2011 Words
MALIA POV – FOUR YEARS LATER “I don’t think this is a good idea, what if they see us?” I whispered to Amelia who sat beside me on a low wall, close to a parking lot. We were acting casual as though we were waiting for someone, when in truth we were spying. Hoping to get a glimpse of the persons we were hoping to see.  From other people’s perspective, we looked like normal twin black haired sisters with different shades of green eyes, just hanging out together, but I was afraid that we would be noticed this time. Even though we promised to not go home, we were still curious to what and who home was. It took us three of the four years since our mates saved us, to find them. We were shocked to learn that, or parents were Alpha Jack and Luna Samantha Stone of the Moon Howlers pack. He was one of the most ruthless alphas in the lands and not many came off lightly if they managed to piss Jack off. We managed to get a few glimpses of him as he left his territory and so on, along with his son, Michael. Our brother. He was like the male version of us. Dark haired and green eyes, but he was slightly taller and more pumped on muscles. They always looked so serious as though they never smiled or had any joy in their life, and it took us a while to realize that maybe they weren’t always like this. Maybe with us being taken had broken them, because with the more research that we did, the more we found out that after our disappearance, he nearly went out of his mind. Especially when his wife and Luna of the pack was injured in our abduction. We felt very guilty about that. We didn’t know the extension of her injuries, but our source said that she was in a wheelchair and have never left the pack grounds in years. “There he is!” Exclaimed Amelia and I turned towards where she was looking. It was our brother Michael. He was walking out of the busy business building with some of his men and I gasped when he suddenly turned his face towards us. “Oh s**t!” I exclaimed as he frowned, but his attention was momentarily taken when one of his men by his side spoke to him. It was all we needed to get out of there. We ducked behind the wall we were sitting on and sneaked off behind it until we managed to get to the other side. When we dared a look where he was, he wasn’t there, but my heart skipped just like Amelia’s when we saw him nearing the place where we sat, and we could see him sniffing the air. “That was to close Amelia. What if he caught us?” I chastised and she had a pained look on her face. “I know, I just…” She said on a sigh, but I knew how she felt. We agreed all those years ago to not go home, but since we found out our real identities, we felt drawn to them. It might seem cruel to others, but we were protecting them because some of the men that ran the operation at the compound, did manage to get away and some of us that managed to escape and found their way home, mysteriously died. We managed to get to some of them, but not all of them wanted to stay away and there was one that actually managed to make it home completely. She promised to not tell anyone about the rest of us and that’s how we managed to find our pack. She sniffed around about other pack abductions and found out that the Moon Howlers pack was the only pack who had two missing twin girls who had been kidnapped. We haven’t managed to regain the memories of when we were five, but we knew it was there and we felt it that they were our family. We watched as he looked around and no matter how much we wanted to we couldn’t go to him and reveal ourselves. Not until we have managed to get the ones responsible for doing this to us and because of our mates. We understood better know what they meant the day they rescued us. Lycans were looked down upon because of their roguish behavior, but personally I think it is because the werewolves feared them. “Come on. We better get back before they start looking for us.” I said and turned away and I heard Amelia follow after a moments pause. We were silent on our walk to our car that we parked a block away. “Do you think they are still looking for us?” Amelia asked and I nodded. “Yeah, I think so. With Anna being able to get back to her pack, there were a lot of packs looking for answers from her on where the other alpha heirs were and I’m sure that they would have asked about us too.” I replied. She didn’t say anything further until we got to the car and got in and we sat there for a few minutes. “Did we do the right thing?” She asked and turned to look at me from the driver’s seat. “if it keeps them safe, then yes.” I answered. She started the car and we drove of and just like I thought, my phone rang. It was Ryker. “Hi.” I answered and I could hear his worry in his voice when he spoke. “Are you alright? You two have been gone for a while, where are you.” He spoke and I smiled at his concern for us. “We’re