girls. I looked at Amelia and then to the other girls. “Come on, this is our chance. It’s now or never.” I said and took Amelia’s arm as we followed our mates out of the cell and from the shuffling of steps behind me, I knew that they were following.
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