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MALIA POV. The morning alarm when off and all six of us jumped out of bed and went to get changed for the day on auto pilot. Because of the years we all have been together in our special little unit, and with no privacy stalls to separate us, we outgrew being shy to undress around each other until it became a normalcy. My mind felt groggy and my body tired because of the restless night I had tossing and turning for goodness knows what. My sister was also restless as I heard her tossing and turning during the night as well. The other four of my unit came back late so I knew they didn’t get much sleep too. It seems that they were out training late again, and I wondered why only my sister and I were selected for treatment this time and not the others. Was it because they were male? I didn’t know and I had a feeling that whatever the reason, it was not a good one. In a couple of minutes, we were all dressed in our gray colored schemed camo pants and black boots with white tank tops. We were waiting for our superior to come and unlock our door to be taken to the mess hall for breakfast before the days training is to be started.   Right on que, our door unlocked, and a big mag came in and glared at us. We all stood impassive, waiting until he stepped aside and indicated for us with his head to go. We left our room in single file and met up with other units in the hall who was also on their way to mess hall. After breakfast we gathered in the training yard. The sun was just starting to rise, lighting everyone up slowly. Not that we needed it. we all had excellent vision in the darkness. “Everyone, line up?” Commanded the superior. “Boys to the left, bitches to the right.” I felt confused, we never split up from our unit before, but we did as order and stood rod straight with our hands behind our backs and looked forward. There were nine of us. The superior walked the length of the line twice before coming to stand and address us she-wolves. I felt uneasy. Something was going on and I had a feeling that we were about to find out what. “Congratulation’s girls.” The superior grinned sadistically and my stomach coiled in disgust as his gaze swept over some of us that gave the impression that he was trying to see through our clothes. “You are finally ready to be part of the reproductive program.” He said and his eyes glinted. I felt my heart speed up and it took a lot for me to get it under control and I wasn’t the only one. I could sense the distress of the girls but due to our training and not wanting to be punished, we remained impassive. “Our good doctor has finally made a breakthrough and he found a way to genetically engineer the perfect soldier from within.” He said gleefully. “The boys will continue their training as usual, since the good doctor does not need them to sire your offspring because we have found a more superior species to mate with all of you. What the hell? I thought and the wolf in growled in retaliation. The superior walked up and down the line again and I had to bite back a growl when he stopped in front of my sister and played with a strand of her long hair. “Such a pity.” He murmured as he lustfully looked at her and then to me and then to the others, letting go of her hair. “I would have enjoyed breaking some of you bitches in myself, but I think I will enjoy it more to see how you handle for what is in store for you.” He said and laughed as if he told a joke. Many of us gulped in fear but we didn’t dare to show it. Just when I thought things couldn’t get worse, now this. “You will all report to the bottom cells for your first insemination.” He grinned. “And please, feel free to scream as much and as loud as you want.” He added and a few of the girls started to crumble as their bodies shook from fear. I briefly glanced next to me, and my sister was biting so hard on her teeth to try and fight her emotions, but I could sense how scared she was, and I had no idea what to do about it because I felt terrified myself. We all managed to walk down to the bottom level. Escorted by guards of course and my eyes kept darting to the familiar exits and tried to think of ways for us to get out. We have tried to escape before, but we suffered severely for it, and I never even thought about escaping again, that was until now. We were all visibly shaking now as the guards shoved us into a large, dark cell and locked it behind us. There was a large mirror that took up the one side of the wall and I knew that we were being watched from the other side. Sick bastards. I twirled around on my spot, looking for a weak point as to get out and I seriously regretted that I didn’t have the guts to take the chance to create a disturbance in the yard to give my sister or at least one of the others a chance to get over the compound fence and away from here. A growl made us all start in fright, and we all span around to the one corner of the cell. Only then did we notice that there was a mid-level hole in the wall that had bars over it, but what scared us were the multiple glowing eyes that were staring from the blackness and screams filled the cell when they started to open. Amelia and I coward together in the far side of the cell as the gate fully opened on a screech and snarling and big clawed paws echoed from within. I thought my heart would stop as the first of the creatures emerged from the hole. It was huge and my brain was struggling to accept what my eyes were seeing. That’s not possible, my head screamed at me as the creature extended to its full height. Their posture resembled human, but their features were all feral and wolflike. They stood on their hind legs as they opened and closed their clawed hands. What I saw in front of me, I have only heard of in stories. A myth of some sort. They were rumored to have died out centuries ago, but no… right in front of us, emerging one by one were Lycans. They were the most ruthless and uncontrollable of the werewolf species. The Lycans sniffed and snarled and growled at us. For a moment it looked like they didn’t know what to do or rather who to choose to devour first and from the prominent fixture that stood out clearly from between their legs I knew they weren’t thinking of food. There were only five of them. That thought gave me a bit of hope. We outnumbered them, even though they were stronger, we could stand a chance if we worked together. I thought and when I looked to Amelia, I could see that she was thinking along the same lines as me. the only problem was, was to get the others out of their fear to work together. Unfortunately, we were too slow to form any decent plan, and what would it have really mattered if we could not get out of here anyway. The first Lycan charged that created a chain reaction for the others to attack. Screams filled the cell as they pounced on us and in the scuffle to try and get away, I got separated from Amelia. Please dear Goddess, don’t let this happen to us, I prayed as we were both grabbed by our feet and were being dragged away from each other and I could hear her screaming as she tried to fend of the Lycan that was starting to tear at her clothes and I was finding myself in a similar position as the beast on me ripped at my camo pants and in the struggle I screamed in pain as one of his clawed nails cut my thigh. The beast was about to rip of my pants completely when there was a ferocious roar that not only echoed through our cell but sounded as though it echoed through the hallways all the way to the upper floors. The Lycans stopped immediately and all that could be heard were our whimpering and crying. “M-Malia.” Came my sister’s pained voice and I saw her on her back in one of the corners. She had blood running down her face from a cut above her eye and the Lycan was laying on top of her, he was growling lowly as his eyes were fixed on the gap in the wall from where they came from, seeming to forget about what was under him, and I quickly looked around and saw that the others were also doing the same. Taking advantage of the distraction, I tried to slide myself slowly out from underneath the beast, but he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me closer to him. Another snarl came from the opening and to my horror, two more Lycans appeared. They were bigger and a darker shade than the others. They were growling menacingly at us, or were they growling at the other Lycans? I didn’t know but for some unknown reason I felt hope flare in my chest as the two new Lycans stood up to their full stature that suddenly made the cell look smaller.
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