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MALIA POV. In a matter of minutes after we ran from the cells, everything erupted into chaos. There were blood everywhere and the guards were screaming all around us while shots were fired as Lycans ran wildly on the compound ground. My Lycan was sticking very close to my side, and I saw Amelia’s Lycan do the same. They did their part in the fight to free others that were imprisoned, but they mostly saw to it that we were safe. From out of nowhere, an explosion erupted that shook the entire foundation and I watched in shock as many of my fellow wolves were engulfed in flames and falling walls and debris, but I didn’t get the chance to help any of them because my Lycan grabbed me and carried me bridal style as he ran, just as a part of the wall caved in. “AMELIA!” I screamed in panic, but it drained away, when I saw her emerging between the rubble. Her Lycan had shielded her from most of the falling debris, but he looked to be injured. My Lycan set me down and we both hurried over to them, and my sister and I embraced each other before our attentions were on her Lycan where he was being helped free from his stuck leg. Amelia immediately went to him in concern, and he rubbed his big head against hers in reassurance that he was alright and before I could do anything, my Lycan picked me up again as he lifted his head and gave a loud roar into the air. A moment later returning howls resounded and he nodded to his lycan brother, and they started running with us. I could see that some of the wolves’ escape, and I was happy that they could finally be free, but I felt bad for those that couldn’t. I yelp in surprise when he suddenly jumped the high fence to the other side and the lycans followed, leaving the burning compound behind. We continued to run for a few minutes, climbing to higher grounds and only then did they stop and put us down. Our lycan mates were slightly out of breath, but except for a few scrapes and light bruises, they seemed to be okay. My lycan mate turned to his group of lycans or his pack I suppose before he grunted to them and one by one, they started to shift back, including our mates. Embarrassed, my sister and I looked away with red faces. We have seen naked male before, but something about seeing my mate naked had something stirring inside of me and I knew Amelia felt it too as our eyes briefly locked before turning them down to the ground. No one spoke, but the sound of feet walking away had me frowning until I gasped when I saw a pair of human feet come into my vision and I shut my eyes as my cheeks flamed red. Tingles erupted over my face when I felt him touch my cheek and lift it up. “There’s no need to be embarrassed.” He spoke and I swear a jolt of lightning ran straight to between my legs as I sucked in a breath. “Open your eyes.” He spoke in that deep voice, and I felt compelled to obey even though my legs felt like jelly. Opening my eyes, I felt my world come to a standstill when I looked into dark grey eyes. It almost looked unnatural, but it fit so well with his features. He had a strong confident face that had a few days of stubble growth and thin lips and when he grinned at me, I could see that he had perfect white teeth as well. I couldn’t help it, my hand went up on its own accord when my eyes roamed to his chest and my hand touched the tanned skin there and a pleasant sensation tingled my fingertips, but I quickly gasped and pulled away when my eyes darted lower, and I was absolutely sure that not one of the wolves that were held captive at the compound came close the size that he was and I would know because boys and girls were forced to shift together for years that we were held there. A chuckle made my head snap up to his face who I just noticed how tall he was. My head barely made it up to his chin, but that didn’t matter to me as my face was red with renewed embarrassment for staring. He cupped my face again and I leaned into his touch. “My name is Ryker Grey.” He spoke in that voice that had my knees weak. “And this is my brother, Lyker.” He said and he indicated with his head to the side, and I startled in fright when I realized that I completely forgot about my sister and her mate a few feet from us, and it seemed that I wasn’t the only one. Amelia looked dazed by her new mate’s presence as well and even though the two lycan brothers looked exactly the same, it was their eyes that set them apart. Ryker hard dark grey eyes whereas Lyker had light grey ones that almost looked as if they could light up at any moment. “I-I’m Malia...” I spoke as Ryker made eye contact again. I heard Amelia speak her name as well, but the lycan man in front of me had my attention again. he smiled down at me as I felt breathless as he stroked my face. “Are you hurt?” He asked and I had to mentally shake myself to concentrate. “No, I don’t think so.” I spoke and I quickly did a mental checkup for any aches and pains, but there was none. “No, I’m not hurt.” I said and he seemed relieved, before a frown formed between his eyes. “How did you two end up here?” He asked and he indicated to the still burning compound. “We uhm....” I started, but I also frowned when I tried to think back. “We were taken, but we can’t remember from where. It was a long time ago. we can