2064 Words

MALIA POV. “I’m so sorry Malia.” Came Ryker’s voice. I turned slowly wear I still stood naked in our room from shifting back a few minutes ago. Amelia made it back before me, but she hid herself in her room just like I just did and with us being genetically altered to be faster, the two of us made it home before the others. Tears burned in the corners of my eyes as I watched Ryker close the door and approach me slowly as though I was about to bolt out of there, but I knew he was giving me space, a chance to walk away if I didn’t want to be comforted, but I wanted it. I needed Ryker. He sighed when he pulled me to his chest, and I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him tight when I felt the tears start to fall again. How could my father do that? How could he just chase us away like

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