1767 Words

RYKER POV. I breathed in heavily through my nose as my teeth was still sunk into her neck. Slowly my brain started to catch up with me and with a shock, I realized that I have been rougher with her than I usually was. Not just that, but there was something different to our lovemaking… more intense. I haven’t remarked her since our first mating and the fact that I didn’t even realize that I did it, had me concerned. I retracted my teeth and pulled out of her as gently as I could as I felt her body sag against mine. When her feet touched the ground again, but her legs were shaking and she couldn’t hold her weight, so I held her up against my body as I looked down in concern at her. "Did I hurt you?" I asked as a feeling of guilt grew in my chest, but she shook her head and smiled sleepily

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