only remember our names, but other than that… it’s a blurr.” Amelia spoke up and Ryker looked at her as anger crossed the two brothers faces. “How long?” Lyker asked Amelia. “About eleven years… I think.” She said and when Ryker looked at me, I nodded that she was telling the truth. Growls escaped both their throats, but strangely it didn’t scare us. Somehow, we knew that it was out of anger for the people who kept us captive and not directed at us. “So, you don’t remember where you two came from?” Ryker asked and I shook my head, but Amelia answered. “I think I remember a woman… I sometimes dream of her calling out to us… and I think there was another kid. A boy, but I think he got away.” She spoke and the lycan brothers sighed. “We will do everything we can to find your family.” Ryker said and my heart beat a little faster, but a grunt from Lyker had me look towards him. “You know what would happen if we actually managed to do that?” He spoke and Ryker clenched his jaw and nodded. “What do you mean? What will happen?” I asked as the brothers shared a look before Ryker gazed back down on me. “Let’s just say that werewolves don’t really tend to mix with us. It’s frowned upon to have a mate other than your own kind. They believe that it would taint the bloodline to mate with a lycan.” He said and I huffed out annoyed, “then luckily for you two, whatever they have done to us… I think that tainted our blood more than anything else.” Amelia said. She was right. We might not remember where we came from or what our beliefs of our pack may be, but we weren’t the same as back then. I frowned as another thought came to me. “You and the other Lycans managed to break us out and destroy a place that had all of us in captivity… how did they manage to catch all of you if you are so strong?” I asked and I saw a shade of red color his cheeks in embarrassment and Lyker snickered at his brother. “Oh, shut up will you.” Ryker lowly growled in his throat at his brother. “I got distracted and we got ambushed and since there was more of them with tranquilizer guns than us, we were quickly overpowered.” He said, but Lyker snickered harder. “By distraction, you mean you were trying to talk up that human chick with the short red skirt.” Lyker said and he got another growl from his brother, but mine was mixed in their as well, but mine wasn’t directed at him, but at my mate. Ryker quickly held up his hands in front of his chest, palms facing me. “In my defense, I haven’t met you yet and didn’t know I had a mate.” He said and even though I still felt jealous, I saw his point. He turned his face to his brother and retaliated. “And as if you weren’t checking out her ass as well, dear brother.” He said and this time it was Amelia’s turn to glare at her mate and Lyker laughed nervously as he pointed to his brother. “Like he said. We didn’t know we had mates at the time.” He said and swallowed as she continued to glare at him. This was all amusing, but this was not the time for it. We just managed to escape from years of captivity with those who managed to get away, probably long gone, by now and we still don’t know what the purpose of all this was. “What do we do now?” I ask as I watched the blaze engulf everything up in front of us. This seems to bring the rest of them back to reality and the four of us watched as the compound that my sister and I have known as our home for the last eleven years, was being destroyed by the scorching flames and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction in seeing it come down. “I know what we can’t do.” Amelia says. “Even if we manage to find out where we come from, we can’t go home.” She states and at this I whipped my head to the side to look at her and I knew our mates were looking at her too. “Whatever they did to us… it made us different. I don’t know how, but I’m sure you can feel it too.” She said as she looked at me. She was right. It felt like something inside of us were missing, like something has been removed, but we didn’t know what. ”There is a chance that the people who did this to us have escaped before everything went up in flames and if they did then there would be a possibility that they would keep watch over our families to ambush anyone who might be able to make it back.” She said and looked to the two lycans in turn. “it would not only put us in danger, but our families as well.” She spoke and I nodded sadly as I agreed with her. “But what we can do, is hunt the bastards down and make sure that what happened to us, doesn’t happen to others.” She says and looked back at the blaze. It looked beautiful and blended splendidly with the setting sun and for the first time in my life I felt that I was created for a purpose. A purpose of my choosing and I silently agreed with my sister. We went through hell for years but in return we received something that no one else has been born to be able to do. I sighed contently as large strong arms easily wrapped around my body and pulled me protectively to a hard warm chest and next to me, I see Amelia being wrapped with strong arms as well. We looked at each other and with steel determination. This was our new mission. To hunt down and punish those that did wrong. Afterall, what else were we created for.
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