fine. We are on our way back now.” I said and I heard him sigh over the phone. “You stalked him, didn’t you?” he asked, but it was a statement and I snorted. “We weren’t stalking. We were just… checking up on him.” I said and it was his turn to snort over the phone at me. “Just make sure nobody saw you and get back here safe.” He said and I shared a look with my sister to which I knew who would have heard the conversation with her wolf hearing. She rolled her eyes before turning her attention back onto the road. “Don’t worry, we’ll be home in a bit.” I said and I could hear him sigh on the other side of the phone. “Okay. Love you.” He said and I smiled to myself. “Love you too.” I said back and ended the call. RYKER POV. They stalked him again, didn’t they?” Came the voice of my twin brother, Lyker. “Yeah, or as they call it, checking up on their brother.” I said as I sat down at my desk in our office. It was a spacious room that we turned into a two-desk office to accommodate the both of us. Lyker snorted and shared a look that I knew all too well. “Yeah, I know. If they keep this up, they will be discovered soon, but what can we do? They are her family and I think that it is taking a lot in them to stay away from them, but I believe that they wouldn’t risk what they have here with us to be deliberately reckless.” I spoke and he nodded. “I know. I’m just scared that if they get discovered that not only will their pack try to separate them from us, but it would make them the main target of the experimental madman. So far, we have managed to stay anonymous to whom have been taking out his men and sabotaging his compounds that we have managed to unearth, but it’s still…” He said and trailed of as he turned his head to the window and gazed out onto the grounds outside the packhouse. “I know, Lyker. It is still a risk, and we need to speak to them to be more careful, but it is still their family. They will always be drawn to them, like they are drawn to us.” I said and he sighed again as he still looked out the window. Just then, a knock sounded on the door. “Enter.” I called and my beta, Jackson, came in. “Yes?” I enquired as he closed the door behind him. “There was activity at the site. Three black cars came up to the deserted compound on our surveillance cameras, but they didn’t seem to be human.” He spoke that gathered both our attentions. “What do you mean?” My brother asked and Jackson pulled a black and white photo from his pocket and handed it to me and Lyker got up to see what it was. “They carried no weapons that I could see, and they moved like pack.” He said and I looked down at the photo. It was zoomed in to show one of the black cars a part of the nose to the second car, but it was the man in the photo that caught my attention. He was clearly the leader in this snapshot as the men around him kept an eye out as he seemed to be looking with at the burned down facility with curious frown on his face. he had short dark hair and even though the photo was in black and white, I knew he had dark green eyes… just like Malia. “So, they finally found it.” I spoke as I looked at the photo of Malia’s father. Lyker snorted as he also recognized their father. “With all the clues we left, it took him long enough.” He spoke and went to sit down at his desk again. “Although, I still don’t like the idea of leading them around with a chance that he could stumble across the lot of us.” He said and I understood. If he were to run into Malia and Amelia by accident on the path that we have led him down, then there would be a chance that he would insist on his girls to stay away from us, but we also knew what it meant to our mates to be able to reunite with their family again, but I was more sure that my mate would stay by my side than Lyker. “Thank you, Jackson. Let me know what happens and where they go.” I said and my beta nodded before heading to the door. “And remember, your lunas can not know about this. At least not yet.” I spoke and with a final understanding nod, he left, closing the door behind him again. “I still think this is a bad idea. Our mates don’t want them to get involved, they want them to be safe.” Lyker said and I sighed. “I know, but do you really think any pack is safe while that maniac that kidnaps alpha pups is still running around out there?” I asked, but he merely clenched his jaws. “we need all the help we can get to catch this guy, because I don’t know about you, but I want to start a family soon and I want to do it knowing that there isn’t a threat to them out there.” I said and he sighed. He knew I was right, but I knew that he didn’t like to keep things from Amelia just like I didn’t like to keep things from Malia. “Just promise me that we will tell them about this and soon.” He said and I nodded. “We will, when the time is right.”
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