1583 Words

MALIA POV. “Right. Now that you see that Malia is safe and that you have brought my other daughter to me, you all can leave.” Our father said and growls could be heard from both our mates. “What?” Michael, Amelia and I asked simultaneously. Our father turned to our brother with a raised eyebrow, looking at him as though his orders were supposed to be clear. “Your sisters are home, and for that the lycans have our gratitude, but now it is time for them to leave.” My father said loudly, and I saw some of the wolves digging their claws into the dirt as though readying themselves for a fight. “I’m not leaving here without my mate!” Ryker growled and I put a hand onto his chest to calm him. I didn’t want this to end in a fight because I knew they outnumbered us, but he would lose a lot of goo

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